MISSION ONE 0F CLUBS.' US PUBLIC. HILLS. FQRMERLY, THE BEST PRIVATE NOW OPEN TO TH E ÏVERY FACILITY 0F A'PRIVATE CLUB FOR MEN AND WOMEN: GwOLFERS. ktANAGED BY JACK. DARAY, WHO INVITES YOU TO PL4AY TIS INTENSELY INTERESTING COURSE. GPOOD FOOD AND BEVERAGES AT REASONABLE PRICES.. r" ~I * ffLLS GOLF CLUB TECIINY AND SANDERS ROADS CHlOOS. YOUa GOLF COURSE AS YOU WOULD CHOOSE YOUR CLUBS *ABK ABOUT OUR PLAN OF TEURLY PLAYING RIGETS. ENTIRELY OIÇIG INAL AND DECIDEDLY* photos by Bernie Ben Pillis. (le t), 1138' Towoer road, Wipitetka,:atd> Robert M..Eastmait, 984 Cherry street, Wisi.ietka, w/w have leadiig umale roles in: the pla:y, "The New Lady Bafitock". by Jeromne K. Jerme, to be presented by. the summer schéol. drarnatic classes of New. Trier High. school oit Weditesday night, August 7, in the Jatte Kippenheitner, Menorial auditorium at the, Skokie school, Winnetka. The play is being dirccted by Gordon Van Kirk. Roui Detours on Dundee Road' and on Ridge, Evanston Detours exist on Illinois highway, No. 64 between twenty-~fifth avenue and Mannheim road-; on Dundee road, betwéen the Chicago and North Western railway tracks, Skokie boule- vard and Green Bay road; on US-12, Foster avenue, between the North channel and Kedzie avenue, and on Ridge avenue between Howard street and Churchi street according to a re- port from the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club. SThe bulletin also reports' that"US-20 is closed west of Freeport for six ru ,Ies. One-way traffic is reported at inter- vals betveen Freeport and Rockford on US-20, owing to repairs. On1 US-51 six miles south of Rockford traffic is maintainied while shoulders are being rebuilt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Klein, and their daughters, Rosemary and Har- riet, of 730 Linden avenue, returned last Saturday from a ten-day vacation trip through Michigan and northern. ..03.W ..sa. ..8aw now for complefe descriplive literature. All- expense tour $33.75. Write Everff Valenfine, Anderson Hofel, 'Ephraim Wisconsin, or cati Chicago office 180 N. Michigan Ave., Frankil 1281.