OF VLLAG TO Inspeet Water Works The beauty, efficiency and practical FR0 LIC AU G 7 utility of Wilniette's municipal wtr works plant is attracting wide atten- - tion, and many are, the visitors from Chamber of, Commerce, Op. distant places who cone to'make per- timist Club and Rotary CÇlub sninspectiôn of its' modern equip- ment and -excellent construction., to lin n AnualGol Ouing The latest of these.was a contingent Wednesday, 'August 7, walIl be. an of officiais froin North Chicagog head- important day in the annals of the ed by Mayor John Dromey and in- Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, the cluding Miatthew lirns,, chairman. of Winmette OptImclubadth i-that city's, water committee, City. mette Rotary.-club. On that date : ler icalOpk nd ratically occtur the second annual golf outingý the, whole. board of, aldermeni, who in whicb these three organizations visited the plant Wednesday evening. join. The scene of the activities will At 6:30 they were met. by President be Mission Hi s Country cluib,, whicb Harry C. Kinne, Village Manager' is reacbed from Wilmette by way of Boyne H. Platt ýand other Wilmette Waukegan road te Techny, thence officiaIs, who did the honors.for the, wet o the end of the graývel roadt, Village and saw to it tihat every point :turing ightintothe rouns., of. interest, botb froin the stàndpoint turnng rgbtintothegrouds. of ornamentation -and practicability, The committee. in charge, bheaded was pointed outi by President A. C. Pearson, Jr., of It is undèrstood that North Chica' tbe Chamber of Commerce, bas pro- gwihotisiswtrspl hours f ro i .m.untill .m.or latefrom Great Lakes, is considering the heurs basextended antiurgent invitation construction of a municipal plant and Fndhasextnde a urentinvtatonis seeking the most miodern and ef- to members of the tbree organiza - ficient plant possible to find upon tiens, their wives and friends to par- hctemdlisonApiain ticipate in the festivities. wbc1o oe ison.Apicto is being made, it is said, te the Pub- Golf Frem 1 to 5 lic Works administration for funds Good, bad and indifferent golf ers with wbich te defray the construc- will bave their inîngs from. 1ite tien cost. o'clock. Expensive prizes bave been After a thorough inspection of the provided for the various classes. 'Wiîmette plant, members of the visit- During the, aame hours 'otiiers may igpryepesdteoiinta try their hands >at bridge. 'Aiip le pro- ingeprtexpressud the opinion thin vision has been made for the card witrpsntedcaotutioe ' dast r- t playing and there will be many beauti- ratgermpent cntuto n r fuI prizes.' aennt .. Fromn 5 to 9 p.m. basebaîl, horse- 'shoes* and' other games will be in Girls' Team Beats Men; order, topped off with a card of Father Time to Blame? i wrestling matches that will bring to- TeAmrcnLioPstN.6 getersom otstndng onendrsplayground baIl team 'met defeat, in that sport. wen it challenged the T. N. TJ. girls"'ý Buffet, Supper at 6 team, whicb is leading the Playground t, In the meantime, beginning at .6 and Recreation board womens league, at p.m-., a buffet supper will be served. the Village Green last week. The men At aIl hours refreshments will be pro- were a'head until the seventb inning, t, curable without money and witbout when the large crowd witnessed theé j at Union Servie During the mnonth of August the union Sunday morning.services of the FirstCongregational and First Bap- tist'churches.of Wilinette are'to be beld 'in the. Congregationial cburch, witb the Rev. George D. Allison, Bap- tist minister, preaching Dr. Allison,*who spent the month of july at the Walter S. Campbell cot- tage ait Hazelhurst, Wis., returned'to the village yesterday (Wednesday) and, wiIl presideî at the service ihis Suniday morning at 1l o'clock.. The music. for the service bas been announced as follows: Pre1ude.-Two ýTone Poeme . ... Jenkins (a) Nitht. (b) Dawn. Postlude-Pinale March ... Boellmann Vocal, solos: By S3til Waters .............Hambleh Sheep and Lamnbg ..... ..Homer Mrs. Wlshover, contralto solIIst, J»iI)y Roberts, organfst. The Rev. John G. Hindley, Con- gregational minister, who preached at tbe union services in the Baptist church during July, is taking bis va-, cation tbis month. Have Children Examined Now, Committee Urges A "summer roundup" committee con- sisting of representatives of the Logan- Hloward, Central-L.aurel, St. Francis' and Higlicrest Parent-Teacber' associa- tions and the Mother's club of St. jo- seph'$ school is now at work on a plan to bave each child thorougbly examined be- fore entering scbool this faîl. "If you have flot already done soi will you please have your child examined by your fam- ily physician and have the physician fi11 out the blanks givený each child at .,the close of school last june ?" the comniittee urges. There are but five or six weeks left uptil school opens-a very short tinie if tonsils need to corne out or cavities need lOIN STAFF 0F LOCAL SCHOOLS' Mary, Alice.Eaton end Jou ise, Eleanor MoKenzie Are Se- Iected to FUI Two Vacancies Miss Mary Alice Eaton, who has bier Bachelor of Arts degree, in history and geography fromi Weillsr ege' and bier Master of Artsdgdu e ography from tbe UnîVersit* tfif cago, 'bas been selected, to, 611 the va- cancy on the Wilmette Public schools staff caused, by the, resignation of Miss Rutb Davidson, wbo. was married ..i June to Earle Wild.. Miss Eaton ýwill teacb fiftb grade geograpby and Eoglish at the >Howard scbôol. Tbis summer sbe is taking additional work in geograpby at the University of Chicago iuder Ewith Putnam Parker, who' is tbe autbor of the geograpby textbooks used i the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of the ,Wilmette schools. 1Originally Miss, Eatons borne waét in Massacbusetts. Since coming to tbe University of Chicago to study she bad made bier home in the Middle West. Last year she was an apprentice teacher in commercial geograpby at Calumet High scbool, Chicago. She bas done cons iderabie nature. study and Girl Scout'work. TakesMise s teve.s,'Place Another nfew member cf the Wil- mette Public sc'bools staff, sele'cted to fill a vacancy, is Miss Louise Eleanor McKenzie. She will teacb general science at tbe Howard and Stolp schools, takng the place of Miss E. D)orothy Stevens, who was'married on, July 20, Miss McKenzie bas ber B aclelor of Science degree in education fromi Nortbwestern university and also bier. Master of Science degjree from the money was 14 did. their wo:' nand ruined, but as noj and it is the purpose of the association t therein tbe marauders to exef t a marlked influence in, that for notbing. 'direction. nome -a uEE...... a Home. Modemiuimg .... u3 N. S. Pesomalitie....23 Society Pages.. .28-33 Dnth of August Mrs. Katharine lamts, one of the assistants at 'the *rary, will b on vacation.