Waxed paper Handy Wacks holder.'ý Ke.p on the ýwàll end pull eut as needed. for 17c ýCELERY > Fresh- and crsp-fine for cookng as weil as a retish ... bu ndte 5 C, New Burbouk Pluins. S etand fuit of juice4 Large square basket. New Cabbage For a crisp, inviting cold slaw., Your choce.........ead 5 c Fresh Lemons Stock up for plenty of creampi or lemon ice. Tbere Is Always -a Test SCHLOE THESE MIO.SUMMERk VALUES ARE MOST ATTRACTIVE Het weather menus cati for plonty of ceel-looking as weli, as cool tastlng. and drink.. Heres a fine, assortmentf of cool thingsteo:drnk end *at. Suggestions for s"lads$ sandwiches. light entrees and dessrts-ail pric.d low and ;ncluding dulivery. s Canots Shred and add to Cab- bage for aàroshing vegetable se-lad. 2 bundi '5C COUNTRY CLUB 24 boieL 2 .19 Iloney Dew Melons Deliciously sweft-4ky ,and good down fo the rindi fsIf. .4 for 1.00.. 7 SatWater Taffy An ideal summer candy. Not tosw.et -but sw.ot .noùgh-in a ari.ty'of févorite faoers-b. L box. 2c A t.Mpting variety from Which j tg make selections....... IAb"1'4 C Beef. Veau.,Pork Ground for Lo.f---easily prepar.d--bake ini Mei. orning and sice cold 1 ' for luncheon or supper .......lb.29c Boneless Veaul bast A most econornical roast- l. no bones, no waste ....... Chicken Livers A weIcome tuncheon entree............. l..b.43 C No Carryiag fo DO' W. 9.Uiver to Vois WILMEtI 402 Lindes Av*. W.IImo*e l's1 WINNETKA 7 18, Elm St. ~W1Inetka 61 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway BaoktagIsn S» wI MIm w W MWfl ROGERS PARK Ord.rs Rr.wgbtf # onior or Roes a% 14 AfifloA..g the NMor t àh5.#r. JULY 25, 1935 Chinook SqUmon, A, peràe luncheon or ýsupper vinegar or I.mon ile-In9 for sldsai ad iche, -'bs.5 for 89C I