Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 8

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D. C. Kemp, 1030 Ashand avenue, *reported to the police department Tuesday evening that bis Marmotv sedan had been stolen from the park- inig lot at inden avenue "L terminal., The car, had been left in the lot .at 12 :30 p. m., and was stolen b1)etween tIhat hour and,8 :30 P. im. BAHA01 LECTURE , The ThréeeWorlds"'is, the subject off %hich ' Mme. !Barry-Orlova will speak. at the Sunday afternoon serv- ice held in Foundation hall , Baha'i, Universal Houseof Worship at Lin- den avenue and, Sherdian road, Wil- mette,, at 3 :30 oclock on. September 1. Mkrs. James J. Gath ercoal and her small daughtet Betty entertained twelve. of Betty's friends and their mothers at a white elephant party last Friday, in the yard of their home, 124 Lockerbie road. Ne Prtmrptieus LoeH * Ait prescriptions of the former Win- beg rugor -e are on eriles Provit mp et -EffPcietSericec4S BOULEVARD DRUG STORE read at least ten good books and writ- ten original comments on each. Read- ing of bigh quality, intelligent anno- tations and fun in the accompli sl-iment -these have characterized the Read- ing club this summer. The list follows:' Bessia Aflans, Bettjy Andersoni, Anna, Balmes, Theresa Balines,, Bernard I3er-. narde,' WIlbur Bernarde, Bud. Blake, Barbara Blils, Elinor Bloom, Lawrence Bollng, Arme Bowen, Louise Branscoine, Margaret .Birenchley, Nadine Brown, Bob Bush,ý Patsy, Clynier, Rosemary Demipsey, Bob Dodds. Loretta Engels, Jean Engels, Paul Igrlcson, DorothyFr, Eleanor Frey, Marilyn Frey, Cythera Guthrïdge, Rose- mary Halidorson, Jane Hassenauer, Peg- gy Haws, Nancy Henderson, John lien- ning., Nanette Herbuveaux, Julia Jan- Ieki,.Shirley Anne Johnson, Lucy Kas- par, Paul Xnupfer, Dorothy Krohl. Bobby. Lels, Kiki Lullasý, Virgitiia Lundy, Collette Lundy, Mary Jane Me- Cue, Rosemary McKeighan. Bob 1fat-, son, Ruth Melchior,. Francesý Metzger, Mary MorrIson, Andrew M.%ueller. Glor*ia PaglIarulo, UMarlo P agliarulo, Margaret Paulson, Barbara Peterson, Gladys Plhelps,. Anni Sabin, Jean St. Johin, Wttma St. John, Jimnify Schaeèffer', Lauretta Sch1eler, Josephine Shoenîaker, Brenton Smith, Vivian Smith, Joyce Stedem, Shirley Stedeni, Jean Stewart, Gene Strauss, Jack 8weeney. Betty Tanner, Rhoda Tanner, Rtichiard Trego, Julie Vincent, John Voss, John Walsh, Nancy Waorden, Alfred Weeks, Marilyn Wells, Fayý% White, Rutli Zibble. Borrowers from the new brancb hl- brary on Glenview road who recé'ived diplomas weré: Wilma Balmes, Jean Bleser, Shirley rougnîy in ner effort. to fnnn treedom beyond the harbor. The coast 'guards launched a' skiff, captured the roving .Mugump and towved ber to ber mooring wbere she had to stay-like it or not. N..T. Net Courts. to Go ono Sléo0, ScheduleSet9 The eigbt tennis courts at New- Trier High school will be available:to thepublic every day until Monday, September 9, the day when New Trier pupils resume their studies.. Afterl September 9 the courts wiIl be open to the publie only during week-ends. G. 11. Flaninigam, New Trier faculty. memnber who bas been in charge, of the courts during the.sumjmer, announces that, tiis year brought more players1 than last season. Business has been encouragingly brisk, he announces. Mr. Flaningam, wbo is New Trier's tennis coach, is also feeling optirnistic! about the future of New Trier tennisi teams because so many young players have taken lessons at the courts this past summer. Some of tbe racquet wielders look tiny enougb to toddle. Witb Bill Condy and Don Brown lost to the varsity by graduation, Coacb Flaningarn will wa-ste no time John Eigtiorf, 37, 425 .reenview ave- nue, Chicago,. chau ffeur for Majoc LIenox H. Lohr, 2344 Sheridan road, Evanstoni, driving south on -Skokie boulevard, struck the car of Albert Seyller, 7321 Lowe avenue, Chicago,. who'had stopped on-Happ road wait- ing for an :opportunity to turn south on Skokie. boulevard.1 Egdorf con- tintued sýuth 6n the higbway, striking the car of M. Perlmutter, ý39, of 806 Lawrence -avenue'1Who was drivinr4 north on.Skokie boulevard. Perimutý- [ter's car .was co mpletely, demolished. Passengers in the Perlmuttfer car were taken to the -Evanstoni hospital byý Carl, Enchiemayer.. 682 Grove street , Glencoe, and Richard,%Gambrili. 1426 Chicago avenue,' Evanston.* Al were from the Lawrence. avenue ad- dress. .mrs., MaxHahn, 70, was, most seri- ously injured, sustaining a sku-ll frac- titre and concussion,, broken shoulder and uipper art# and possible internai injuries. Her. condition is repbrted to lie stilI critical. Harrv Cohen, 45. taken to hospital !)v EarI D. L.yon. 1504 Eliwood ave- nue, received lacerationis on right hand. amni and leg. M.rs. Celia Cohen. 44, badly cut and' bruised, =ad' may have stistained a fracture of the skuill. Bessie Pérmiutter suùfferedl lacera- tions of the head and shoulders '. ' MI. Perîmutter, taken first to. the Continunitv hospital Evanston, and later removed to the Evanston hos- pital, received a deep- scalp wound, fracture of the left ,vrist and internai tieli, Tom Rodman, jack Harris. E Kreer and Dave Early. Tennis is also a regular part o gymi instruction at New Trier. VISIT MOTHER Mlr. and: Mrs. John H. La\s, r., withi thèir son 1)ick of 330 Sterling r'oad, Kenilworth, returned. ast Frî-. dav fromi a six wveeks' visit vvitb Mrs. laNNsoni's mother-, Mrs. I.. C. Hario gue4 John Egdorf, who was also takeni to :on- the Evanston hospital. received a [)an severel.ead wound, fractturecl ribs andj interniai injuries. the CRASH ON MAIN STREET WXe(hIesday eveniing, Auigust 21-, as, Miss. A. E. Taylor,. 1704.Hariso street'.Evanistoniý was driving south on Main stre'et, S4egtruék a parked car ini fronit 0of 619 Vain street, belong- ing b oR.* Holmes of the Kenilworth sanitarium. Dorothyv Janie Schmiitz, 6, aaua44 .Jy 9£m. m3. ro 9. mY. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorizcd Chriatian Science Literatw. nsay be read, bor-owed -or purchased at the Rteading Roogn. TUR PUBLIC I& CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATEND TEE CEUMCIH SERVICES AND VMST TUEE IE*ING O SOl J. W. Taylor, and b er daughter,-o- Lotta, of Chicago. Mr. and:ý Mrs. Goodwin T. Wilson, -0- 416 Cumnor road, Kenilwortb, re- Frederick d'Aix, 307 Meirose ave- cently returned from a tbree weeks' nue, Kenilwortb, returned lagt ]Fridayý motor trip througb New England and from a six moniths'. business trip i New York. They came borne by way Deagtb Valley. of Canada.» 4S

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