BAIRD. & WARNER, Inc. 52DAVIS 8T.. AMTW Greenleaf 18656olycort 1805 528PARKDRIVE.KENILWOftTH Kenilworth 4785 :' Rogers Park 415l 346 PARK AVZNU, GLENCbOE-à 97LTN1-l5 10 rmsa. 4 bs., 011, 8-c. g..........$17: 8 rms., 2 bs.., (riparlan), H.Wwll. .. 150 8 rmm., 2% bs. oil, 2-c. g......... 135 7 rms., 2 'bs., sip. pch.,,l........... 110 Sâ rms;., 2 bu., slp. pcb., 2-c, g . .... 86 9 rmns., 2 bu., slp. pch., oul, 1-c, g. ý80 6, rms., i b., scr. pcb., ohl, 1-c, g 75 6 am ,2bu., sun pcb., 2-c, g.....76 5 mme.,'l b., bungalow, 1-c. g ....... 55 4 mapt., modemh, heated...... 50 5 -rmns., îst 11r. Duplex, heated....... 46 Other good values, furnisbed and, un- furnisbed, ail sises. B. H.BARNETT 5f26 Center St. Winnétka 965 97LTrNI-lfp NEW $NOLAND COLONIAL WHITE CLAPBOARDE WITH GREEN 'shutters, dignified, charming, spacicus. Large living room, library on lat. floor. A bedrms., 3 bathe,, complete lavatôry, att. garage, oil t. Perfect Wlnnetka location, near lake and transportation. $175. MRS FULLER & Wl!. PICKARD 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3603 971iIN11-ltc NEWLY DECORATED SOUTH EAST Wlnnetka home, ý4 bedrins., sun and sleeping porches, 3,car gar. Imniediate possession at $90. WANT BENTAL OPIFER ON SOU'TH East GlecoeO well buiflt brick 5 bed- ron..3% tile baths, sun and sleeping piorche.s, oilIlt, 2-car garage. E. E. Stuits Realty Co. 460 Winnetka .Ave. Winnetka 1800 %Blk, East of Indlan Hill Station . __________________ I7LTNI1-ltc EAST WINNETKA - - 7 ooma. 011 heat. Garage. $75. OTHER HOUSES $50 UP NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA 269 97LTN11-ltp 729 11TH ST., WlLMETTEý-8 ROO)Ms brick, 2-car gar., H. W. beat. 2 bike. to N. W. depot. $65. lentye, 729 Lake Ave, Phone Willnette 1382. 97LTN8-4tp PERFECT 6 room COLONIAL wlth sunmm., slpngk. pc., 2 cbarmning bat2bs, 2. car garage, Pienty of heat with oil. Evemythini sp otlese; beautiful land- sciped corner lot ln 1HUBI3ARD WOODS ............$13» 00 2 blocks to the LAKE. Red Brick C-forgian 7 LARGE roomu-:, 2 TILE baths, screened porch off the living rooni, large sleeping porch, ohl heat, attractive land-, zçapîng ...................... ... $19.000 NEW WHITE BRICK COLONIAL fac- ngthe qkùkie Golf Course on lot 75x200 beavily wooded.: Panelled ,iibrary,: spa- clous living rooni, brkfst. nook, T. & Lav., screen porch on first floor. 4 lovely bed- roonis and 3 tiled baths on 2nd fioor, large. bedroom and bath, on Srd. floor. A BEAUTIFUL HOME ..$40,000, CHOICE RESIDENTIAL, LOT ln S.E. Winnetka 50XI66 feet, wel: wooded, near the lake, sichools and stati on* $3,760. R. B. WHITAKER CO. WILMETTE East side.. Stucco. 4 bedrooms. Sleeping porch. 1 bath. H. A. coal heat. On large lot ......... $11,500 WINNETKA Frame resîdence. Very cônvenlently located. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. 2-car detached garage. Steani-coal heat - - ...- .. ... - . ... ... $6,100 Ciapboard Colonial,.4 edrooms. sleeping porch, 2 baths, H. W. 011 beat, New burner installed, 2-car de- taclied garage. On a large lot ln a very desirable section.. ý.... $2,000. Colonial Brick, .5 bedroomls, 3 baths, lav. on let floor, H. W. 011 beat, 2- car attached garage. A vemr ivable bouse .......$18,00. Stucco home, 6 bedrooms, 2 sleep- ing porches, 2 baths, H. W. 011 heat, 2-car detaclied garage. On a large lot, close tô lake.........$5000. French brick, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. On a large wooded lot ýin a very deslrabie ne6ighbtorhood. H. W. 011 hieat, 2- car attached garage....... $20000. These properties are representative cf the complete registration of available Properties that may be quicicly seen through our Photo-Tour cf Homes. 6 ROOM PRAME COTTAGE, 2 »ED -_ _____ rooms and bath on lut floor. Bedrootn, sleepiIng porcli on Znd floor. 011 heat. RARE OPP( Garage. $7,500. Long time monthly paymekits. N. F1 W14~METTE mms., 4 bearmns.2t McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 75ft. ot. Priced t Over 40 Yearu cf Dependable Service MIL~TON E. 3281'sk Ae.,Glecoe Glen. 13 001 Lake Avenueý -the woUU tLrnai, The Interior Is so pleauing and home- lilke-English farm bouse style-the worknianshipp b the bout that money can buy. There are 8 rooms, 4 baths, and two lovelyopen porches. But see it yourself and compare the price of this spaclous, charniing home with the flashy, high'sounding kind.that so otten disappoints. We will arrange an 'inspection whenever.youIlike. SMART,&,GOjL4E E, Imc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Avenue Unlv. 0284 111LTN11-ltc More Home Bargains The first two homes.advertised ln last week's*-Winnetka Talk we have sold. Here are severai other finebuys: . AN ATTRACTIVE STUC(X) HOME 0F 7 rooms, hot water heat, on.fine wood- ed lot, one-car garage,. poss. Oct. lst-ln difficulty and cani be picked up for $6,000. A MODERN 6 ROOM COLONIAL EAST Wlnnetka,, hot water heat, giazed porches, reasonable terms, at ..$10,500. 14ERE IS A 6 ROOM COTT1AGE ON 100 feet of ground (haîf can be soid off to reduce Investmnent if desired>) atý $6,000 With-in several days we expect to have a peach of a m)odern home to offer, idso at a sacrifice-may we phone you details later? HILL & STONE 543 Lincolnl Ave.. Winnetka WInn. 1544 111LTN11-ltp A FINE HOME ýELL OR TRA»E-MODERN 9 ROOM, 3 bath Colonial bouse, il years old.' Home in beot sec. E. Kenil. Large lot, with beau t. gardens and lawn, large trees ln rear. Finest construction with best ivory stucco. Siate roof, copper gutters and sereens, metal weather strips, 'H. W. heat, oll burner, heated sun and sleeping, roonis, good arangemlenit for large or smail fgmily. Bargaln price. Can use 7 ryn, hoiuse i trade, Evanston to Winn. Brolcers cooperate. Owner Franklin Wanner, 128 Robsart Road. Kenilworth 5111. llLTN1-ltpý IN RAVINIA WOODS If you are seeking a modern home wlth large grounds and like a wooded sec- tion and the openness of. country then investigate this 10 room brick home, 3 baths, oul ht., att. garage. At the price of $21,000. This property Is an exceptionai value. THE BILILS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Wihn'ette. 3740 Greenleaf 1166 LUNI'TY _'Le MB LAKE; 7 ONE O]i ths, 2-car gar., remode àîaoo. 3 bths., & Ce. stable. W1l10ette 771 $27.500.1 CHA bargain. Act quickly. Mrs. Hast- BAI RD & WARNER, Inc. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenilworth 478-0 Rogers Park 6151 INDIAN H ILL CLUBSECTION, OVER an acre; beautiful landscaped. Charming Co0l. borne, 5 edrmsÏ., 3 baths, servants' quarters. $45,000Q.-Rentai $200. Mrs.'Oppenheim, Winnetka 166. 11ILTN11-1tp MUST SELL 7 BM. ENGLISUf COL. HOUSE, 2 car gar., lot 100x200. Very reasonable. Nr. good transp. 905, Forest Ave., Deerfield, Ili.. Ph. Eg-erfleld 108. 111L11-ltp WILL PAY ýALL CASH FOR BUNGA- low or smell bouse, H. Woods section near aschool and transp. Owners only. Write A-47, Box 40, Wlniette, 111. targai-n'Building Sites 121k.140 Vr. CtORNER OWNER WANTS sold now. Suitable for two homnes $3,000. 60xl8o best buy in good residentiai loca- tion. Ail specials paid, $2,000. Acre in most exclusive residential section. No. better value. $6,500. OP~EN EVENINGS 7 TO 9 HEINSEN REALTY CO.. 660 Center St. Winnêtkt 254 -14LTN11-1tc VACANT BARGAINS 2%~ ACRE HOMESITE ON SUNSET Ridge Rd. opposite golf club. . Ex- ceptionaliy low at $2,300. A. few cholce 50 ft. lots across from Siçokie Park .(off Wlllow R~d.). Water and liglit In. $600 each. Winnetka 1111. * I14LTN10-2te PIVE ACRES 0F BEAUTIFUL WOODS west 'of Highland Park, at a third of former price. Few minutes from Skokie Valley station North Shore Electrie. Write A-60, Box 40, Wilmette, Illinois., 114LTN11-1tc' FO>R SALE-SUMMER COTTAGES COMPLETELY FURN. 9 RM. HOME Son Channel Lake, Antioch. Heat,, wa- ter, gas, elec., 2-car gar., Z50 f t. ake front. F. G. Karg, 3623 Lockport Ave.,. Chicago. Phone Lafayette 9800.' 115A-LTN11-ltp SUMMER ciTAGE* LOANS ON M( PROPERT omnes,. WnL Ork-, 6 oea., L. - 'IL %Y ' chu, oil ht., 2-cargarage, U trees, 2 acres. Only., VV. R. MITCHELL. M. Jaeger, Winni. 907. 100 N. LA SALLE ST., 'CENTRAL 1661. 1llLII-ltp 17AL1-t r i .8 g