$ Shoes 95ý 'J Forerly priced, UP.tô $ 12.75, Èvey pirof shoes in this.amazing sale is genu- me ostr qality ...firom-iegular Foster., stocks. A wide v arety of styles, fabrics and leathers., An outtanding opportuiity to buy sboes for early fal wear. No Exchanges . No Refunds ..A Il Sales Final F. E. FOSTER & COMPANY, 700 CHURCH STREET - EVANSTON and 115 North Wabash Avenue - Chicago Janet Srhuir Shop, ". North Shore Kotel. Evansfon FINALCLEARIANEE, Severai pilot.s who keep their planes. at Curtiss airport or who fly from that airport attended the AUl-Amer- ican Aircraft show at the Detroit, City airport1 last week. H. S. Darr,c ~president of the Chic ago Aviation c orporationi, operators of Curtiss field, flew ovèr in Daniel Peterkin's Stin-. son, and Sydney Spiegel of Winnetka1 made the -tr p in 'bis Stinson. Othen who went to the show.fo Curtiss were: Dean OwNsieyr, who flew, over in a Model "R"' Stinson; M. ýC.' Meigs, publisher of the Chicago* Evening >American, ,and Kennetb Parker of the, Parker, Pen company, who rented a Stinson from the Chi-* cçago Aviation corporation for the trip, and Richard Beeler, Beecbcraft distributor, in this anea.. Beelen, of course, made the trip in a Beech- craft. Ail of the Ieading arln manu- facturing companies, as weIl as air- plane accessonies manufactuners, bad echtfits.at the show. Goes 1Into Crop Dusting Business in a Big Way Vincent C. Taylor, formerly a senior flying officen of the British Royal Air force and more recently chief fly- ing instructor at Sky Harbor air- pont, bas gone into the crop dusting business in a big way. His straight-- 1wing Waco whicb be uses for this ; xvnr was t Curtiss airDort last the cnop dusting wonic a year-rounuu proposition. lie will go from here to; Michigan to spnead insect - killing dust over onchards. During the win- ter months, he was in the 'South, dusting cotton and other crops. 'He will neturn to Flonida,'late in. the fal to. nesune. bis activities thene. Two Army Target-Towing Airpianes Leave Curtis TIwn planes wbich bave been çept Heat Baby's Milk "The five flying Wilsons Of Glen- coe," father; niother and tbree chil- dren inclrcling nine-montb-old Bobby 4opped,off front the Chicago munic i- pal ,aiport on Friday, July, 9,,vaca- tion bound to, Los Angeles 'Via Amer- ican Airlines. They flew tlrst to Fort Worth, *Tex., and thenI used the air line's sleeper plane. fnom Fort Worth to tbe west coast. SMeanwhile milk was -a-boiling in a big way ail1 aiong tbe. transcontinental air. transpor t system, *ithý station- Managers,, pilots* and stewardesses makingarrangeme 'nts for.the comnfont of the Wilsons and promnising that nary a botule would be mnissed in .Bobby's case. Personnel of the air tourist- panty included Herbent D. and Mrs. Wilson, Dorothy, 6, Joan, 4, and Robent, ine mnonths. They live at 1129 Hohîfelder lane, Gjencoe. Ail except the baby bave been. in the air before ,but never for sucb an extensive trip. Bobby Gets Hia MiIk, Bobby's mulk was heated ini a glàss container at the Chicago ýairpont wlth thé bot water in the jar renewed at St. Louis, Ttlsa, Fort Worth, El Paso adPhoenix. During a short stop- over in Font Worth, Am-enican "Air- lines officiaIs nolled a crib right into ..the passenger station and Robent, Stook a small nap, and consume d al Sthé propen foods offered bu, such as "Flying is the right way to go on a vacation," said Mn. Wilson. "It gives y ou practically ail of youn vacation time in the spot you wish to spend it -not en route. It is a comfortable way totake a famnily of cbildnen too, because 'not mucli time is jivolved and- the airline' people are very. help- fuI in al wayg." The Wilsonis are, spending three w eeks on the west.coast and will fly back over the samie.route. Omaha School Teacher Last Days of Our Annuual Summer Sale of Chic Open: &*urday EveningUntil 10P. M., at the Curtiss airport shop. UORSiOCI- able work was done on tbe plane also. DUANE HOWARD FUNERAL Funeral services for Duane Howard, Sky Harbor flylng instructor,, wbo ,was killed. in an -air crash, last Fniday, were beldTuesday mornin g.>11 PLIES TO MILWAUKEE Cliff Condit, Pal-Wauakee airpont manager, flew to Milwaukee last Fni- day afternoon in a Fairchild. He made the trip to get some parts for Lloyd Laflin of Lake Forest, who bas a sbip at Pal-Waukee. kL 1)ster f or Women at