Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1935, p. 34

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Hokanson and Jenks Report Realty Sales Holcanson & jenks, Inc., realtors with offices at 513 Davis street, Ev- anston, report a good mid-sumâmer activity. in real estatë sales. This firm recently sold the attractive' residence at 16 Indian Hi road, Win- netka, to Carl S. Lloyd af Kirkland, Fleming, Green and'Marýtin;' First Realty company of Chicago were ca-, operating brokers and the, price, was in the neighborhood' of $35,000. The same firm also reports the sale of the vacant lots on Ewing avenue, south of Payne, street, Evanston, by Gl1adys P.* Poole ta Walter B. Tackett« of Tackett and Callmer, builders, who expe ct ta construct, two residences there in the near, future. Miss Lois Stewart represented Hokanson and .,.Jenks in bath trantsactions. TQWEL ÇUPQM"I Few bathrooms have adequate star- age space for linen. Simple shelves mnay be placed on the wall above the bath tub or against free wall spaces, if the room is sufficiently large. These may have daers painted with gay solid colors or apprapriate designs and will add to the attractiveneas as well as the efficiency of this room. REAL. ESTATE LOANS Rave funds to loa o uJi cie Nerffi Shore residential and bul. no propertios at reusonable rates. E. G. Pauling & C.. FrotmMia W77« FIRST FAGEI Room Adds Much to Roois! A room of flat, painted walls and ceiling frequently can be snapped up, brought inta style and "tied ta- gether"' or unified, with a wisely selected border strip.. These. strips are praduced by the nianufacturers ofwall paper and are generally used in conjunction with that material. There are, literally hùudreds of styles and designs, frani which ta select, so- that any effeet, any period treatment May. be produced. Rooms .wbich appear taa high for preVailing tastes1 may be appreciably, lowered in appearance- by praper, use of wall 1 paper or border designs. Home owners are advised to discuss their problemns witb their, wall-paper deal- ers, wba carry large stocks oi these borders'. Advice froni the Federal Housing Administration reminds us that wall .paper can be bougbt and bung witb moniey obtained under -the Modernisation Credit Plan. Interest Is Growing in Repair, Extension Daily, reports f rom the Northe rn. District ai Illinois tai State Federal Housing Headquarters i n d i c a t e d widespread interest in the. recent ex- tension ai the limitations oi modern- izatian credit recently passed by Congress. The State Director reports that "a ne ai our good friends is consid- ering a project invalving the expendi- tl2re oi $30,00. This is anly ane of many.ty .Numeraus remnodeling projects in- valving sums ranging irom $30,000 ta $400,000 are being planned by in- dustrial concerns, and botels in north- cmn Illinois. HAVE TWIN SONS 14r. and Mrs. Walter T. .ermùing-' ham of Evanston are parents ai twin sons who were born July 31, at the Michael 1Reese haspital. They have named the babies Walter Parnell, II, and îno&enh Arthur. The mother ai M any older residences have small dining and living rooms and an unnec- essarily large entrance hall Neither of the roorni hasadequate space for, a pleasing1 furniture arrangement, n tbe hall has so many doors leading into the variaus ra omsthat'ittan seldom hold even a smnall table..lu many cases the light and air which would enter the space occupied by these -rooins, if theyý were thrown together as a unit, is minimized by the poor plan ai walls and doors. The removal ai the partitions sepa- rating the, three ýportions ai this sectian ai the home creates a larger space. which mnay be properly lighted and veâtilated. The aid dining-roomn furni- turc may be replaced by an attractive .built-intable which folds against the ,wall when nat in use. The wall wbicb is nearest the dining space may ha ve a series of open shelves *and the place- ment of gay colored dishes ta make an interesting pattern.' The entrance door may bc screened by a falding screen, harmnonizing. with the wall colors, or a simple solid calar curtain arranged ta slide irom the ceiling in a semicircle about the door. New windows, con-, centrated along anc wall, and law win- dow seats below theni, bookcases above a couch along a salid section ai the wall, a buiît-in radia cabinet barmoniz- ing with the design ai the baok and dish shelves, and many other conveni- ent and attractive additions may bc made. In this way the home awner may create a large pleasant roozu, better fitted for entertainnient and far more usable for daily lufe. He may secure financing from private financial institu- tions through the modernization credit plan ai the Federal Housing Adminis- tr.ation for this improvement in the ivability, as wvell as the value, aif his home'. pa1 ul, .AIMS RECORD bey, Fox film contraçtee, ý1-time record for the numn- Available for Property Loans UIDITOUS NOTE~: This nyseem like a sa=geInterview foBi"Mtchell to be gvn out when one remembers his penchant for "'kid- ding", North Shore people into buying tickets for his Glencoe benefit shows, but It muttbe'also remembered.th at thomie self-sanie shows were invariably succese- fui, and that succees only cornes fromi a serlouaesaef of purpose and an eftlcincy ln operation. In announcing the re-apening ai the mnortgage boan departmnent ai his bus- iness, W. R. Mitchell, 100 N. La Salle street, Chicago, states that there is now an abundance ai money available for canservative, bans*oný well situa- ted and improved properties., Evidently profiting, by past experi- ence, investmnent departmnents af in- surance companies are staying closely withithe m zargi of safety. This is an advantage for the barrower as well as for the lender, as it requires bun to consider bis own safety against the day when adversity may caîl again, Mr. Mitchell states. îý "Insurance money is available ini al- most a ny amaunt on a basis of 50 per cent of today's values," he continues, "Provided, ai course, there i sosnie proper ratio between land and im- provements, and, what is stili more im- portant, an earning ability either ai the property or the owner. "The graduaI advent 'af buyers af realeéstate is a most encouraging sign, but it-would be ioolish ta think that we are campletely 'out of the waods.' "There is no doubt that money was very thoroughly scared, but it must nat be forgotten that the borrowers were also thoroughly scared, and there can be no real, circulation. of money until the borrower regains. confidence in bis ability ta repay bis borrowings. "The tax situation* was .a. serious handicap in the movement of -real es- tate af every type, but it can be saiely said that New Trier township is far ahcaul oi the field lu working out a Wnetks 375DB, ov ?ght OLtIVER HANS,4EN r om màmkoe *REPAIRING * PIPE *PARTS lb CLEAP4ING 0 AIR CON1ITIONING Milieu Hardware C.. 1819 wflmette Avé. -WUl. Sm. Mrs. Charles Roberts oi Wilmette was hostess at luncheon ta the Tues- day bridge club at Skokie Country club, afterwards taking ber guests ta play bridge at the home ai ber daugh- ter, Mrs. Edwin Austin, 3 Briar lane, Glencoe. Lii * *, 1~~ j do do a 1

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