and Arhur Mol ine Married in Carden Miss MarlhaS. Jensen, ~daghbteér of jens jensen, poted, lanidscape archit ect, and the late Mrs. Jensen,. was niarried very quietly .Saturday, July '27, te Arthur W. Moline, 1-pon of. Mrs. Ida Moline of -Chicego. Simplicity and charm maàrked the smnall family wedding which took place in Ravinia in the beautiful gar- den of the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Marshalli Johnson. The Rev. Louis W. Sherwin of the Highland, Park Presbyterian chuirch performed the double ring ceremnony at 6 o'clock. With her dress of pink lace -the bride wore 'a long shoulder spray of orchids. Mrs. Johnson, her only at- tendant, was in printed chiffon. The other member of the wedding party was Roy Moline who sérved his brother as best man. Following the ceremony a buffet supper was served in the studio living room, the pine-panelled walls of which were a harmonious background for the clusters of golden rod, black- eyed Susans, and burgamotte artistic- ally used indecoration. On the buffet table, in a beautiful hand-wrought copper bowl which had been a golden wedding gift to the bride's parents, 'wood avenue, mette., John H. Hig b.. fo Wed Evansion Girl Aug. 17 Miss Mary Willie Riley, daughter of Mrs. Mary Major Riley of Evans- ton, has chosen the evening of Satur- day, August 17, for hermarriage to John Herald Higbee, son of John W. Carlos Photo For lier inarrage f0 Waller B. Marxr of Kenilworth, Miss Elizabeth AL,- de, daugkter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Aider of Wilmette, zore hcr moth- er': awddinq dress of ivory applique-point lace. With if site had a finger-tip' veil lseld ini place ivith a wide band of seed peairls. A quaint round-bouquet c ompleted her costume. The bride and the bridegroom, who i: the soit of Mr'. and Mrs, Walter Marx, are spending a month in Maine before going f0 Evanas- toit to ltt'e. Carol C. Lawrence, Weds E. K. Fermer Friday,, July,.26. Miss Carol Gaines Lawrénce, daughter, of Mr. -and «Mrs.ý Ches- ter La.,wrence, became the bride of E. K yle Farmer, son of Mrs.: Edward Kyle armier of La. Grange.,;Ga., Frriday, JuIy 26. Théeceremony took 'place atý the home of the bride's pare nts,. 726 Greenleaf avenue, at 1l o'clock in the morninig with the- Rev.. George. P. Magili of Wilmette o fficiating. As. it was a sr .nali home wedding each had but one attenda nt. The bride was charming in a Becky Sharp, bine c repe dress with navy, blue accessories and, a corsage of gardenias. Her sister, Jean, attended her, wearing tailored yellow crêpe and a corsage of yellow roses. Frank Edwards of Evanston served the bridegroom as best man. The fireplace, 'banked with ferrns, nmade an improvised altar with Ïtali baskets of blue delphinium,; yellôw larkspur, and baby's breath on e ither side. The bouse was decorated with colorful summner flowers. A wedding breakfast for the family was served at' Shawnee Country club. .Mr. Fariner and his bride went to. Atlanta by plane, and after a ten-day honeynioon, will return to Wilmette for a short visit. After September 1, they wilI be at the Georgian terrace in Atlanta.: Among the parties given 'for the bride'was à dessert bridge and hosiery shower at which Miss Alice Vos- burgh was hostess., Miss -Betty Kir- wan. gave a- tea, and handkerchief shower, and the, Misses Bettie Shep- ard, Alice Quigley, Gretal Knupfer, and Virginia Kloepfer entertained sevety uest ata cocktail party at. thý hr% p e 'N TJ.- xI.. ightful spot off the beaten track Patricia 'iih Ip on a bluff on the edge and Mrs. 1 Ire M cigan. A little church of ton road; van owpart of -the Holiday weeks at ant Lake, :l~orn, r of Mr. D5 Earls- ling five >, leas- house guest, Marion Htuffman of ucenfrC si Dayton, Ohio, who arrived Friday. Lnho o os Lucie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Betty Joslin, daughter of Mr. and Dix, motored to Dayton to spend the Mrs. Alexander K. Joslin, 240 Essex week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. road, Kenilworth, is hostess at lunich- Lytie, whoin she had been visiting, eon today in honor of her c>ousin, and they ail returned Monday of last Virginia Munger of Pawling, N. Y, week. who isvisiting relatives in %Vinnetka. e