--* L,*, v;; Noi .s t.re pr'operty, preferal$ly acreýag J general hÜeok Go or stay nights;. and fan .AppIicants should state do-USD0AR Good cook. Exccellent North Shore refs. tails of experience and references. Re- SDCR EXPERIENCED NURSE WILL GIVE will be made without consent. Write services in exchange for assisted pas- A-61, Box 4(), Wilniette, 111. Ç D L A sage to England or Europe. Address 72Lr;l-lto I)(>WVN A-58, Box 40, Wilmette, I. 68LTNI1-ltp HELP WANTED-f4-MAE AND FEMALE 34 Cadillac 5 ExPERIENCED INFANTS NUùý ýÊ....... $5 >Hospital- traifli'ng. Best North Shore Bsns potnt and Doctor's references. Phone1 Lakeitées .ipttfiy i 3Cdlac7sd65 Vîw3l"4. 69iTN1-Ïtp DUE .TO OUR EXPANSION PROGA'YÏ33 Cadilla ýc 7s SITUAION WNTE~~MAL. we have several positione open in our '32 V-2tnsdà9 __ sIO ÀNîý ales, department for aggressive meaurV-2t.se. 9 wornen. Pull or part time workers. Those '31 Cadillac V-8 te sed. . 240 Odd Jobs Arouiid House selected wiIl be trained and placedII3.CdllcV 2Tsd. 345 Fatst and ýreliahIe positions of, exceptjonal .31otunaîec Winnetka 1356 Liheral eonmisi<,is. See Mr. Galantin,'0CdlaV8de.sd13 6TN1tpc/o Iredaýle's,. Highland Park.'3 ailcV Experinced8 anel. ts d. 135t ý,Expriened mn, wnts 3Lllltp'29. Cad .illac V-8 t. sed 75ý GARLDEN AND HOUSEWORK w~NE GOOD RELIABLE DO-. References M1s'IÊHLP:.- COUPLES , COOKZS,'3:Cerltdc.24 20 Winnetka 1552. SECONXDS, GEXErtALS AND NURSES. ______69L1 1p 'INGODHOES 31 LaSalle T. sed....175 gardener. Excellent nfth shoit.re lo-u 12 a ll erences. 30 years.1 Norwegian. . MIar- 421 Richmnond Rd. Kenilworth 522r1ov p. 15P ried. Calil Lake Forest 1696. 73 1TN .- 1t.1 '30 Laal p. -4.. 135 69LTN11 EXPERIE NCED MAIDS AND EXPERT- '9LSll .yd...7 EXPERT GARDEINER %VANTS W7ORK, enced couples.29 aSleTsd.7 hy the day or, hour, 60e per- ho',r.. NO. SHORE PERSONNEL SERVC _ North Shore refs. Phone %Wilmette_-. ~1580, Shernlnan Ave., Evanston UnICE40'15 hlilck twn.. epe.. .35 69'N -p73TI-I 29 Buick'5 'sed ..... 45 BIT. W. MALE AND FEMALE FOR SALÈ-AUTOS- COUPLE, 35, 9 'YEARS PAIU-RÉ : 'POTIC 1929 '31 Packard dtïlb sed~. 165 Chauffeur, 2nd work. Teach French. Owvner wiil sacrifice. Motor, paint, up- -'28'Pcadel st..7 Reinhart Empi. Agency holstery almoat like new. Ask for -ackr e... . 7 .48 Elrn St. Yinek NeIson'!. car, Elm St. Garage, 71S Etm ' 33 Ponitiac conv. ..... 170. Wnek339Street, Wnnetka. 771T=11-111,)~ ,. 7011IpCHRYSLER 70 - IN PERFECT CoN 3 1 iPoniac conv. cpe..10a HELPWANTE--ML dition. Suitable for- a long ti-p. R.,a- N DOMETIC ELP onable. Winnetka Auto Serie 06 WHNYULaiGINAC PLANS 1101. 77LTN1 1-I1î1> BUY FROM CADILLAC EX.-AND WELL RECOMMENIJD USED CARBARGANSW WAT YOU Good WagesUS-ECA RiIN ARE GETTING 0: ,Lindgren Empi. Agency lOh',ivrar f1 h CADILLAÇ Established 25 years GUARANTEED EVANSTON 7Elm St.71.1(14RE7O K1TG 810 RIDGE AVENUE BEATY 1.LN2-fcRED0. . TG VILMETTE 956 WINNICÂ 1673 Thoroughly expenienced in aal branches., 7SPECIALS I . ~uluture, Winnetka 762, between ul 8t ul 1U UUA PC4~ 5and 6. 7L1-tî J '38 ojly 4 Nash 7 Pass. Sed.,6W . ai WITE GýIRLS.- FOR GEN. HOU f,- AT 0CR NEWý\ USED CAR STU11E heater»,Lorielhttuk.Aos work. . s ý -ne -ut $1,000 aig i 1245 CiaoA\ aaye.Sea;,eue AmbQ w Ok. N' EM PL. AGC Y h c g 1ýa s o - i F y te a l g 1428, Wilinette Ave. ilmette 41.1.1 O WN ew ................. .........p 1 A M'T '32 Packard Sed., perfect. Special . ýe 71LTNI1-l1tp '34, CIrlo Sot ean....... 5 '31 Pierce-Arrow e. ..WRd, COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED 134 Ohevrolet Sedan; 6 W........ l ight, heater, etc.. Special.. . 37 wlth good references. ýAppIy In person. '33 Chevroffet Sedan, '6 W,,.........100S TON NA SH CO 42 ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE- '33 Chevrolet 4 Door Sed.......(O EA $63 Vernon Ave. Glenéoe 251 '3 1('he%'rolet «Bus. Coupe............ 0 1733eBns0u Av. l1 blk. N. Dav. "L' Sta - 7lLTýNl3-tfc '33 Ford Business Coupe.......93,____ ___ 77A-LTNtl.Itc 6 WANTED-MAIDS W1VITH GOOD REF- 31 Bujek Sedan, smnall B 2 OATS AND SUPPLIES erences. White or colored. '30 Oldsmýýnobile Coach, radio and, N. SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE 11eater 1()o BARGAINS IN USED OUT C~D~ 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston* Uni. 0740* BALANCE 12-18 -M1ONTHS mnotors.: Elto light twin $22.50; ock- 71L1-lt ~1AY OIIES 'lo C-IOOE FO~Twood It.- twin $35; Johnson ItL twln $45. ., .I -. , .*. Authr.rized JoThnson . 1p ..n . i 82LT'rN II-ltpý LARG'E, PLEASANT ROOM WITI{ bath and large closet. 3 blocks to Elm. st. stations. Phone Wlnnetka 415. NEWLY DECORATED) ROOM WITII1 1kitchen privileges, for ma.rrled couple. Near Hubbard Woods station.,.. Garage. a'vallable. Wnnetka 1167. S2LTN11-1te LARGE FRON OM TWIN BEÉDS.' Also sialler room, Some kitchen prlv. Neaýr good tra.nsportation.,Phone.WII1- m ette 1530.,8 L N1 -t NICELY V1 URNtîîISHEDî ýLIlJ ý iAGEFRONr room, also smail room. Near tranmp., Very re asonable. 629 Park Ave. Phone Wilmette 2345È. 82LTN11-ýltp FURNISHED ROOM POUR ONE OR two.'. Kitichen privileges. -554. Centor -Stree t, Winnetka, 2589. . 82L11-ltp FURNISHIED ROOM Fo R RN CN Ventent to transportaton. Télephone. Willmette 210. 8LN-t NICE COOL ROOM WITR SLEEPING porch. Reasonable rent. -Parking space included. Winnetka 269. 82LTN11-1te PLEASANT I100M IN PXRIVTE freine. ,Conienrjto' transportation. Ph. Wilmette 2210. 82LTN11-itp WTO. TO ENT-LT. HICPO. RMS W1,ANTED BY STUDIOýUS M bi ir aýged couple--sitting roomn, bedroom, and porch, with kitchenette or board, lD.- Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 3641. 85'L11-ltp BOARD AND ROOmU KENILWORTH INN offers you cdean, homeuike roonmg, suites with bath.. ExýcelIent meals. Reason- amble. 315 Cuinnor Rd. Kenilworth 5491. 86LTN11-îté iFonR ENV-ApARfNÏý- Bright - Cheerful - Airy 4 OOM APARTMENT, ALL LARGE rooms, east and west exposure. Elect. efrigeration, tle, wall bath. Also 2 roomn apartrnent with 3 rm. efciency, elect. refrlg. BEAUTIlFUI, ,in.den Crest Apt. lg KROLL & -MITE, AGET 124 Li nden A ve. Wllmette 500 92LTN11l c ROOM fPLAT, GOOD TRANSPORTA-. tion. $40. .H. Brethold, \ViI. 65 111 Chi, R~enll~ OPPO Spec hlgh Wilm~ -y. saLe o àde nman. el Ili.. 71LT11-lp -.- -private nomE 71LTN1-ltp Btransp. Breaki ýRL FOR GEN -G_________iabe.Wi ooking. Phone '30 ?ackardý Sed. 6 W. WV., cdean. $335aaIbl.W 71LTN11-ltp '31 Nash Sedan,. excellent. .... 275 TWO ROOMS - 'àX Hudson 5t. Rdst. 6 W. W. ... 195 for 1 or 2. -UA~'Mapy more te choose from. 2% blocks to bem TORTH SHORE .' . TI 1 Arbor Vtae P ation open. to Winnetk.a ±Nasi-LaL'ayette jLIHT NCE A55, Box 40, 724 Elmn Street Wlnnetka 540 near EIm st 72L1-tP77A-LTN1-1te IWinnetka 1325. 4 1tp IÎOOMS, $25. EIl,.RC. - REWRIG. )3AYI Beautiful woodIed lot. 2 bîks. te tramnp. tation. Also 5% rm. furn. or unfurn. ap)t. WUl- le. 554 mette 4258. 92LTN1-Itp ý11-tp FOR RENT--5 BOOMS AND BATli, ROOM Stove heat.. $25' peer mnth.O.L Elm. Rem pe, 416 R idge R a , W l et , II .il-ltp92LTNîî..îtD