Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1935, p. 49

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ter. Deal with owner only. Write A-51 Box 40, Wllmette, Illinois. 113LTN101tp FOR SALE-VACANT NORTH SHORE WOODS H IAVE FORTYý. CRES 0F BEAUTI- fui .woodedi land west. of Highland Park that -I would like tô divide, int< A ive-acre tracts and seil to a desirable clàas f*buyers at a price less than one half what it sold for seven Years ago. The taxes are low and it affords 'a splen- did opportunlty to. secure 5 acres of beauiful woode wftllin a few mninute> drive of a Skokie Valley, station of the North Shore Eiectric lune. For full particulars .write A-54, Box 40, Wil' mette, Ili. i14LTNIO-ltc RIPARIAN VACANT $1'25.OO per ft. SELDOM IS SUCH- AN OPPOUTUNITY offered., 100 ft. of frontage by oe 00ft. ta thre lake, a beautiful wooded lot ln close-in location. Cali Mr. Ward riTHEBILLS REALTY, Inc. 629 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON4 Willmette 3740 Greenleaf 1166 I 114TNIO-lt< VACANT BARGAINS 2'h ACRE HOMESITE ON SUNSET Ridge Rd. opposite golf club. Ex- ceptionally low at $2 300. A ,few choice 50 ft. lots acrose fromn Skokie Park (off Willow Rd.). Water, and. iight in. -$600 each. Winnetka 1111. 114LTN1O-2tc CHOICE WiNNETKA LOT BOxlSO ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID A REAL SACRIFICE AT $2,000 Ileinsen Realty Company 660 Center St. (W.R.R. A%e)Wintk 114LTN10-Itcý 75x150 VACANT, NICELY LOCATED *South east Winnetka. Wooded. Price *$1 00 ft. and worth, it. Mangel (1Morist), 21 East Monroe St. Central 8732. 114LTN10-ltcý * W^NTED TO BUY-VACANT___ CASH FOR REAL -VALUfl 'LOT 50:OR 65,feet, easy walking distance -trans- portation ,west of tracks near Skokie, Horace Mlarn or Hubbard WoÔods schools. Give full description, 'size, price, location, taxes, improvements,, neigh-, bors. Address. A-50, Box- 40,- Wilmette. * Ill~115LTN1O-Ite. CAMPS ROBERT ERWIN ENGLISH OAK dining room and bedroom suite, ex- cellent condition. At but a fraction of cost. Call Glencoe 1451 for apppoint- mient ta inspect. 129LTNîOî-te L1ARGE THOR, WASHER AND IRONER, A-i COND)ITION. WILL sacrifice for.cash. Ph. Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN1O-ltp FOR SALE - WICKER1 PORCH FUR- niture:'cansisting of desk and chair, 2 rockers, chaise longue, fernery. Good condition. $15. Phone Wilmette 927-J. 129LTN10'-1tî> CROSLEY SHELVADO1;, .PRACTIC.. ally new, 4 cubic f t. $65., Moderistîc table top rtove, $25. Washer and mangle, compilete, $30. Ph. Wiimette 3335. 129LTN10.-1tc ANTIQUE PIIECES, INCL'UDINO tables, desk, chair and accessories. modern studio cauch', pctures, dining roo)rr furniture. Moving away. Olencoe 1968. 129LTN9-2tn MMETL DOUBLE JBZD, SPRINGS, ,mattress. Carvýed cëabinet,.carved coféee table, marbie dclGk set, dresser and bri-a-brac. Phone Qlencoe 408. 129L10-ltp. WTD. TO RUY-H*EHOLD.. OODO CASHI FOR YOTJR USED FURNI - ture, modern or antique, a.nd othey hous5ehold articles. ýWill aima accept yaur furniture on con. signnernt basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE Establisired 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 130LTN43-tfr CALLS FORSWORDS, RIiOS, CLOCKS, drapes, dresses, end tables, plated eoffee sets, desks and sofas. Buckley ReSale Shop, Wil'met.te 1174. 130,TNle-ltp WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, RUGS, MEN'S AND .womnen's clôthing, shoes, etc. Ph . Uni.» 0 103. 13OLTN1-4tp FOR sLE-MISCELLAN-EOUSi Reconditioned Bicycles like new - reasanable. Glenicoe Bicycle Sho 708, Vernon Ave. Glenco 57 METAL FURNITURE, SHAMPOO AND BY TH-I PRESI- OF TRUSTEES F WLMETTE: ln Section 2 herein) ta display or expose for sale, g iVe awaY. or. otherwise dis- tribute ta the public in stores, on thre streets, by v'ending machines, by pd di gft-rmhouùse ta bouse, or ln, ani Public place- or office building, any contraceptive device,. ý-any article or medicinal preparation priniarily manu- factured -for, or whicir may be used as, a contraceptive, any. prapirylactic. ur ber goods, any ather, articles for thre prevention of venereal diseases and infections or. any sex incitin9 device or contrivance iln thre Village .of Wfimette, Illinois,. or ta display or expose any con- tainers or packages therefor, descriptive or suggestive of tire contents. It shall be unlawfuî ta 'advertise the sale 0 f tire same on any placards, bilîboards,, hand- Village of Wilmette, Illinois. SECTION 2.- The provisions of Section 1 as ta the sale a.nd distribution of such gonds shallflot apply ta wholesale drug- gists, Jobbers or manrifacturers wira sel] ta retail drug stores fo~r resal, nr to regularly licensed practitioners of medi- cine, nor ta the sale of sucir appîtances, drugs or medicinal preparations by licensed drug stores, provided sucir sales are made only fram tire prescription coQunters of sucir drug stores by reg- istered pharmaeists there emplayed, and only ta persans more tiran eigirteen yearÈ of age. SECTION 3: Any persan, co-partner- saip, corporation, firm or association violating any of tire provisions of tis Ordinance shall upan conviction tirereof ire punished bY a fine of not less than ten dollars _($10.00) and 'lot, ta excee.3 twa huridred dollars ($M0.00). SE~CTION 4: All ordinances or parts: 'of ordinances ln. conflict irerewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5.b Tis Ordinance shahl be in full force and effect from and after its passage. SPassed by tire President and Board of Trustees of the. Village of Witlmette on thre 9th daiy of July, A. D. 1935, and deposited and filed ln tire office of tire Village Clerk of said Village.tis, 9th day of July A D., 1935. NICHOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk Approved by tire President of the Village of Wilmette, Illinois, tis 9th day of July, A. D. 1935. touuuued y the 1iberator Simnon de B3oivar, in 1821,.is the highest honor that Peru cmii confer upon her citiizenu and upon foreigners to whom sire wishes to show ber good will. .Mr. Means îs -at present putting the final touches tô his new book,' The S>anish Main, which Charles Scribner's Sons wil publish in October. In this new work there is rnuch hith&ito unpublished material con- cerning Spanish rule in the Ameèricas, espeially in the Cribben regioncon- cerning the' struggles of1 the -Engi Dutch and French. ta-break'dw thre power of Spain., PROPOSAL Bids will be received for insuranee an municipally owned autos and mater équipmnent at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village.of Wilrnette at 10::00 A. -M., July. 22,,1935. Blanks can ire obtained at tireoffice of thre Clerk.> NICHOLAS P. MILLER Village Clerk ]RAIO CIIO-lt Philco RI. C. A. IL M. S. Factowy Service Servce. 1122 Central W-ulmm.tte<t. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse, Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility. with its Moving, Packing and Storage * Services Estimnates Furnished Without ObligatiOn $2,OOO to $20,000 MCGU IRE & ORR, Inc. Ovlier 0Yaa teendable Service tao Davis ufjt., Evanatoiiare..1080 127A-ýLIN1O-ltv Junk Dealer-Phil Schuman Highest mrarket price for paper, maga- zines, rags, old Iroi, ,scrap metal, batirtuirs and men's oid cIotiring~ Phone Wilmette 349. 132L.TN9-3tp NOTICES Not responsible for debts contracted by anyon e but myseif. Konfleth C. Long PERSONAL FINANC.E ,CO. WiL 410»7M.Church Street 2R4 Ph.,

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