Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1935, p. 34

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"The scope ofthme arama, its pagearn- ry, its clarity of thotiglt, its unexcelled dignity, its finely sustained poetry even in -translation, its resounding message of hope, its. cail to determined. action, al combine to place The Tragedy of Man aogthe great. poetc drainas of, the wrd-Percy Hutchison in the New, York Trnes. Romtd * Oaled for and Dllvered, Work Guaranteed phone Ortibugea IMotel BMg., Evaaat<>u North t. the Orieuit by Anne Morrow LINDBERGH usiaN maps chandleir's F.untol. Squ.r. Ivamfon IMARSHALILD j &COMPANY la DOLLAR Edifiomu for th. First Timue. Auguit 26 Book Section, Pirit Floor. decided to bc a writer. lie also de- cided that to be a good one lie must work and live close to people. Fol- k.wing tbat plan, be. found a place ini air insuraince office in- Dallas, and he wÀorked there so successfully tbat lie was promoted te tbe home office of tbe company atý Stevens Point, Wis., where lie now lives. Outside of o .ffice hours lie worked te suchl purpose tbat at twenty-seven be bas .written a first novel tbat- was ac- ceptcd, by, tbefirst publisher wbo saw it'and was unanimously cbosen by the five judges oëf tbe Book-of the- Montb cluûb for its July book. Deep Dgrk River is the story of a small community on the, delta plain of thie..MissiàsipPi. The descriptions of the river and the country about it are.' beautiful, -and some of tbemn are unusual. * Mose Southwick, a negro, hs work bas been in a gravel pit- in Louisiana and wbose time outside work bas been spent ini preaching and in studying to be ordained, loses his job when the pit is closed and goes te bis brother's home near Clarksville. There bl ibres out to work on Mr. Rutherford's farm for whatever wage Mr. Birney, the. over- seer, may sec fit to give hi, at "picking tinte." Mo se a Is "rauw". Mose preaches a little, works bard and loves the out-of-doors. Hie maJkcs an unfortunate. marriage, but is able to, risc above bis disappointment and to readli a place of peace and satis- faction in bis if e. The Rutherford estate is badly managed by Mr. Br ney and two Rutherford sons. Birney, a vicious, ignorant person, bitterly resents Mos's attempt te protect bis wife and home. In Birney's phloso- ply no negro sbould oppose a white inan for any reason wbatever. Un- able to hurt .Mose biniself, he bres a "bad" negro, Willie Stubs, te pick After four years' silence, Cli den, author of Sinniers ini LIi winner of the British Firsi Prize, adl several other1 14books, bas written a new novi titled The Enchanted SPring,J beé pùblished. in tb.is countryi ring of a lemollaie stand the cnuudren decide to make a toy and seil it to the wonian at the Toy Bazzar. Jody wants -te make a yellow pussy 'cat, and Bing thinks that. an. airpiane would be even nicer. Tbey decide to ,comtpromiiseon a toy tbat looks like bothan airpiane and a pussy cat. In order t o earn the money' for the c loth ith which to make, tbeir toy, tbey belp Thomas, tbe, gardener; they. sbine Daddy's car; and Jody belps, Motber with the bouse1 work. Pinally when' enough pennies are saved tbey buy tbe material1 and cut out an "airplane-p ussy cat" whicb tbey-caîl "Buffin." B ly that tume it isjust two days before Cbristmas s50 the children talce their.toy to.thie Bazzar, and the mtoney that. they obtain from the sale of ".Buffin" they turn over to the Fresb-MiIk-For- Babio. iind, On Christmas norzing. when Jody and Bing go to look at their presents around the tree'tbey have a great surprise wbich 1 will leave for the young readers of Buffint to find out. The book cQntains only about fif- teen pages. It is well written and, is chammingly illustrated by Mar- garet A. Gaug, tbe pictures being gayly colored. The author, Leone Barrett (Mrs. Frank Barrett), wbo lives in Kenilwortb, is an active mem- ber of the Garden club and in charity work. Buffin, is one of ber- many proects for cbarity, as ail royaltes front its sale go t'O ber charity fund.' Miss. Gaug is 'a young Chicago artist wbo conducts an art salon ini the Diana Court building. Buffin comes in two bindings, a regular cîotb binding witha pasted onlay, and a laminated cellophane binding. The later binding is dustproof, waterproof, and fully wyasb- able. -ý-V. Mci). i Dawes Compiles1 !eWCfl) a These Mernoirs of the great ýNovel garian statesman cover bis e popular ences in many fields -diplc 'el. . E- travel, the lecture platform; inc it 1 te ally le tells of many famousl ini JUl.y. whom lie.bas known. Chips, The Lost 'Horizon, a former book byr James Hilton was brought success.fully to the notice of his readers. Now another book formerly publisbed in England, with tbe titie, Muirder at School, and under Hil- toni's'peunine, GenTrevor, bas beeti brouzht out ini America and. calied Was'It Murr It May steem strange that the «author of Good- bye, Ur. Chips wouid try b is hand at a mystery ýstory, but he is, suc- cessful ini bis effort. Whiie it lacks naturally tbe delicacy of tbe fir st iovely littie-story, it does .sboW 1care- fui work. -The setting 'iu an English boys scbooi is unusual, of course, and the star,- is not only a. good mystery, it is good writing. Schoolboy Meets Mysteriome Death Colin ReveIl, a young Oxford grad- uate engaged in various literary en- deavors, is interrupted in bis work by a letter, from Robert Roseveare, bead, of bis old school at Oakingtoni. Rose- veare writes to -ask lim, to return taOalington ta help solve the mys- tery surrounding tbe apparently ac-, cidentaI death of one of tbe school boys. Reveil Is selected because' lie bas done somne amateurisb sieuing and because bis presence at bis own former school wiil arouse no sus- Picion. Robert Marshal bad been..killed in the dormitory by the falling of a heavy gas fixture from the ceiling above bis bed. Sometbing bas made Roseveare feel that perhaps the fixtures bad flot *fallen ýaccidentally, ReveIl is unable to help in that problem, but bastily re- turns te Oakington saine months later when Wilbraham Marshall, an older brotber of tbe deadboy, is killed by falling into tbe swimniing pool wbicb had been drained for cleaning. The only relative of the boys wbo would inherit their ctonsiderable fortune is one of the masters of the scbool, Tom Ellington. stili Another Deatia Wbule Reveil. in a rather hopeless way, and Mr. Gutbrie f rom Scotland Yard, just as unsuccessful but not so. honeless. are working on tbe case. Kindergarten Songs Mrs. Edgar D. Coolidge of Evans- ton bas just had a. book of kinder- 1garten songs publisbed Titie, of the book is, A Crcus Parade

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