Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1935, p. 46

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ent -visiting in ýMoravia, theC homeUC U bis parents. He is flot the only league member away f rom the nortb shore this sum- mer. Anita Willets Burnbam, who freqîuently flîts from lher Hubbard Woods home, b as iotored, to Mexico "via Quebec," according to Mr. 'Burn- bam. This is a slight e xaggeration,,but she did go via Sani Diego and the fair there. She is accompanied bylber, daughter, Ann. Allen .Pbilbrick, of Winnetka, is visiting in Mainie. Frank Dillon, also of Winnetka, bas bceen in Empire, Mich.,' since the early 'days of June.. He is playing tennis as bis- serious work and is sketching as a pastinie! Last S aturday, tbe members of the summer sketch class visIted, thé Mc- Millan gardens in Lake Forest. Trhis Saturday, August 3, the y will sketch in the gardens of H. H. Hettier, 1271 Michigan avenue, Highland Park. To find this address go nortb on Green Bay road four blocks past Vine street,_ where the stop ligbt stands, and turn left on the. narrow street, wbich is Michigan. Ail those interested are cordially in- vited to meet- with the sketch. class, which does not bave an instructor, but whicb meets to jointly consider the work lonc at the close of the after- noon. BACK FRQM ALASKA Mrs. F. R. Kilner and daughter,. joan, 430 Sheridan road, Kenilwortb, returned Sunday from a .three weeks' visit to Glacier Park,, and. Alaska. They stopped at . Banff antd Lake Louise on the way. back.: Richard. Kîiler .is visiitnig, bis grancimother, Mrs. Charles Greiling,. at Green Bay, Wis.. Fred W. Russell, 222' Woodbine avenue, recenrtly returned f rom a months, and, even though. we spenci a great part of the. time in outdoor activities, there are many moments wben we like to get under a sbady tree to rest and to read.. During.the busy.,winter*season each one of us at oneé time or aniother bas jotted down tit.les of books taken fromn interesting reviews which we have intended to read when' we. had more: leisure. time. No1 doubt if al the lists were, gatber.ed together they. wauld repr esent a combination of a great variety of' interests. For this reason the Wilmette Public library bas a special display of books this week to suit each individual's special interest. Here you will flnd a. variety of romance, adveniture and fantasy to take you away f rom the bere and now. Here are-,a few of the newer -titles added: Boyd, james-Roîl River. "Story is of four generations' of the Rand family in a Pennsylvania town. It is especially about Clara and bier con- genial nephew Tommy."P Fleming, Berr'y-Siesta.- "Story, of three summer, months ini a. small. soutbern town. :Written in, a kaleido6scopic mariner Wbich has been used so extensively by Halpar and DosPassos." Biograàphy De Wolfe, Elsie-After AIL. 'Life and caréer qcf the, famous interior decorator, Elsie DeWolfe." Kaus, Gina-Catherine. 'Fascinat- îng story of the 11f e of 'Empress Catherine the Great of Russi.'" Linke, LiIo-Restless Days. "Auto- biograpby of a young Germnan woman' wbo grew up during the war and the post-war years,. and was a leader,,ini the youtb movement.'. Shaw, George Bernard-Nn Plays. politics Salter, John. -Boss Rule;, Por- traits in City Politic.s. ý"By means of personality sketches, uinder disguised namnes, of representative members of Travel EdIith olociUÇK L ,Luinc, iii., n was on ber way to Seattle. --- Nancy Claar, daughter of the Elmer Claars of 1301 Chestnut, avenue, Ileft Sunýday for Elkhorn, Wis., to, attend her second iession at the Girl Scout camp,. iottwatoiuie.-l 2-Un:rnproved grou»d upon w/tic/t a newv 22-foot drive is to be con- structed, and panrking space proziided for approxintately 150 cars. 3-Foot of the ravine leading froin the lake shore to a point near t/he Wa'shington avenue entrance to the park. This ravine is to be filled in and parking space proided for 120 cars, the space to be available during the batht- ing season only to holders of beach tickets. 4-A section of the neu' chain fence, uith concret e posts, along the shore, beyond twhich automobiles toit! not be perit ted. a two weeIcs ' v watomie lodge. at Potta- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Avakiam arid. faiuily, of New York, have leased a bouse at'731, Central avenue unitilSep- temiber, 1., 'J

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