Mrs. Rôbert 0. Law, 321 Kenilworth avenue, . Kenilworth, will be hostess at a bridge luncheon Tuesday, September 3, at ICnoIIwood Country club. 'Dressming GOWNS WEAPS NADE TO OItDEE 8.33 ELM ST. -WIN. 11 0 DRESS DESIGNJNE*, French Cuttinàg, Dnaping, Millimeri, Sketching, CoIor, Ideas. 0 PFASHION 1)"~WIN, M&gài>Iq vrs NIewepapers, Ponters a,'Cla,, e BTYLIKE, Duyets, Conultants, Reporters. 0 INTERIOJI DECOERATION. Period Styles. Color, Arr a n g e m ent, Renderhag, Styliais. Day-Mal DIay-Eveaing--Saturday tatrance Dates Septeuiber 9, 4, 9, 16 118 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, 1ept SQ. Petisonel Training 0 Indivdual Advnc.m.nt Charles Schnell of 2315 Thornwz,,ood aieinue. Wilenet te, proudl3' prese>its thtis happy.caiiieenother. a full*blooded Bostoni Bull Terrier, w/tho recently crashed a record amnong her breed by providinýg a familv of 'nine pûp/pics. ýThe mothc'r doy is the danghter oftihe bite grand champion "R ockefeller Aviator," whichz(on .first. prize ai the Chica ýw Iloi-ld's Fair, and "M1ajor Moody II." The sire of these puPpies is "Rock-A4-Bi-e Ladi's Man." J1HILDREN'S SCHOOLI j 1of the. National College of Education RETURN FROM CAMP ENTERTAINS DAUGIETER Charles A. Dostal. 233 Fairviem Mrs. Ernest NL. Hunit, 142 Abing- road, Glencoe, and his son, Chuck(1don av'enue; Kenilworth. assisted by (Amherst. '38), are returning withjher da ughter, -Mrs. A. R. Rettig, of vanston, Illinois Mr. and Mrs, l-arword Warriner of Evanston wvho have been occupy- ing the home of Mrs. \Varriner's par- ents. Mr. and MNrs. William Chamiber- laimi, 80 Indian Hill road, are leaving September 14-for a thiree iveeks' visit i California. Their first stol) will beý L~ake Tahioe. N[r. alid Mrs. Theodore E. Moritz and Cuthbert, 226 WAarvick road, Keiiilworth, returned Sunday frorn aà fortnight's visit at Trout lake, WTood ruif, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. George, Moody of - Evanston, fornerly. of Kenilworth, were also there.. carry on i n the fine arts ai their way'ýin the corfn -world. They havre gone ii 636 CHURCH STREET GENPA 64is CLmAM Bçuxà BA, GREENLEAF 1674