Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1935, p. 47

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excreinent of the insect. The eggs are about I' nch long. Bats llpward ln Stemi The next ýstage of the insect le the larva or borer or worm stage wlileh la, of ibourqe, at first exceedingly smali so that the begInning of the lnjury ls aai- mosqt certain to be entire.ly. overlooked by the grower. The borer or larva, finit eats its'way upward Inthe stem of the. plant,.for a short distance and> turns downward, uSually excavating before it is full-grown, 'a tunnel about a foot long. Nfany of the larvae have coin- pleted their growth-by the first week in August and this Is followed bY a third stage of existence known ais the pupa. The pupa stage la the. non-feeding, quieseent period during which the body of the 1orer is transi'ormied, into that of the aduit or, parent formi. This ýperiod is spetLli the larval burrow, usually soniewhere, about mid-length. The larva forins a pupal chamfber, an Inch. or ant litehi nd si hait long, packlng borings about, its body at either end. ILt, hen elheds lits skin and spends a period of probably a couple of weeks ln this PU- pal stage. The aduits. emerge f rom the i)upae, usually beginning about the nid- dii' of August and continuing Until the nmlddle of Septenfiber. They then find thteir.way into hibernating quai-ters and rest there until the following bate May or June Mien they become active again and are ready to start the next year's cycle over. Bnrtilisg Best Preventative There'is flot miuch by way of experi- mnentl work on -the contrôl 0f these pest$., 1' seemns obvious that any dah- lias .Vhlch are so affeeted that they are not likely to produce a satisfaetory b)li)iï, ,;hould be pulled up and burned as nronmptly as possible now before any of the adult stage have emerged from themi. There is a perlod right now of the,,* larvae and the pupa stage lit the stenîs of the plant when they are, at the nierey 0f the grower. Once they are transformeëd to the flying beetle stage, thvy are beyond control. Each pair inay produve a hundred or more eggs so that i-ou will readlY understand tliat the destruc-tion of the insects at this time. may go far towards preventing a dm1- * lar- outbreak next year. Anything that cou'id bedonc in the way of community actioninli destroying Infested stalks at this timne, would be niuéh more effective than the. work of an individual grower. Aniother thing that we may bie sure is of iniportance lin the prevention of this In juryr another year, ls keeping downÏ of !edsil and about the flower'gaiden- and lit the community in general. The gr4ewth lof such weeds as cockleburr, va(ra, Yale, Mrs. W. Whitaker Baer 'and son, johnie, 2.115 Beechwood avenue, re- turned recently-Iïom'àa Visit with ber sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rowland in New York. They.also visited lier father, William. Millard, of Geneva, N. Y., Who notored'back with them. Mr. an<l Mrs. Allen Rossman, 1130 Chestnut, avenue, mot ored. to ýElk- born, Ais., Sunday, to visit-- their daughter, Miss Sara Rossman who is councillor at juniper Knoll, the Girl Scout camp. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Boling and sons, Gardner, Lawrence and: Robent, 419 Prairie aveniue, came home last, Sat- urday~ froni a two weeks&ý vacation at. Estes Park, Colo. -o- Mr. and* Mrs. Martin L. Kresge, 2615 Blackbawk road, are spending several weeks motoring tbrougb Wis- cousin, Minnesota and other northern and western states. 0o Mrs. Clyde Graten, 818 Sixteenth street, and. son, Richard, returned home recently from Lebanon, Ind.,. whene tliey visited relatives for sev- eral weeks. 11ary jalne Wolf, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Hary H. Wolf, 1140 Seneca road, Ici t Wednesday to visit her grandmotheer, Mns. J. W\V. Curry, in Springfield, Ohio. 0o Mnr. and Mrs. J. Ward Hartke, 319 Central avenue,- ententained twelve gu.ests at a cocktail .tea in, honor of their house-gtests, Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Davis of Pittsburgh. 0o Mr. and Mrs. 'w ALL THIli ACES of -value are offered you this week and èery w.ek îi the. advertisements of Ouf Advertiusers ADVERTISER .Iirport .1ravenru PAGE ADVERTISER 40 Bismarck Motel ........40 Blann Pbarinacy ý ... *. I ý.. Bonneni, The Taller.' ......8 Boulevard Drug Store ..... 4, 10 Bowmnan Dalry Co............ 2" Braun Bros. 011 Co.. 12, Cover IV Burnls Toggery ....... ....... 8 Caldwell Seed Co... ... 88 Chandle 's . . ... . . .... 84 The T........ 34 Do!iNelda Beauty Salon flied rich, Edytlî. .1 Enyart, Vau Vamp & F eil......se Erlekson, Den........... 41 Evanston Aeademy of1 Fine Arts s8, h of Christ, ra Saviugs iLssociation ... ... se Sales Co. ... 40 ros. .. . . ý .. 388 PAGEI 011 or sait ......8 ou w.l, the, .. Okea, M.B. Ferlrs, pe.....10 Pagllaralo, D.... ......0 Pauling, E. G. & Co ...........836 l'eacork, C. D............... 38 Peaeock 10e Crenui ...... Pool &. Piper.............. 21r Publie fiervîcee Co...........Sb Qujinia£&Tysou' .... ..SI Reuneekar Drug Co........ 7, St Rensch Warebouse -4é, ClassllIe.d RLidge Avenue XPhiar y... Ridge View Groeeery& 1Marlket.. 8 Saks-IFitth Avenue.......8aill8 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seott, Win. M......... Cover IV Shore .LIne CIeanergs....... 20,22. Salder-Casel Drulg Co......... 7 Snyder, C. CJ, lut........... ..l (iaraen wnen nananng aron...0 va pjtat AlAf eM. 1 Field TFormiula Formula I hope this will give You Some help Water (cold)...50 gallons 3 gallons with this problem and that you wili let Hydrated lime.. . 5 poundas3 ounces us kno how the situation develops Pure copper, sui- fron thue to time. phate (bluektone) 3 pounds 3 ounces Very slncerely yours, Forcoitrllngchewinig. insecte, teC,.'L. XMTCALF, Head of Depaýrment. imsp lr3s. ........... l MilIeu Hardware Vo,. ..... ...806 3Mission mils Golf Club .... 20 Mount Royal Motel ........2 Xurine Co.............. 129 87 ýtate Bank .. .. Cover Il rheatre,............ 41 0. B. lue.......4, 26 ... .. ..4. -&' ir : 2

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