Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1935, p. 10

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Mr. Lynch, who was 49 years old, was in the Teal estate business. He owned the Bryn Mawr botel at.Bryrn Mawrand Winthrop avenues, Chica- *go, and other hotel and apartment buildingsi.,,He ,oved to Wilmietté about four years ago from Chicago. At the time of the accident wvhich resuîted in. Mr. Lyncb!s deatb,, Mr. Lynch wag. riding in a riven by Otto J. Linder, 6034 N. Hermitage avenue, Chicago. Carlton P. Murray, $530 Winthrop avenue,. Chicago., also was a pasenger in the- car. .Botb Lin- der and Murray, as well as Carl Mutb, 29 years old,, of Riverside, driver of the other car invoived in the, accident, were injured& and. were treated at the Swedisb Covenant bospital. Surviving* Mr., Lynch are bis widow, Mrs. Lottie Lyncb, two daughters, Dorotby Sutherland Lyncb, of Wil- mette and Mrs. Marjorie M. Jensen of Oak Park, a sister, Mrs. Joseph W. McCartby of Chicago; and a brother, Raymond Lynch,also of Chi- cag o. NormanILR.Willia Niorth shore Agent Stae.Fenît Mutueil Auto lms. Co. Have me tell you boy this coninuaons policy pieu mis iImurance césts abouit L4,0. Lesai Resmre1 tion of rte orth Western ranlway in Chicago, but was nioved to Sterling, Ili., some years ago. Mr. Saunders was aý close, friend of tht late, Edward Brundage of Lake Forest, former attor ney general of Illi- nois. He was, prominent in Masonic circles,, and was a, past commander of Lincoln Park commandery No. 64, K. T., and-past master of Lincoln Park lodge No. 611, A. F. andA. M., Surivnghim are bis widow, Mrs. ýMinnie McNéill Saunders, two sons, Neill M., wbo is carrying on bis father's business, and: Don F., and, two brothers, William Y. of Wiiniette and James. of- Conrad,,Mont. Tht funeral services 'vere conducted by Lincoln Park comimandery >No. 64, K. T., at tbe funeral chapel at 2701 N. Clark street, Chicago, on WVednesday af ternoon.. Burial took, place at-' Rose- bill cemetery. Memorial Servies Here for Mrs. Jl'Pritchard Word was received this week of the deatb of -Mrs. joseph Pritchard on July 6 at Los Angeles. M rs. Pritchardý Was a mnemtber'emieritus of the Wo- man's Club of Wilmette, and memo- r ial services will be held for ber in the lounge of the club bouse Friday, Au- Hcr friendÈ ail knrozchcr as the pain fer wvho itever stops wvorking! For, Mrs. Van Waqenen Alling ileur stops painting. Olliers inay be f00 cold or the light 'nov bc foo low,> but Mrs. Atlinig finds something f0- paint. For instance, t hi: sketch of "Goa t:s was made w/rile zaiting for her car. T7he Nlortk Shore Art league sketch class had fin ished a cold afternoon's work al the Hieihland Palrk. fnm and the car nsr te. So ÇMrs. AliUna fnd ia Large financial institution will buy conserv ati ve real estate bn,5%7cintérest and charge no commission on good residential or busi- ness property. Ad d res s WILMETTE LIFE A-85. immediately tollowirngthet, memorial services. Mris. Pritchard was a resi- dent of, Wilniette for many years, moving to Caifornia eigbt, years ago. Sbe was preceed in deatb by ber bus- band, Josepb. Pritchard,, a weii known riewspaper man' of Cbicago,, and a d4aughter, Mary., Betty Leach, dai frs. Paul Leach . of 'Mr. atid she sta.rtec unduer at ber art since y Crafts Wat-I son at tbe Art institute. She has not' let her art interfere with ber carter as a bome-maker, a mother and a grand-. mothér, nor bas she let ber otber inter- es ts interfere witb ber art. She founid timne to study witb An.ita Willets Burn- bam and witb other 'noted nortb shore painters, and stili does. Mrs. Alling was one of tbe founders of the North Short Art league and Winnetkan Dies in Air'Crash Saturday Robert Mountain Hensch.en, 30 years nild, 725 Walden road, Winnetka, was instantly kiiied Saturday wben th~e cbartered airpiane Wbicb he was piloting crasbed near the~ Curtiss- Wright air field about ten miles nortb- west of Milwaukee. Three com- panions, William H. Ennis, George B. Burkhard and Elmer B. Tengberg; al Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible md Works of Mary Baker 9d8J', and ail other authorized Christian Sekamce Literature may hq read, $'o purchased. at the Reading Room. 7113 PUBLIC I38 OODIA&LY iNviTim To ATrND Tax omC11U CS-«XVICE ANDU VUT Tu£ RZADINO 10038 w, ,- 1 L ýýA E 1 -T E

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