er's \oodlaiNi Grove, located three iles west of Evanston on Harrison street, b'etweep Skokile boulevard and Harms roa.d. Festivities, beginning at 9 'O'clock, arec lanned to last ail day, Nith somethiing, to do for everyoue in the family. For the specilal enteýrtaîinnent o f the children arrangements hav e leenl madle to have. a merry-go-rounld a.nd a .ponv ride on the grounds, whiie races for vounlg and-old, a bal gamne, an d latér,- dancing., ill compete for attention with the attractions of re- freslhmienit.stanids anda host of shade trees. Nationallv promninent speakers are alsio promised for the occasion, -which promises to be long remiemhcred on the nlortli shore as a delightful renew- ai ofth old tiîne. rallv dav, w'hen IAC.81 r iM EAb-LI ýtI Mfr. and Mirs. Harry D. Temporal, 1945 Thornwoôd avenue, returned Saturday from the east, spending sev- eral weeks in i NIe\ York and ,visiting Mr.s. Temporal's brother-in-law andý sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown of1 Cleveland, who are spending thé sum- mer at'Beach Haven,N.. DENY'DOG OWNER'S PLEA Th e request of -Louise C. Searnari. 2144 Glenview road, for'permission, to. keep a larger number of dogs than theý present ordinaince provides for, wvas the Village board atàits meeting Tue.sda-%.'night. the entire famlilv turîîed out fo r ail inexpensive good tiînle. 1, Sui»nnyfi.Id Com Flakos Heins MRieFlake K.ilogg'S pop. QOuakèe PuW What. ~Iî.tKdpI.s I- 2 PS.23c' PK? C~8.9 2 2I15 2 ~~25e &ELO ' COAN MELAK 3PKOI& GRAPE-NUTS FLAKESé 21 PKGL 9 CALUMET- BAKINGlOL20 P0K4% S 2KGi:l9c P*st Toustes 3 21 c Grape-Nuts . 2 "-oz 31 c Instant Postum $j-Dz 22c SUNNYFIELD SLICED BACON 2 -:135c NDC Ritz Crolcus Bufter Cook 1« PRI'81'LLA Long Bologna Sauag.. Minc.d Ham. R&! Dry SaltPork ..* ENCORE PIMIENTO STUFFED I Spr ing9 LEG 0F LAMB Ibo 2@1/C EVAPORATED M"L WHITE HO1JSE 5TALL CANs29 Cue'umber Pleki, Spaghsti P-M Northe. Tisu. Gauze Tisu.. ip . ýROLL.s 21 c IROLLS 17<. Friday 'and Saturday SPeci ais Fresh Ground Beef I 2 Ibs. 29C I 14 t PKO. 23C PKO. 20c LB. 2 3c LB.21 c LB. 211/c