Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 3

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conomy Measure. Economy in elections, to be acbieved. tbrough a consolidation of the various election days, will be discussed this week at a c onference between of- ficiais of nortb sbore villages -and County Judge Edmundý K. Jarecki, ac- cording 'to -an announcement made by'the latter Saturday. Tbe recently enacted consolîdated election laws *provide for .holding municipal, school gnd park board elec-: tions on. the same day, the first T 1ues- day- in April. Heretofore these.elec- tions, bave been held on tbree separate days, thus adding to the cost as wel as to the inconvenience of voters,. It is* to discuss the provisions of the new: laws and ascertain the ideas of local officiaIs that the, conference bas been called. i is,,pointed out that the new legis- lation. does flot make it compulsory for villages to consolidate their elec- tions, but makês it possible for tbem to do so if -tbey desire. Should a village decide to take advantage of tbe new law, it would only be neces- sary to adopt a local. ordinance to that effect. "These acts," said, Judge Jarecki, 'are money saving laws of which the corporate autborities may take ad- vantage if they wish. Tbey do flot change the election procedure in any way or affect the rigbt of the muni- cloalities to. conduct their own local recommend that village autiiorîties take full advantage of this- oppor- tunity to save. on election costs." It is contended that by holding mnu nicipal, school and park board elections on the same day _a larger number of voters would go to the Polils. One Hurt as Car Lcaves Road and Hits Culvert one-half mile east of I-arms road. Indoor basebail, horse sboes, cards, steaks, and refreshments wil be the attraction. Every member of the council and their friends* are invited to attend this annual stag aff air.,1T Instructions on bow to reach the Nortbwestern golf course club',bousge fromn Wilmette:. Take>any road soutb to Emmerson, street (route 58) and turn leftý and continue str aight west' one-half' mile west of Harms road. 1Phonie reservations are' to be.made. with Tony Ludovice, Wilmette 2245; George White, Wilmette 114; or Wil- mette 1243. Enter Tennis Tourney at High Sehool Courts A niumber of entries bave -been re- ceived for tennis. tournaments Which are to be run off, at -the New: Trier Higb school, tennis courts 'starting next Moliday, if enougli interest-is sbown. The tournaments-singles for men, singles for boys 16 years old or under and doubles for men-are being arranged by G. H. Flaningam, New trier tennis coach. Jack Harris, Dan Kreer and Donald Stillman,,. tbree bigb school youths, have entered botb tbe boys' division and the men's division. Harris and Kreer are mem- bers of the New Trier High school tennis team. Bill Condy, anotber. member of this team, is also entered condition. .-i Thre are tour ciay courts and four new cernent courts. Work was completed this week on tbe last of the new cement courts. Invite 7th District Legion. Posts, to Viein Tourney Arch Ho*ule, atbletic chairman of Wîimette Post No. 46, American Le- gion, announces that legionnaires of the Seventhy district will ýstage the first annual inter-post golf tour- Regional Townsend plan bead- quarters have been establisbed at the Great Northern hotel, Chicago, where a daily noonday forum is held, àis-iwéff- as a mass meeting each Sunday after- noon at 3 o'clock. Townsend plan programs are broadcast over station; WJJD each Monday, Wednesday and Friday çveningat 8:15. The local 'club 'extends -a cordial in vitation to aIl interested citizens to attend i t s' meetings., Thoroughlyý posted speakers are- ýalways present, and dependable information available. Four Go to, Hospital Ah-er Auto Collision Sbortly after noon Sunday as P. J. Kober, *2763 Asbury avenue, Evans- ton, was driving east on Isabella street, bis car was, struck by ýthat. of Char es Russo, 526, Sixth street, who was driving north on Sixth street, the collision taking place on the Evans- ton side of Isabella street. The Kober car, however, was tbrown te the Wihnette side, breaking a street ligbt standard. In the car with Kober were P. A. Kober, Mrs. M. A. Kober,, Misses Betty and Martha Kober and Rudy Kaspar. Margaret Gray, 1130 Colfax street, Evanston, took the two former to the Evanston bospital, and, Officer Branscome of the Wilmette police took the others to the same hospital. None was seriously injured. A decided improvement in the band- ling of traffic in tbe neighborhood of Dyche stadium was noted during the display of fireworks on the evening of july 4. Wilmette police officers, Twere assigned to the locality tocon- trot the movement and parking of, automobiles. * As'aresult the traffic lanes" were kept, -open, cars were parked on nearby streets in orderly' fashion, and private <riveways were flot obstructed. At the regular meeting of the Vil- lage board held Tuesday night of last week, viçtory perched on tbe banner of the citizen grôup wbich had eap- peared' before the sresand alleys commi ttee kt a public bearing on June 28 to protest against the widening of Wilmiette avenue and Tenth. street as part of. a prcposed improement of, these thoroughfares., Trustee Iliff re- porte d for the comtmittee, and. rec- omnmended that the, improvement be abandoned in view of tbe. fact that. p ublic sentiment appeared to be, over- whelmingly opposed to any widening of the streets. ,On motion it was go ordered. Ordar Ruoad 0<M Another action of the board that will receive the plaudits 'of.mnyn3 citi- zens was the letting of &a contract to the Tuf -Tread corporation, of Chi- cago,' for àpproxiffately 16,000 gallons of applied road oil, to lie apread upes,- the dirt roads of the village. The price paid was 4.25 cents per gallon, applied, tbe total being $680. This protection against dust bas been soughtby citi- zens living on or adjacent to dirt roads for several seasons, but the stateof village finances was not such as to make it possible. Applications froni L. J. Lorrenzini and Fred Niekrens, private watch- men, to be sworn in-as special police 'Brautigam,w ili arn Salter -and Charles. 01 Lance for reinstatement as Village officers were referred to tbe same commission. Lot Street Cu>mra<t Contracts for twostreet improve- ýment's were awarded. One for. the grading and graveling.of Wilmette avenue from Twenty-third street west to the Village limits, went to John W. Moore of Evanston. at bis low J secretary of the division. Many GOING TO RUSSIA leaders prorninent in the educational Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glassenberg, field were present for the convention. 150 Laurel avenue, and tbeir daughter, One of the bighligbts of the ses- -, Mi- Nora Glassenberg, 'are leaving sion, according to Mr. Brown, was- the last of July on tbe Normandie for, an address by.Sen. Gerald P. Nye of atrip .to France and Russia. Mi.ý North Dakota on themunîtion manu- Glassenberg is now on a, several weeks' facturing industry and ithe Senate in-- business -trip in Calîiornia., vestigations concerning the industry \ the Want Ads. - f Select Your Car Today..The J Want-Ad JVayI In the other instanc Kerwin had sued the-' ment for use of a clay ing grom~d. The Vill one of twd'lots ýon wd (Çonjtinued on. the ph *a

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