Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1935, p. 26

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cation mout bear ushe naine and, addreu -of thse author, mot nece.uarily for ptubicatiog, but for Our 1 flm, Suds mateesil musi reach tise editor by Tulmday. noon t. Le in ture for thse curent lume *There is somtething in the nature of a child that seemts to require the comtpanionship, of a do~ Whether it is the natural, satisfaction *tbat cones *fromt ownership, or. an intimate camlaraderie that cannot: be shared by others, theé fact rentaixis that the, normal, -bealtby boy -or girl wants a dog. Soute there be who assert that possession of and association witb a dog is essential1 to a pefc1 rounded out aduit life., Wbatever the facts may be, there isno disputing that a great many, chu.- dren, and grownups, as well. not,onl y want dogs, but get them.. It is also* a fact that dog ownership brings it& responsibilities, among which is an obligation tc neighbors that the pet be flot permiittèd to nîaki a nuisance of itself. In summer especially, wbemn doors and windows are open, an entire neiîghbor- hood may be disturbed and annoyed by a single barking dog whose owner doe.s îlt sce fit to quiet it. Citizens are entitled to the quiet.ol summer evenings without nerves being frayed by the incessant barking of one or more dogs. How often this 'happens is partially reyealed by the number of complaints reaching the police department. POTATO, OPEN YOUR EYES For approximsately 300 years the, plebeian vege- table known as the Irish potato (te the intelli- gentsia solatium tuberosum) has been a sustaining item of food on the American table. In one formi or another the housewife bas dished up this tooth- somne tuber ,te her dependents-boiled witb their' jackets on, boi'led with their jackets off, maehed, fried, sboestring, French fried, or au1 gratin. The poor man in bis' hovel, the welI-to-do in bis cot- tage, the rich in bis palace, ail have placed im- To make7sure that ne. man, ricb or poor, ,wbo markets more thian. five bushels of potatoes.ý in the Meat industTy loliowing the siaugister of millions of mother pigs, pigs and cattié would probably be useless.. The' secretary has demn- stratecl that.he is a' very determined person, and the one thing he seems rnost determined flot to do is to learn. It ýis to be hoped 'that the' potato will, get its eyes open to what is in store- for it before it ýis toc> late to, do anything about it.. t BILL'sSHARE" Manyr people are comipletely in the dark as to thie working. of the social secur*ty b l ecn enacted into I1aw upon thé signature of the p'resi- dent. A member, of congress bas pro vided -the d following practic al example which will. serve te givye a clearer understanding of the, pension feature, or old age annuiies: 'The Social Security ]à11, contains a pro vis .Ion for pensioning einployees. after. they revich age .65, tihe tunds for whieh are'1 to b. obtained from a tax on both thse employer and employee. Farm labor, govermntrewokdoesi ndcsa "To get a concrete idea' of how tisis section wlli * uPPIY to any employee. let's take Bill Jones who i s 20' Years 'old and working at the time tise mea sure takes effect. Let's'assumeë that Bill1 Jones, works from age 20 to age 65 and In tisat time * earns an average of $100 a montis. For thse first three years (1937-1938-1939) Bill.1Jones will pay a * tax of 1 per cent on hUs salary or a total of $36, thse tax to be deducted by his employer and re- mitted to tise Government. In the next three years, Bill1 pays a tax of i% per cent or $54. In >thse next three years tise tax would b. 2 per cent or. $72. In tise neit three years It would be 2% per cent or $90. Duilng thse sext 33 years before Bill1 reaches age 65 tise tax. would be 3 per cent or$21. Altogetiser, Bill Jones on reacising age 65 wouId have paid a tuttx of $1,440. "Hus emiployer rneanwhile would be paying tse >sam5ie amount of tait as Bill1, nialing'a total of $2,880 pald Into tise Treasury. As a pension or annuity, Bill would receive % of 1 per cent on thse first $3,000 of iis total wage or $1500, added to 1/12 of 1 per cent of thse next $42,000 which le $35.00, plus 1/24 of 1 per cent of thse next $9,000 whieh ls $3.75. Bill1 Joncs',nionthly pension would tiierefore be $53.75. If h. ives to be age 75, lie would reelve a total of $6,450 In pensions for tise $1,440 wisicis hoepaid. In. If Bi11 Jonses sisould die at age 65, before receing a pension and after having paid taxes for 45 years, his estate .would' recelve 3%, per cent o0f bis total1 wage (wisichIs n tisis case le $54,000) or $1.890. "Suppose he lived to age 66 and received iss pnrion of $5375 a montis for one year or a ~ftoal t*l**** *8*%t IHtFC This is probably as glaring an examiple of incon- siderate youth ais, could he found. A telephone cali to ber borne would bave saved nucb worry on the, part of ber parents and much time for' several. other people. tilat wo ic otnewi5F e reqi of Italian soldiers, if Mussolini alind bis own business. Seen Think of this, you north shore f avored onesý and get out the old overcoat. A private letter , from Nebraska states tllat- for two weeks the ther- mometer las hovered around 110, and. on. special occasions. has climbed to 120, And: no. Lake Michgan! ýA fan dance'r who. cannot properly demnonstrate her art wheù clothed in more than a feather and cui, needeéd only to discard her slippers to jump into the Chicago river ini an effort to save a droWn- ing man. Fili stay home and No mani with the courage and skill to accomn- plish ýthe things that . M. stand forever toý the credit of Wiley Post can w ell be spared f rom a world ini wbich such' pioneer souls are aIl too few. Nor -canl onie with the gift of attract- ing, holding and amusilig 50 many friends as' did Wil Rog- ers well be, spared frorn a world in which there is much toc > littie laughter. Heaven, tis 'said, is a place where myriads of angels, wearing golden crowns and flowing robes, live in a state of per- petual ia p pi ne ss. About 1f- now, we tbink, they are' Iearning that there is -more rich and innocent fun in the worldl than they ev er dreamed of until WVill Rogers got there. It is flot dificuit te imag- ine the humorist-philosopher the center of a bevy' of the celesfial beings convulsed with laugliter at wisecracks that we-mortals Will not bear until his latest pictures 'are released. But should the '-angels try te get him to don a flowing robe or golden crown or e-yen to comb bis bair, tbey wil have their own troubles. For one 'just cannot see Will Rogers' as being anything or anybody but Will Rogers, on earth or in beavent. -And -ithose -angels do, try te change hum, even in the. .minutest lovable cbaracteristic, we shall neyer think as mucb of the angels again. Some day we hope to meet him, and it would Rie embarrassing te look at Will Rogers and not know that beisa WiIl Rogers. So please, angels, Icave bum just as be is. Maybe it's mean to say t, but wben we read of that Kansas City dentist tied in bis chair and robbed of $2 we tbought it would have been nlice for the robbers to operate on bim for a minute or two witb the buzzer. Tiwx PHANT0OM REPORTER

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