Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1935, p. 10

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Take. advantage of the fkw weekts Iei t oenci. joy yourslf in ftie lake. We'rc ai.w oeil- iag ail badhiijg supplie at reduced pucs.I BOULEVARD DRUS STORE * EietI sudCentral Phoqe Wllette4891@ E Icture Praminlg f ll4à Greenle Av*. Wilmnette 1676 Boy your furs .*oMWu b.udget pan -Savings on Our6fie selection of furs and. fur trimned coats. and ftuu.deioeg Discontinuing stor- age charge with cleaniug oî altera- tion. M. B. OKEAN Main; isiand i ni resh water inithe United Statesý The Scouts will be there, on Isle Royale, for six days after wbich timie they will return to. Highland Park, arriving Wednesday, August 28. The Isle Royale tnip isa -substitute for theNational Jamboree and promn- ises to be one of thrilling and valu- able expérience for ail, wbo are in the party. Tbere, are more nmoose on 'lie Royale per-square mile,;thaay ohrplace in the Unite d States and- a lot of good'pictures..willý proébablv he brougbt homie, of moose and other life. The trip is made possible, through the cooperation of Charles F. Spurr, Scout Executive of tbe Hia- watha -Council at Marquette, Miicb., anid thet camnp commi ttee of thecoun- cil. The- party is ùsing equipment furnished by* the Hiaw atha Area council. VISITS IN MOLINE' Miss Betty Kremer, 918 Twenty-1 first street, lias just returned from a two weeks' visit in Moline, 111. She was visiting Bettie Patricia Bradley- Miss Bradley returned with Miss Kremer to. Wilmette and will be a guest h ere until the fail terni opens at Northwestern university. She will also visit Miss Roberta Peterson of Wilmette, wbo will assist ber witb sorority rushing activities. AIl three girls are meinbers of Delta Zeta sorority at Northwestern. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Langtry and children, 423 Cumnor road, Kenil- worth, are spending the summer at Green lalçe, Wis. Ave. Baptist mlsslonary leaders are meeting at the Mlsionary Tralning school, 2939 Vernon, avenue, Chicago, tomnorrow, (Friday) and on Monday, Wednesday, and Frlday *of -next week. Several lead- ers th the Wllmette church bave been ln attendafice. The deacons ofthte church have. vo- leased Pa6tor. Allison for a 'serles, of four addressea, at the Minnesota Ministers Conference at Minneapolis September il to 13, whlch ho will repeat at the Michi-' Xanî Ministers conference on September 23 to 25 at Lansing. The Churech achool will reopen on Sun- day, September S. Department superin- tendents are alreadty arraniging the courses of study and the staff of teachers. Newcomers in WIlmette are cordIally ln- vited to enroll their c hildren wlth Dr. 77isn Meth0dist Chuèrch Lake and Willnitte avenues The Rev. Amos Thornburg, minister Dr. Horace Greeley Smith, president of Garrett Bibicai Instîtute, and a beloved former minister of this church, wll bc In the pulpit Sunday morning, August 25. at the il o'ciock worship service. WOq sermon thenie wilil be: l'Witt Y. Also Go AwaY.t Dr. Smith wlll be very happy to greet bis'many frienda in this congrega-1 tion. The music for next S unday morning wilI be as follows: Organ Prelude: "Chant du soir"......... ...... Bossi "Andante" (First Sonata) .... Borowski Edlth Houler Karnes Offertory Solo: Moris H. Wblte Organ Postlude: "Toccata linLD Minor"..........Nvi The preacher for Sunday, September 1. wili bo Dr. H. W. Hodgens of Illinois Wesleyari university. His sermon then-e wil be: "Our Hypocrisy." Dr. Hodgens is a splendid speaker and merii.s a fine attendance. The minister will return to the pulpit September 8. Sutal chiidren are cared for each Suin- dAy mornlng durlug the worr3iip servive. Members of the Quarterly Con ference are asked to reserve the date of Septem- ber 9 for the meeting oft the Fourth Quarterly Conferenée.. 1 Scond service...............il a. m 1 The music at the services next. Sunday will be as follows: Prelude-Pry: ........... Lemmenti Solo by Mr. Frank ***o * .alstrfl Postlude-Ita Missa Est ...LemffieflB Dr. Henry Schaeffer, Pb. D.., Professor' of Old Testament Interpretation of the- Chicago Lutheran Theologicai Seminary, wil occupy the pulpit next Sunday morning during the pastor's absence.. The pictures during the Church school hour next $unday- mornlng wili cover, "1The Reign of Solomon" and "The, King- domý Divlded.II'ý,We Invite you to view these pictures wlth us., Clarence. Line- berger Church echool superintendent, wlll gve the lecture. Those wishing pastoral care wili please get In touch With J. H. Hopp, Wllmette 356, who. will secure the services of a Lutheran pastor. Sit. JOmn sLutheran. Wilnette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor 9:15 a.m..- Firat service. 9:30 a.m.- Sunday school and Bible classes. il a.m.. Second service. In the absence of the pastor the ser- vices will be conducted by Paul Fr111- mnan, a recent graduate of our Concordia Theological Seminary ln St.,Louis,. Mo. The subject of bis sermon wili be; '*The Lite of Man ln the Llght of. Eternlty." if the services of a pastor are deslred during the absence of our pastor, please cali the Rev. Paul E. Meyer at Gienvlew Next Thursday,.August 29, the Marth a Gulld (for girls employed in north shore homes) will meet at 4 pmr., supper being served at 6 o'clock. First Presbyterian Nintb street: at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, ruinister Our inorning worshiP service will be held at Il o'clock. The guest preacher will be the Rev., 4lva V. King, D.fl., pastor ot the Firat Presbyterian Churcb of Hastings, Nebraska. Dr. King was. fore a number of years pastor ofthtet Roseland Presbyterian -Cburch 'ot Chi- cago., At present he ministers te the college churcb at Hastings, with a large student constituency. He bas led a nuniber of young people's conferences ln the Presbyterian church. The Sunday school Win meet at 10 Baker Eddy, and ail oier autborsed Christian borrowed or purdhased at thei.Reading Roomi where he spent the summer. jean Hartke, ,Iaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward Jfartke,'319 Central Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cuinber- avenue, entertained fifteen girls Fri- land avenue, 'Kenilworth, was hostess dayý at a party in honor of her, ninth at a small bridge luncheon, Saturday, birthday. at Indian Hill club. Ilea Bible m'd Works of Mar Scenece Literature may b. oeai tR5E PUBLIC U5 oemrnAI.Y INVITED TO ATTENh TIR% CMURCU ESVJCES AND VU mTasE auRF»Nxo ROO t

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