Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1935, p. 42

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Clamsffed sdvertluements will be se- Dead-iiie gr Isertins-oepted up to. Tuesday 9, P.. M. for WILME'Tie liFE or all tbrée papers; Wednesay ,B P. M. toi'- WINEK TL sdThirsday s P. m. for GLENCOz NEws. Telphnes Wlmtte480.Winnetka 2000 (Winnetka 600 after 6. P. M.),I G r e n at 43 0 r h e dr k e 13 121 7. LOB? ANMD F@UND LOST -BLACI COT ýTIEl, KENIL- worth lcense No. 16. AnswerS to naine of 'Kiltie." WIlI -ive reward. Bentley McCloud,, 338 KenllWorth Ave. Phone KeniiWorth* 1528. 3LFNId-itp LOST - WEDNESD)AY AB OU T 5 o'clock. Female wirehaired Scotch1 Ter- rier. White *Ith black and tan mark- Ings. Children's pet. RewaÏrd. Highland Park 4602. 3LT16-ltp LOST - BLACK FF.MALE SCOTTIE. 8S'aturda.y lnHighland Park. Reward. Phone Glencoe.,324.1. 3LT16-ltp LOST - COLLIE.PUPPY, MÂALE. YEL- 10w and white.* Reward. Phone Glen- coe 19e8. SLT19-ltp AN79OWS A COTTAGEC, CA»1P4 AND STORE- boume filled with fine old furniture and glana. Reasonable prices. Glan-yr-Afon Farm llouue, East Crescent Road, <lien Hlyn, 111. Phone 850. (Mail R. F. D. 1, Lombard, 111.) 7LTN15-4tp BUILDING ANDP REPAIR$ R. B. WHITAKER CO. OUR CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT renders a coniplete service ln building, modernization andrepairs.'All work rAND MAUUN 'îington Aivenue. CTOR ê,219 FARM PRODIJCE .1That's Real Butter !" saidone of the North Shoresm mnost partieular hou-4ewive-s when 8he tasted our butter' for thé firt Utie. (She's aregular, custorner, now.) ('ail WILMETTE 44891 and this butter. made f ront Pure, Nweet pastèurized creanm wiII be dellvered to'your door. Mellod Fa2rnîs Dar 24LTN16-Itc T. B. TESTED AND PASTEURIZED Golden Bantami Sweet Corn, doz. 1.5v Locust Farm Products SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY H-OLTRS 1225 Willilette Ave. Phone Wil. 5458 Hours 9 .. bt 10 P. nm. 805 Ridge Ave.. Wilmette Hours 8 to 12 a. mi., 4 to 7 P. ni. 98Liniden Ave. Hubbard Woods Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 24LTN16-ltic flAUflMIJN1 fl, very rea& 7'IANO1 ýPhone N16-ltp BUSINE"SS ERVICE_____ pAINTINS AND DECORATINQ JOS. F. KUSS Paint, Paper *Your Homeé Jeweler and Optometrist Now at the Following, Prices 547 ,Chestnut St. opposite post offce'i Sanitas and vanvasing work. Ceiling. WINNETKA 3671 cliie $1 up; bathrooin enarneled, 1Rî~*'.$5 up; kitchen painted, $6u. 5 rnis. nce ot. jperI Longbeaeh 44LTN16-ltp WIRE HAIRED TERRIER PUPPIES. THOROUGHBREDS. t MONTHS. A. K. C. REGISTERED. $25 'AND $35. WiNNETKA 2652. . 44Ll6-tp COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES PARTI- color, maies, 10 wks. old, registered, sPlendid peédigree. 38 Abbotsford Rd. Winnetka. Winn, 1972. .44L16-itp RAOÔSERiVICE RAýDIOSB SERVICED OR REBUILT by, conPetent radio engineer. Prices reasonable , satisfaction guaranteed.ý Call Wilmeýtte 1208. ý6OLTN14-4tp)ý UPHOLSTýERY AND REPAIRS YOUR DAVENPORT: AND) CHAIRS re-upholstered, finest 'workmanship. Phone and our estimator *Il eal with complete uine of samples. Special dis- count this month. Davis Furniture Craftsmn.en 721-23 Main Street University 7210 58OANSIt IOAN'S ON AUTOMOBILEIS Confidential service, legal rate@ MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bankc Bldg., Evanston Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc' ICarlson's Empi. Agency IHelp carefuily selected, with special Iattention to experience, reference, and generai qualifications needed. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INTERVIEWS I 66LTN3-ttcý SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE DOMESTIC HEUP RELIABLE EFF'I~CIENT S-h-a-y Empi. Agency HIELP WANTED-PWIMAIE DOMIESTIC HELP EXP'. AND WELL RECOM.MENDED Good Wages Lindgren Ei . Agency, Esabised25yer 79 Em St Winn. 12047ar 71LTN2-tfc COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANT- - d with good refs.> Apply en, person. ALL EXPLOYMENT 'SERVICE 6631 Vornon Ave.- Glencoe 251 71LTN13,tfe AN EXPERT ALTERATION HAND Write A-112, Box do, Wilmette,:111. EXPERIENCZD COOK .,GENERAL .housework. No laundry. Good wages. references requlred. Winnetka 2391. 71L16-ltp WANTED -WHITEi, PROTESTANT, ,wages $40-$45 mo. No laundry. 2 littie, gils, 3-5 yeaire. Muet cook and serve. Winnetka 1971-.. 71LTN16-ltp WHITE I(AID, GENERAL 1HOUSg- work. 2 aduits ln family. No washing or ironing. »6. Phonie Winnetk& SII26, 71LTN16-lte EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN FOR general housewo-rk. Four in family. Hogme nights. $10. Phone Wilmette 1772. 71LTN16-1tc, WANTED - REFINED WHITE GlIRL- for general housework. Must be good cook. No heavy cleaning. Phone Wil- mette 130 71LTN1Gr-ltc WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework anki care of 5 year oid boy. Phone WIint 1. 1694, 71LTN16-ltp WHITE, PROTESTANT GIRL FR geni. hsework, must be good cook, able to serve. Ref. required. $ 12.00. Winn. 1523. 7ILTN16-lte MAID, WHITE FOR GENL. HSEWK., cooking, no laundry, 271 Hawtlîiorne Ave., Giencoe 1157. 71LTN16-ltc WANTED MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work, haif days. Ph. Wiiniette 3672.' 71LTN1-tc WANTED-YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 3 adult.. No laund<rv,. $30.0a mo. kinc4ergarteiI and 8 gramn- eacl niar grades, açeredited acconi. for H. for $1 $eh. students. Manual -training for boys, enl dornestie science for girls. Registration FOR to be ln by Sept. lot. LUi succeseful year.. PUPE Wrlté Mlary Beye, Regaotrar. lu 20A-LTNIS-4tp Wilme 8 weeks old higan Ave., ,832. ining. w i >ne 'Uni. amnneri TIC. £1VjA. Frank's Domestic Bureau 421 Richmiond Road Renilworth 5221, 73LTN16-ltc EXPERIENCEDý C O U P L E. REFER4- ences. Good cook. Fond of children., Phone Giencoe 4199. '73LTN16-ltp CIMENT 1714 Waslh

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