bal Ye Recommend Town Crier Flour A Delightjul IIealth Drink PEARS, 13LUE BERRIES, Fancy, quart.. APPLES, i~ Cookimg, 4 lbs.... SWEET CORN, Tender,<les.. TOMATOES, Red Ripe-, basket CELERY, GREEN ONIONS- BEETS- CARROTS .Per "oc iOc bu. w I t or prexerving si~a -Càli POWDERED C&H BROWN , SUCAR., ilb. DOMINO POWLPEREU SUGAR, S il ............ .. ... . . .. Ivory Flakes Large SIxe, 21.e Large Bars. 2 fr19e Ild @iit A white sudsy soap ideal for 1 aundry purposes. Makep dish wauhing qick and easy. il Holiaàoly Drinks Aussorird *»*la.. CENtRELLA SALAD DRESSING,35 CENrPELLA SALL WHOLE WAX BEANS, No. 2 ean... ~IC CENTRELLA MILK, Tan fr9 day, baf . PUFFED RICE Breakfast Food ... o SILVER CUP FRUIT COCKTAIL, No. 1 tin PUFFED WHEAT Breakfast....2 f r1 7 Food ....i7 I V Traytnore Extra Smai PEAS 2 No. Land o ae etad. À Mats . S'V'pe AsioÉled CoId Meats - Leg'O' Làm'b- Broilers,>snd VeoJ, CI&ops shoud f111 the bill of fore this weekcnd. This, assortment is ppelizin.g - nutritious - easily digested and non-f att ening. .Quoity meats shoutd be every housewife's first consideration- "There IsNo Substitute for Quality." Armnoars -Star Genitin. SLEGÔ LAMR, lb.27 AS90RTED SUM35c SAUSAGE . Faney Dry Pick. (2-2%é lb) BROIJ.ERs. Markets3 beat3lb VEAL CHOPS 1i Clioice > c7flenu Centrelia, iced Toinato Juice ColdMeat Board' Green Onioli. OId Fashtci Vegetable naise bd Po, Rellsh Centrella ced Tea Peach and Pineapple Short- cske--Whlpped Cream The, cold-ineat board should find a proipinent place ln aummer food service. Any- tldng from your steak plank to your cuttlng board may serve as a cold-meat board. Adoru It wlth assorted sliced meats and spreade or wlth aEL whole roll or two of trom wbieh eacli bungry guest imay cut asa much as ho, (WILMETTE GROCERY Af4D MARKET, INC) 1144-4648 Central Avenue WiUmeffe 420-25 Orange Pelkees con 1&c 35c ItIs the easi- est way In the world te make the y oun gste ru drlnk their Speolal FREE Save the key and band froni one Toddy can and get a large P3ylng Mlrplane. (Ask us» for details.) Idrink. pont Teaties 7e- If they hike corn flakces for breakfast, serve Post Toasties, fithe-y're crisper, more satis- Paulîng.lm Buter evI'C V. -nI CO27S0iIb» WILMTTBLIFE AGS 1,13 FISH FOR FRIDAY TROUT-or WHITE ?ISH'p Fresh caught ......l...... b. Marelt'sese lV4ether yois caIll t the store personoily or order by tilephone you cait depend on yoisr Centrella Crocer's selection. His chie f interest is to meris your complëte satisfaction and continue<L. patrornage! (Subje cit t Market Change) Omo" l 1 , lýý ýl, : * ý > ý - ý ý7, ý 1 ý AUGUST AS, ý 1935