putts. mVIViss iIr n .87 I V o LJ~v- anston won a special 9-bote event. jThe events scheduled for next Tues- day include matcbed play against par and the qualifying round of the Datte Tosh tournament Tuesday of this week the finals of the' june and July Angora ýwer e 4 played., Winners in that, were: Class A-M 'iss Virginia Ingram; Mrs, H. C. Bonfig of Evanston, runner-up; Class B = Mrs. -Martin' Cassel of Win- netka; Mrs. Williami McKee, runner- up; Glass C-Mrs. C., S. Butler of Chicago;> Mrs. E. W. Samsn run- ner-up. Dave Tosh is the -"pro"~ a t Sunset Ridge and last week while playiiig witli the golf celebrity, Jack Westland, Tosh shot a,30 on the'first fine anda 37 on -the second nine to tie the course record of 67. Home from Motor Trîp Mr. and Mrs. J. B3. Fuller, 1750 Washington avenue, wbo recently moved bene fnom Clevelandi, drove j east with their two boys, Frank Carl- ing and joseph Boies, Jr., to ,visit' their families in Montclair, N. J. They drove to Detroit, took the boat trip, from thene to Buffalo, and then con-, tinued by motor. Tbey were away about two weeks, returning Sunday. .Womaft's Sociefy Pcnic The Woman's society of the WJi- mette Baptist cburcb. will meet on Friday, August 9, with Mrs. Arthur Youngberg, Hibband noad. Following a picnic luncheon at 1 o'clock Mrs. -A. V. Gruhni will revýiew a cunnent book. Sail for China. trip in the east visiting frierids in New York, Atlantic, City, and Wash-* ington,,and wilI return to the village the last.of August. While Mrs. Booz was away herson, Spencer, and bis wife,' of Chicago, occupied thje houise, and last week-end. entertained at a house party for six formne r College friends, of. Cincinnati university. Refurn from th.e East Mr. a.nd'Mns. Richard W. Hickman,ý Jr., 1458 Lake avenue, and. their daughten, Miss Louise Hickman, re- turned recently from. Lancaster,. Hjarrisburg, Philad'elphia, and New York City, having been gbne for three weeks. They had been called to Lan- caster by' the illness and subsequent death of Mrs. Hickman's niother. Richard and Wesley Hickman are spending two months at Pinewood, the Y.M.Ç.A. camp at Twin Lakes, Mich., and will return home on Au- gust 24.. Henry G. Prosser, 80~3 Lake avenue, returned last Saturday froni a fort- night's fishing trip at Lake Vermillion, Canada, with his son, Robert, .who is remaining on for another two weeks. Mrs. Prosser visited ber mother last week in. Clinton, Iowa, and Miss Jeanne Prosser is on a trip in the west seeing the Grand Canyon, the San Diego 'fair, Los Anigeles, and Sari )Francisco. On Vocaion Jaunts Mr. and Mrs. Normnan - Betts,'1025 Thirteenth. street, left Sunday, july Z8. -for a two weeks' visit in the Black Huis and. Glacier Park. They. will meet. their,,son and daughter, Dick and Barbara, who left last month on a western tour at Ha milton, Mont., and return, with them. by way of Yellowstone Park.. Their son, Nor- man Betts of Niles Center, and Mrs. Betts and the baby, who- areý stayiàgý in .ýtheir home during tbeir absence, will leave August 19, for a, fortnigbt's vacation. They are driving with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Pray of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., and will stay at Baàrotby's lodge. Here Over Week-End The John Moolenburghs of 161 Highland avenue iiad as their-guests over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown of Scranton, Pa. The Browns left Sunday, for Portland,, Ore., by plane to attend the conven- tion of the American Association, of 'Pharmacists, of which Mr. Brown is chairman of the commercial section. Mrs. Brown is a sister of Mrs..Moo- lenburgh. xv.' fia~ 0 Elizabeth.Arden makes if ecsy to achieve patrician Perfection fhrough dailyý groominu with ber three- delightfui essentials. l'ho ritual is as imperative aos yvour daily bath- and quit. as simple a matr. And before y'ou go out in~ the sun p rotect your complexon -with. the* reliable Sun-Pruf CreaM. Aideme Ci.neIngCSmn......S Aideona Si Tri...............i Aidona Volve Cmem.e Orfor dry eska OtageSki Cem............S sun-PftdCem ....... Lynmn Pha'*nacy 400 LIDUISU Ave. Wilnî.tt. 414 Rennecar Drug Co. 1138 Central Av. Wihntt. 28 TO EXECUTIVES who live on the north shore and work in Chicagoý .*Did yo-u know,. Mr. 'Executive, that Lloyd Hollister Anc. is evn ay of ýthe larger printing buyersn Chicago?' Did you kno>w ývotes his eritire that we have a repre sentative who time to "downtown" accounts? Printers .Publi.rkers Engravers A uthentic New Models for the 1935-1936 Season 1717 Sherman Ave.. Evanston GREenleuf 2882 j 1Sheldrake. 12,6 1232 Central Avenue, Wilmette Wl&?ette 4300 Wststka ooo GteenIB4/ 4300