ISuzes *6xl8, 7Îxid8 and 8lx99- inch. Pirsf qualifyl RUIE RSUITS ALL REDUCED. On. andi fwo-piece. Values fo $3.95.-$.9 rubber suifs at $I.00. MENSPAJAMAS $1.95 VALUES $1.49 Broadclofh ,and madras. Coaf, middy and surplice stfyles. ALL-SILK IIOSE- FOR WOMUN .3 Pairs $1.00 ChifFons and service. Summer shades. Exceptional values. WONDERSOFT IKOITEX 3 Bx$5 4C New improved sanitary napldns. Packed twelve to a box. Special SUMMER Loftions, creams, falcums and the. like. A viarkabe asortimentf and velue. Ciysfal optic glass.. for iced fea and cooiing beverages. GREenIeof 7000 WII..1f. 3700 WIneeka.520 Lovoly elt-whife linons and hae&ies witfi dalnfy applique eoutnm No Need to Swelter When Coolness Cornes Like This The Cotton Corner-LORD'S-econd IQoor LOR D'S HAIR NETS 3 9c DoL These favored fiairnefs in, desfred colors. Whife and grey inet of 49a doxen. 1.000,SHEET SCOT TISSUE, SC Rol Soff absorbent foilef fissue..Sani- tary, ail White. WOMENIS COOL COTTON COATS Values f. $5.95. Wo4flepique, string kniffi. White and colors. Broken size.. CLEARANCE MENS TUES 69Cch 2 for $1.00 Silks, foulards and Summer fypes. Hand-mado and pure silk. I .haniled. FumtaIoe D@wgmf.w., Squmbe ,Evans%@ AUGUSIT 1? 1935 .......... ........... ....... ....... àtl ......... ....