trace' found. e niarauders nas neeni Mr.Robert -Lonergon -an-cl - er daughter Elizabeth. Ami have re- turned to their bomre fromn- Reddick,. Ill., wbere they spent the summier., Bob,, Jr .,"*bo, accompanlied tbem will remain until scbool opens. *Affer the, Show I Take:ine for onte of Our f resh fruit $un- >dies. Thcy're the biggesi you cao buy for only .... . .... 1 t BOULEVARD DEUrG STORE *Eleveth end Central Phone Wilmette 4299 for this meeting. The public is cor- dially invited. There is nio admuission charge. During this session it is ex- pected that cômplete reports of the. Illinois Townsend club rally, beld last Sunday afternoon and evening at the Marigold Gardens, will be rnade. BACK FROM A40TOR TRIP, Mrs.. George F . Mitchell> and dughters,. Jean and. Mary, .1000 Cbestnut avenue, returned Frid ay from a' thiree weeks' motor trip, to 9stes park. Altogéther they covered more th an. 2,Z50 miles. Jean left Saturday. to attend a bouse-p .arty at the summer, home of Mn., and -Mrs. W. J. Maloiney of Chicago in Lud- ington, Micb.. She -drove to Milwau- kee witb ber father. and took. the. boat from there.: -, L'%ce 0f* Womon's DRESSES An- excellent opportunity to get that n eeded dress to finish the season. We have just received twenty-five new mid- summer. silk frocks in pastel shades, bought at 60e on the dollar ... we p.ass, Lovely musical comedy for the en- tire family. August 25-"Tbe Cowboy Million- aire. A cowboy pits his brains and brawn against a crook and wins. Entertaining for A and Y. For C, good... ýAugust,26-27-"2No More L.adies."' Amusing for A. Mature, for Y. Un- suitable. for C.- August 28-29--Paris in- the Spring!. Musical romance. For A entertain- in g. For Y, somiewbat mature. For C, of no intierest.* Teatro del Lago August 22-23-24 - "The Nitwits4." Typical, Wheelei and Woolsey comedy farce for the entire family. August 25-26--"Cbarlie Chan in Egypt." Eligrossing mystery story.. For A. and Y,ý thrilling.- For - er- vous C, tooý exciting. August 27-.28-_"After the Dance. For A only. August 29-"ýAlibi Ike.' Ring Lard- ner's. basebail story with Joe. E_. BroNvn. - Eutertaiining for thefan. Alcyon Theater August 22-"No More Ladies.". Se above rating. August 23-24-ý'The Nitwits,.'ý, Sec above rating. Auigust 25-26-" Pa r i s 1i thlie Spring.' See above rating. August 27-28-"Evensong. Starring iEvelyn l.aye. Fine musical drama suited to aduits and youtbs. August, 29--C barlie. Chan iju; F " ynt* 4 Se 2overatn*hc, i VOSIT SAN DIÈGO FAIR M.\r. and Mrs. Charles WVare, 325 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. re- turned Tbursdav of last week fnom a five weeks' trip wes.t. They visited tbe fair at San, Diego* and. Mr. and Mrs. George Manierre in Pasadena, then took a boat froni Los Angeles to Seattle and vîsited Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thompson at their summer homne on VasoTIsand.- 1234 Maple avenue, were involved. Miss Paletnske, driving a Ford coupe, was going nortb. on Tenth street a-nd at Greenleaf avenue came into collision with. a large Packard. sedan driven west by young Fieldc, Who is 17 years old. Thue coupe was tbrown .across the street. striking and demolishing a, street light standard. The é Field car, struck the curb and came to, a stop facing east. as did the Palenské car. Both cars werebadly wrecked.ý Dr. W. W. Hawkins. in front, of hhs orne the accident oÈccurred, accompanied - Miss oPalenske. to the Evanston bospitalin the carofi- cent Setng. There she ivas fourni to have received, several severe- cutç from broken glass, e.ýpecialIy about the head and neck, and serious bodv' bruise<. The Field boy was renuoved ta a physiciani's office by his mother .and brother, and after receî\i iné il- ical attention was taken homne. H-e sUffered severe shock. X-Ray pictures, which wvcrc ilot available util Wednesday -niorning, rellcaled that MissPaleinske hai sus- tainic(l a sliglit skull, fracture.. Fears of 'fat.3l resuits are, ho-wever. na lonig- er entertained, although récoverv wi 1 prolbably coame slowlv. IN CLEVELAND . Claude Kelsev Sani- I. iseiiwortfl en ivondàay fon uteve- land tovisit Mn. Sanders' brother and fanuily, the Frank, Sanders. 'fhey have niow miotoned to Newv York where fbey wiil attend the wcdding of aniother brother, W'alter Sand(ers, which takes place Fridav. VISITING PARENTS, Prof. and Mrs. R. W. I)ouglass of Albuquerque, N. M., were receit guests of Mrs. Douglass' parents. 1M"lr. and Mrs. Frederîck Hutische. 262 3 Beechwoocl avenue. Prof. Doulglass teaches in the art departinent of the 0o IBurton Smith and Arthur Bonnet Iof Kenilwortb anad Edward Kelly of IWilmette will arrive Monday from a three weeks' motor trip west., They iespent four days at Timnberlinie rancb. Iand went as. far as, Los Angeles. nor roaci,. Jseniiwortn, returned Sun-, day f rom a fortnight's outing at Camp Hickory 1h11l, Ecîgerton, Wis. 0o C. C. Carnahan. 700 Central avenue, returned TCuesday fromn a bus.iness trip to New York. q. -.1