studying and wrking tional research depai uni Versity. d ..heen Spend Fortnight af Camp Tbree Wilmette Girl Scouts, Rose- Mary McKeigban, 1615'Walnut ave- nue , Verna Archanbault, 1450 Lake avenue, and Georigia Haskin. 1462, iI- mette avenue, spent ;two weeks this montb at Camp Hickory .Hill near janesville,ý Wis. Rosemary and Georgia came home Sunday, and Verfia was driven borne a short time previously byý Iier father. Mrs. Ô. E. Spens is the guest oif Mrs. Claude Burnbam, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilwortb. Mrs. Speng is mov.-' camp tins season. Returns fo New York Miss Susannah Armstrong, Wbo bas spent the past ýy ear i New York, re- turned to that, city Tuésday after a month's vacation witb ber parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armstrong.,.861 Bluff road. Glencoe. Mrs. Thomas F. Molyneaux, 219 Leicester road, ,Keniilwortb, and ber, t hree daugbters, jane,. Ann,. and Florence, arrived home. Iast Frîda from *a seven -weeks' trip abrod Tbeyr traveled t.hrougb -Entgland, &lect C0~t in CLcgos flnest AIR-ýCONDITIONED, Salon A 'wonclerful collection dl new Fali pieces now Leiaig presenteil uauer, Most,.P'leasant atmospkerlcal couJitions. SAKS FIFTH AVENUE SALE Summer Jfrod s AT 1/3: TO: ½ 0F FORMER SALE PRICIS WEÂTIIEJLED M&ISSES SuIOP NORTHMICHIGAN AT OAK.