-j Figures for. Mûyan 'h eI dicate, Federal Savings anfd Loan Prospering Secretaiy 'C. E. Cliftonl, Jr: of the First Federal Savings anîd Loan AsSociation of Wilmetté directs at- tention to a recent comparative re- port, showing 'the marked increase. ini assets of federal and Joan associ- ations and the gain- in shares sub- scribed by the public.-- The local association is affiliated with the Home Loan Banik of Chicago, througli .'whicli it is enabled to fi- liance .on a favorable basîs~, the, mort- gage or building, needs of its mcm. bcrship. ladicate Confidence *Colfitdence. of the inivesting Pub- lic ili buildingk and Jloani associationts under federal charter," said. Mr. Clifton.i "is sho)wîî in a report of MaY and June activities for ý623 ,uchi orgaizations,, for which month- ly comparative figýures are availablé. 'In thie casé of 205 old-established, associations, ,%-Iicli have converted rvcently to Federal charter, new share subscriptions exceeded with- for the inonth of June wre 46.5 per cent less than in May. Convert- ed associations also reported a heavy drop ini their borrowings from bantks and other private. sources, to- g)ether witli an. increase in, advances froni the, Federal Home Loan Bank Systcm,ý of..which A Federal savings and Joani associations are m iembers. Large Suliscription Gain "New Federal associations, of which 418 are included in the coin- <Dr. Horace G. Sitlf, president of1 Garrett Biblical' Ilistititte, ex- Pecis tb greet a large con qrecat ion *Smndy' îorninq* .Iugqast 25. ai il o'clock*, when lie occupirs' his forme'. t'nlpit 'aithe Fl. ilnette Parish *Met hod ist churc h. iSs .ermn themeL ivudl iy 'JUil! r IV.lSO Go .'hlav.- la telegramn dated Augst 2, STREET ROUTES Coligressman Ralpb E. Church vises that. both the- House and Senate Vlae w, eiun o hvaPpr oved the conference report Cm ec omsino on te onibs rivers and harbors Psil rih ot bipovdn or a survey bohh War Department of Wilmette harbor, hl h othSoePoet in pepaatin fr te dedgng roj- Owners association and ofcaso ect Te eprtha bensent to practicallY everY north.shore villag President Roosevelt for bis approval. are hoping that some:other solution Thug of.the freight truck. problem. will be îhs t brought dloser the longfodteIlni'Cm rcco- sought dredging of the -barbor, the misinmiosis Co mmrngteekom-e need for ivhich , lias been empha sized bulevard route and the zoing plan time and again because o f the con-_ as advanced during -recent meetings. stant and accuniulating "fili-iin" whiclî1 This> plan, as formerly stated, bas interfered, with the efficiency of provides' that Skokie ,boulevard be used as the main truck route, and the United States Coast Guard station, entrance made into the varjous' .aîtid prevented tlîem from i aunching i zon~es from that thoroughtare only. thc agraft. - anici app d lasre ccomplish this certain streets also seriously a dcp ed pe s r would be designa'ted by the vilages The mpeatie ned nd mpot-'over which the trucks would be per- aTce of dredging the handor ias been as td to operate within the villages a n c of d re gi n th li rb o li s b el, as w ell as fo r en terin g th e zo nes. consistently pressed by the Sheridan' às Sggst b-e Shore Yacht club, whicli lbas received the earnest support of the Wihette The streets tentatively set forth Chiamber of Commerce, the Wilmette for truck routes, and which are said Rotary club) and the Wilmiette Optim- to be satisfactory to The Willett ist club. Representative Church bias cômpany, whose petition bas been also taken an -active interest ini the before the Illinois Commerce coin- inatter. and has use.hiiifier J, ---- the, best knownl preachers ini the, Middle 1lt is also authoritatively stated that West and bas bé-en bighly successful in ai, allocat ion of $200,000 has beeni guiding the destiny of Garrett Insti- nmade front the WPA fund to further. tute, one of the. leading seminaries in rehabilitate the Great Lakes 'Naval the country, through the arduouis davs Traiinsg station Plant. This wîll in- of the economic crisps.'Volve the employmnent of. several 1 hunidred skil'led workmen, and indi- cates an intention on the 'part of: the Vacation Readers Will governrnlent to compîeteîy restore t he Obtain Diplomas Friday. statioi.i to its former higli efficiency. The Children's Vacationn RleiIDhZ..... *e-3u routeto kuwaru Street In i.iii- cago; thence along Howard Street to Chicago Avenue in Evanston, Illinois; thence north in Chicago Avenue to Demp- ster Street; thence west ln Demppeter Street to Sherman Place;* thence north in hernian Place to, Sherman Avenue;, (Coutinued on Page 13) Continues Sermons on "E arly Church" PRESTIGE ings, Neb., wiii be the gtlest prea( at the services in the First Pre5 terian church of Wilmette Sun 'morning, Augrist 25, at Il o'clock. King is a Leader in young peoj work ini the, denomination. ýnnt amaeIu md, but useiveral ar- ticles o f jewelry and a stamp collec- tion are known to.have been taken. CaJI-WILME'rrE 4300 ask for Ad-taker tion. Ae, pastor of the church, is away the ývillage on his, summer vaca-