la, perf HEINSEN REALTY CO., EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, WINNETKA 254 $9,è000-EASY TERMS Desirabie bouse on quiet street. S. E. Giencoe, lot 50x240. 4 bedroome, 2 baths, htd. silpg., pr., ser. por., Redeco- rated throughout. Smiali cash required, balance like rent. SM1%IT1- AND GOSS 25Elim St, Winnetka Ph. Wknn.,3500 111LTN16-ltc ENG. BRICK. 3 BDRMS. 2 TILE BATHS, 2 car garage, loveiy, garden. P6,600.. Colonial brick. 6 bdrms. 3 baths, pches, lge. lot, fine loc. $22,0004 Mrs.,Oppenheirn, Winnetka 156. 111L16i-tp EAST WINNETKA. .5 BEDROOMS, 3 baths, garage. Fine investment. at $10,6000 or offer. Winnietka 269. 111Ll6-ltp WANTrED i6o uï-HOUBS 7 OR 8 RAI. BRICK HSE. WviIU ENIL. . or Winn. that can, be bought with smail down payfnent balance like rent. Give ful particulars. Write A-106,, Box 40, Wilmiette, 111. 113LTN16-ltp WANTED-7 OR 8 ROO.N HOUSE, 4 bedroonis. Wilmette or Evanston. Mod- erp. $7,500 cash. Write A-107, ,Box 40, Wliiette, Illinois. I13LT.N16-ltp FRSM,.E-VACAN! _ LKEFRONTAGE. NVe have several choice building loca- tionson the lake, Evaust'on tu Highland Park, sîze, 60 feet to 600-.feet. There are but a few of sucb lots availabie. Buy now as prices are certain to ad7 McGURE'& ORR, Inc. 5>30 Davis tEaioh Gre. 1080 328 Park Ave., Giecoe <lencoe 13 114LTN16-ltc. CHOICE LOATIONS NEAR THE LAKE 100x188, wooded, restricted $,ü0«0 l5Ox285, wooded, with 2 street fronitages, only ...I $15,000 Both are clear of assesments and over- look heautifil large residences. Fred'k B. Thomas &.Co.î EXCLUSI-VE AGENTS 43EM, ST. WINNETKA 2850 114LT'Nl6-ltc HIOMESITE BARGAIN SOUTHEAST WINNETKA Fuller Lane, east front. Selling under $85 per ft. Ideai famiily location. Act T - -1 $2,OOO to $20)000 McGUIRE & ORR,- mc. Over d0 Y.mrs 0f -Depeladabilà &srv#oe 630 Davis St., vanston oire. loge __________________127A-LTN16ltc MONEY FOR LOANS t&OW AVAILABLE! LOANS ON NOT HORE HOMES pto60% c value. Monthly repay- ment. Pay out in 5 to 15 years. Get detaîls f roin First Federal. Saving& Loan Association of Wilmeitte, 1137 Cen- tral Avenue. Mr. Clifton, Seeretary. Wilmiette 863. 127A-LTN47-tfc FIVE PER CENT MONEY. AVAILABLE FOR GOOD 150% LOANS on Iioiwrik retituellees, apartnients and. gooed lusineessproI)ettie4. Prompt serv- ice and nioderate connniexion. W. R.» MIT CHELL 100 N. La.Salie- St. Central 1661 E__XCHANGE-REAL UTATE Want Clear Resid. Lot nly 4a1esand .1 roon bouse with scutened porchi;*.sutmier camp, good ishing and hunting. Wiimette,729. 1291,TN16-ltp) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 240ý-acre improved farmn edge of Môjore«i- town, Michigan, clear, for house, or 2 or 4 fiat in Chicago or suburbs.. J. C. Young, 322. Greeilleaf Ave., Wilniette, 111. RED FLAMINGO Antique and Resale Shop MOLDER.N & ANTIQUE FURNITIJRE 970 LINDEN AVE. WINN. 2067ý 129LTN16-ltp CATHEDRAL ýOAK DIN. TABLE AND 4 chaire (new); hoet, lounge and tire- side chairs; ,chest of drawers and vanity, like new; curtains,. imported drapes, lamps, mirrors,. radio set, Bavarlan china, Jap. tea set, tableware, pictures, kit. table and 2 chairs, metal cabinet and misc. articles. 50 Beach Rd,Glencoe. 104-umerson S. turnîture, on con- EJRE STORE d 1898 vanston Ujni. 0189 130LTN43-ttc WE BUY AND, SELL FURNITURE, RUGS, MEN'S AND women'tà clothing, shoes, etc. Ph. Uni. 0103. 1OLTÉN1O-4tp CALLS FOR S ILVERWARE, RUGS, curtains,- pillow cases; sheets, drapeu, ftreëplaee screens, grandfather dlock, high back chairs, 'dreseers, tables. Buckley ReSale. Wilrnette 1174. 113OLTN16-ltp WAN'TED SMALL MANGLE. Winnetka 1525 13OLTN1.6-ltip GIRLS* CLOTHES, 10-16, EVENING, afterno3on, sport, school. New complete uine.. Child's bdrm. set, rugs, ping pong table, household furnishings, linoleumn, aluminium, rockers extras. Ph. Win n. 2934. 131LTN16-ltp 18 YARDS WPAR CARPET, 8 PAIR drapesi mah. bed, spring and dresser, Èewing machine, gas range, 9x12 rug. 2 Girl Scouit uniforms 10-16, glrl's bicycle, boy's wagon. Kenil. 5520-M. 131LTN16-lte FOR~ SALE - OAK COUNTERS, tables, shelving, partitions, cash reg- lsters, display fixtures, etc. Store equip- ment in Schell. Bldg., .Elm St. Winnetka. 1592. 131LTN16- tp RUMMAGE SALE-200 CHILDREN'N books, electrlc trains, pans, toys, drapes, iarnps, miscellaneous. Corne or telephone anytime. 723 Laurel Ave. Wilmette 601 * WD. T0 BUT-MISCELLANEOUS- $ $OLD CLOTHES $ $ SUITS-SI*OES-OVERCOATS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's Clothing Storeé 742 Custer, Evanston- Uni. 2220 132LTN33-tfe Junk Dealer-G HIGHEST PRICES PAU: kinds of junk and oldc Willnette 5426, Winnetka xoidman ID FOR ALL ,lothes. Phono order' andadajustnient: Every new motor -Vebicle no* sold Or operated ln Illinols must b e.equnilpped with Service brakeg on ail wheels. (No new motôr vehicle with 2-wheel brakes are now permitted on the highways). Performance requirements, to be made on a level, dry asphait or con-, crete pavement. at 2D miles per hour, are: 4-Whéel service brakes muet stop e;War in 30 feet. 2-Wheel'service brakes must stop. va r in 40 feet. Hiand brakes mnuet stop. car, in 55 feet. "fyour car, meets tiiese require- ments, says Mr. Barrett, l"il Wvi pass the, brake inspection of tbe state, which dees not appear espe- cialIly difficuit for good brakes. should stop a car in less than 25 feet wh-en traveling at a speed of 20 miles an liour." LEHR Ns TRANSFERRED Cbarlie Lehr, who a few years ago was a pilot at Curtiss atrport, has been transferred f r o m TWA's N.Newark-Kansas City run to its Los Angeles-Kansas City line. Lebr bas been a pilot on the Lindbergh Elne for sorne timne. His headquarters are now at Grand Central airport, Glendale, Calif. Mrs. Robert W. Tansili, 1601 553 rest avenue. INEW TRIER TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Wilmette, Ill., August 19, les& The folôwing Tax Anticipation War- rants of the New Trier Township Schoois, wili be paid on presentation at the office of the Township Trea-surer, l200 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill.: Sehool jalst, No. 38, Kenilwortb, 1982 Levy 1Éducational Purposes from E64 to 't206. B~ulding Purposes froiw B40' to 1389,. 'Intereet ceased to accrue August 22, 4-GRAVE LO .Cemetery., fice for cash. mette, Tii.- A-115, Box'40, Wli- 12OLTel6-tPCf 'l one of his company's St «nn 52S1 Main 1) demonstrators. Mrs. Darr accompanied t him on. the trip. They left..Tuesday Wn.iorm 32 -P noon and returned Wednesda'y noon. D. W AllA. UNrvmorriit 7317