the thngs to *De talcen up by Dr. Gnesin, as 'head of the School of Drama, wilI be the question ýas to whether to extend the number of per- formances to be givon each play. Last year there were so many, demanda for seats that ail members of the Institute, some.- fourteen tbousand stropg, cou Id nfot .be accomntnodated. Announcement of the, playsç to be presented.will be given later. Miss Harriet'Mons, .157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, is visiting frie nds in Canton, Cleveland- and Akron, Obio, for two weeks. Mre. Herbert Taylor, 631 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, was hostess té ber bridge club at l'uncheon,- Tuesday. A*;4Q luto this moel of a BOY Scouit camp,' E. R.. Shutable, 1005 Michigan avenuir, Wilmetfe, has niot onlj' injected a rare craftsmatiship, but an art istic con- ception that sfa M>P$it as iumusal.. Perhaps he drewv upon reclecttiô,,s of h. i omn boyhood, bef are thse Boy Scout orqanization zms thouqht of, but w/tes bi:~nft.eýiéjoyed'tke reedo,:a and thrWls of camp lie on the bassks of fish-infested streams or in fthc depths of forests u'here 7id gante aboussded. C[eanod jblock.d l'a yE a n d ur ex- I TypO mg. MM"in &«fo &me e d mutap* o.f Discoveor fine living at the Mount Royal SHORE Lib CLEANER Wlhu.ft. 3400 GU.mcoe 1300 1215 WasmImgtom Avd ~JIn those days, he recals, there- were no such annoyances as "No Fishing" ,and "No Hunting" sgns, and a boy could fish and bunt to bis beart's content. And did they become as hungry as the loie. Boy Scout in the miodel? Mr. Sbnable wiIl tell you that they did, but opines that the weitiie the Boy Scout is. roast- ing would flot be a satisfactory sub- stitute for a f resh fisb or tender squîrrel. Miss Violet Wyld, 424 Warwick road,' Kenilwortb, Ieft Saturday, August 10, to visit ber cousin, Mrs. Bessie Carter in San Francisco. PROMOTES RIDE___E_ PROPER IIO POSTURE "Soul" was the subject of the Les- son-Sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scienfist, on.Sunday, August 18. -The Golden Text was, 'I wiIl set my tabernaicle aniong you: and xny soul sbalI not abhor you. Anid I will walk among you, and will be your GQd,' and ye shall people" (Lev. 26:11,12).. Among the citations wbich coin- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible: "0 bless our, God, ye people, and make the voice of bis praise to be beard: Wbich holdethi our soul in life, and suffereth flot our feet to be moved" (Psalms 66:8, 9). The Lesson-Sermon also inclucfecl the following passages from the iNew Yok wfo lias been in. summer, son will also join them and spendcola uvr r n r.Ba week-endwith the Smiths. I.