j Ffforts that have beeni prosecuted for several years to remove a sérious handicap froi the* life sa ving crew at the Wilrnette oast Guard station, due to "fili-ini" and consequent shal- lowness *of wýater, at last bid fair to achieve success through the interest of. Congressman Ralph E. Church. Dredging of the harbor bas been sought consistently by thé Wilmette Chamber of 'Commerce and various. civié organizations,. as a- means of maintaining the >efficiency of the coast guard, by permitting the use of the large boat in, cases ofemerg-ency. The. filling process'has. been. going-on year after year, with the water becoming shall ,ower ail the time-until. now any attempt to. Us >e the large. boat 'is at- tended by considerable danger of, damage, to the craft. Other larger craft, are ýalso prevented fromn utiliz- ing, the barbor facilities. it, is to icor- -rect this ýcondition. that pressure bas been exerted to get the harbor dredged and the water deepened. Congre ,ssman L Church gives the following explarnation of the present status of the proposi- tion: Important Station ",One of the most. important Coast Guard stations in the service for the proectonof life and property is the shoaling which, las taken place in the last few years, the shallowness ofý the water bas been making it virtuallY-1 impossible to get the life-boat in and out of the harbor. particularlv in Saturday, july 20, will be sperît in the gardens of Mrs. Frances Bow- man, 2219 Orrington avenue, Evans- ton. Mrs. Bowman, herself a mem- b)er of the league, bas foünd inspira- tion for niany.of ber renoiwned water' colors in this garden,«and doubtless a, number of. importa nt sketches will' resuit fromf the visit. Ail persons interested in sketching are invited to join'this sumnmer acti- vity Of the: ArtLeague. The Sketch class is theoffspring :of the former Ravinia'Saturday, Sketch club, which for some years spent Saturday after-' noons perpetuating the .evatiescent beauty of shore and garden in line and color. High Sohool Gets Vacat.ion Repairs The sidewalk at New Trier Hligh school leading from Winnetka avenue past the entrance of the old aud- itorium to the central building is be- ing widened. Two feet are being added on both sides. Work on the project was started this week. Interior work is also under way at the bigh school in preparation for the opening of the 1935-1936 term in Sep- tember. The old auditorium is being given a thorough renovation. This renovation includes a new design for- the pros.cenium, new bouse ihtinir- Arthurý M.- Pet ers, seoit of Mr.. aitd' Mrs. John J. 'Peters.,, 1519 Washington avenite,. Wilmette, ha: rcceized hiscomýmissions as Ensig# in the U>titeti States. navy, bearing, date of JuIy 1, accordiùigýt ojifornwa- lon receizeed' thi's îeek. Eisigit Peters is attachcd to the flying corps. He zwili rernain at Pe;nsacola, Pla., where ke took his finial trai;- inig, for aiiother two iion ths, aird ivill theit bc graitied a furlougk of one ,nolth whjch he zvill speiid with his parents in Wilmpette. The Skokie Country club 'will have the distinction of entertaining, ex- clusively in' the. Chicago area, the famous japanese golf teamn now touring the United States. Tbis- group of expert' golf ers will, be pitted against ýa, picked, teamn of outstanding A merican amateurs 'cap- tained by, the famous. Charles "Chick"' Evans in an exhibition at the Skokie club .Tueùsday afternoon, july, 23, at 3 o'clock. The. public is. invited at a moderate admission charge. The'Japanese stars have created a sensation inthe United States. While their weight ranges from, -110 to 150 pounds, thèse experts displa'y pheno- menaI driving pwran l-round dexterity at the grandiold gameë. The-,team is comprised of the fol- lowing: Tommy Miyaiuoto, captain, who bas bee'n three> times champion of japan,, and present professionaI cham- pion. He is creditqd as tlie trel- blazer of golf in Nippon and is the dean of professioinal golf in japan. He visited Ameriça ip 1931 to learn the style of our leadin.q pro- fessionals. Toichro Toda, Western jap4n pro- fessional champion. H1e is the young- est member of the team, only Z1 years old. Despite bis extreme youth. be won the Western japan Open titie in .1933 and 1934, beatini the i.fontrv'sleaii oeb~ ~ ,tnl xeet, according to information secured from the Coast 'Guard OifficiaIs, the depth of the water in the channel does rlot exceed 6 feet and is as shallow as 3. feet. This condition serîously interferesiwith the effectiveness of the: Coast Guard, which serves the terri- tory fromMunicipal Pier to the north beyon.d the Illinlois State Line.. There îs no question that the harbor should bedredged. Make Survew TEACHES CHURÇH WORKE RS The Rev. David Ri. Kabele, pastor of the Wilmette Englisb Luthieran church,' will be at Long Lake from July 22 to 28 teaçbing at the Bible amp and Summer School for burch Workers. The affairs ,of the church %wIl be in charge ofJ. IH. Hopp duviring the absence of, theRev. *Mr. Kabele. corupleted witn the exception of dress- ing off the banks. a hand operation job. Tbe heavy digging equipment is 110W engaged on the connecting chan- nel between lagoons no. 3 and no. 4 an d shortly will start on the excavation of no. 4 lagoon whicb will comprise 20 acres. There are 26 acres in the No., 3 lagoon. .Good progress is being made on the new bridges on Willow road. Dulndee japan. 'l'ne remarkaDle fitting power displayed by bim is due to the fact that bis, 130 rounds are drawn out to a height of five ,f-eet, ten inches. Kanekichi Na kamura, japanese Open champion. He is considered the miost brilliant golfer in Japan. His tee shots average 250 yards. and he is a very fine putter. Nakamura bas been cbristened "Connie" by American 'newspapermen who found bis name too difficult to say or spell. BACK FROM TRIP *Mr. and Mrs.. Allen M. Rossman, 1130 Chestnut avenue, returned Sun- day froni a fortnight's môtor trip, going by way of tbe.Ozarks and re-' turning tbroug-h Denver.. umns Of WILME CALL WILMBTTE 430 I 4 k for Wau:i-ad Taker> A. . i~ UjIinncu, cnairman. Note:- Economyr Shop ls conducted byi the Woman's Club ot Wilmette. that either. teatu may win is- nine. The teani scoring the highest nuniber 'Of- points will be declared the winner.