Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 16

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I>v scUve Jr. off ests at First Anniversory Sak f toDL Tremendous Reduci ions on Hundreds ,.of Latest Boo> ks; Art.musoc, Pofry. 6ardening Travel, Bography, Ficflon Novels, ChiIdre&'t Booku Up.75% of At WiIm.It. Store QùIy THE, CORDIAN BOKSHOP 338 Linden Avenue 922 Linden Avenu. Wilm.ff. WiI. 332 Hubb.rd Woods Winn. 3700 FREE RENTAL ON FIItST 800 K TO NEW CUSTOMER DeIivery every day-Phone Wil. 332 star games. There were also inovies, IMickey Mouse, puppets, and: a magician. Saturday, the, boys en ter- tained twehty-one guests at a dog show in, Tom's yard. Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, 1501 Elmwood avenue, andi their daughtet Sally Jane ha ve returned from a three, and. a half weeks' vacation. spent ai, Spring ]Brook, Wis. Suzanne Lyon, who had been attending the Girl Scout camp, Hickory Hill for a month, bhas also returned home. Miss Mary Louise, Hays, 519 Lau- rel avenue, was hostess to twenty- four guests at a. buffetgarden.dinner Tuesday in1 honor of Miss Anne Ste- yens and John 'Haas of Evanstop whose marriage takes place the Iast of August. Norman R. Williams North Shore Agent State Fari uMtual Auto Ins. Co. Have me tell you how thii. ontmnuous polfcy plan cuts ipsurance c<uts about 40%. Legal Reserve. Rated A-Plus. by Best's. Coast-to-Coast service. Authorized repreentation and service. Tel. Giencoe. 146-Hîghland Park 1478-Deerfield 250. Trhe affair, wbich is strictly stag, is for the purpose of bringing together undergraduates and members of the inicoming class of 1939, and the alumni,, of course, will be there to ineet them ail. A f eature of the entertainînent will he: the sbowing 'of a hundred feet of beautiful colored film of Amherst camp)us. in spring, by Renslovw D. Sherer, class Of '38. t-Mem'bers of the classes of 1936 to 1939i inclusive, fromn the north shore area, are as follows: Glencoe-Charles Lewis Dostal, 23 Fairvie.w oad; Robert J. Thompson. 627 Drexel avenue. Highland-Park-George M. ,Shay*, 262 Laurel avenue;: Renslow D. Sherer. 349 Lake avenue., Winnetka-}Iugh P. Fleming, 760 Foxdale avenue; Robert A. Aldrich. 1 -189 Oakley avenue;, Charles G. Tav- lor, 747 L.incoln avenue. Evanston-George Nevin Beec her, 1031 Ri.dge avenue; William M. Crox- ton, 812 Monticello place; Ernest L. Estes, Jr., 1028 Austin street: Gordon H. Ewen, 1430 Sheridan road; David H. Wells, 2200 Harrison street; Albert F. Winston, 1231 Asbùry avenue. Donald H. Clark, 1630 Ashland ave- nue; Frederick E. Clark, 1602 As,-. land avenue; William F. Egloif, 2243 Asbury avenue; William S. Putnanî. 724 Noyes street. Charles G. Taylor, Wjnnetka. and Robert J. Thompson, Glencoe, are graduates of New Trier High school. RETURN FROM EASTERN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tencher, 82,, Ashland avenue, have returned home- after spending two months in the east. They left by motQr in June for Lan- caster, Ohio to visit their son James, and then went to Farmington, Conii.. to spend' several weeks with. their daughter,. Mrs. Henry V. Pelton, the former Martha Tencher. Before re- turning home Mr. and Mrs. Tencher motored for threc weeks through the Gaspé Peninsula and the Maritime *go- witlh Mr. and Mrs. James J. Guinan and daughter, Marion, 417 Abbots forci road, Kenilworth, recently returned front a .teni-dayl*visit i New'York, k m a i

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