Many people exclàim in astonishrnent a ln of the size and conipleteness of Lloyd Hall ister lue. in an area such as the north shore. Inside the modern building are, offices and mechan- icalI departmnents with miodern equipment for coni- pleting Most any job of printing. This 4incîndes even the making of.engravings. Someone once said,' "If yout want a thing done weIl, .go to the busy man" From, Monday morning until, Saturdayý night day or Midnight you'11 find linotypes clickin, presses roaring and mnel going about their work. What does this niean ta you?1It imeans better servtce . . . better pri üIng! Lloyd Hollister hIc. Printers : Publishers : Engravers 1232 Central Avenue, Wilmette Sheldrake 1216 .WiImete 4300 - Winteta 2000 -Greenleaf 4300 week with the specially equipped plane -hi*e had used the past two weeks to demonstrate to Michigan fruit.grow- ers the advanrtages of dusting their .orchards f rom the air. Taylor plans to go to Florida soon ta wage an aeri- al dusting war in behaif *of celery, cabbage anid beaâns. Good'Blimp Reliance Gives Hoosiers a Lift The Goodyear blimp, 'Rîeliance. which docks atPal- Waukee *airport. left on.Wednésday of"last weekfor Connersville; Imd., where its passe n- ger fliglits were a feature of the fair. Friay ofJstweek the blimpcn ducted passenger flights over the fair grounds at La Porte$ 1nd. Pilots 'of the Reliance report a, brisk passengerl business this season. Lieutenant Mitchell Finds Tinie to Visit in Wil mette :Lieut. C. C. Mitchell, Jr., of the lSth observation squadron at Scott field, Belleville, Ill., piloted a plane to Cur- tiss airport Thursday of last week. mret Colonel Paeglow and flew him to Waterman, Ill. The following day, lie took the colonel back to Scott fieldl. Between flights Lieutenant Mitchell found tinie to visit at bis' home. 814 Linden avenue, Wilmette. ,, 1 S'inson Plane at C:uêtiSS Amos (Freeman Gosden) of the Amos 'n' Andy radio teamn is conterm- plating buying a Stinson "Modei 0" open plane at Curtiss airport. His partner, Andy (Charlie Correli), has purchased a Stiîison Reliant wihich, he flies at Curtiss. C. W. "Slim" Frei- tag, who gave Wayne King fiying ini- 9tructions, lias been giving lessons to Amos 'n' Andy. . . P .-ersnet "s PL&U 1Victor Vernon, veteran aviation ex- tecutive and pilot, has been named di- rector of personnel for American Air- Unes, C. R. Smith, president of the .comnpany, annoÔunced re.cently. Vernon wihl make bis, headquarters, in Chicago and willbe, in charge of ail personnel records and activities for, the C .om- pany. .Vernon's experience ini aviation dates- back to May,ý 1914, wben he learned to fi y under the instruction of Glenn Curtiss, at Hammondsport, N. Y. The following_ year, he became an instructor for Curtiss at Toronto, Ont., and in that C'apac it 1y taught. the frt Canadian. pilots, prelmiar" t their joining.the Royal Flying. corps during the World war. Later in 1915, Vernon was tra .is- ferred to Newport News, Va., as senior instructor. for 'Curtiss and bis stu- dents included Brig. Gren. 'Billy"? Mitchell, at that time a major. Thrfough hig asso~ciation With Mitchell, Vernon was appointed chief civilanà instructor for the signal corps of the. U. S. army, a position hie held uintil 1918 when lie was commission1ed a, lieutenant, senior grade in, the U. S. N. R. F. Returning to civilian life ini 1919., le becamne operations manager, for the Curtiss Airplane and Motor corpra tion and, later, general manager of the Aviation Company of the West Coast, with headquarters at Portland, O)re. Three years 'Igter lie dis solved this, company ani returned to New York to accept a positiorn with the banking firm of Halîgarten and com- pany. 1 He returned to Curtiss in 1929 and ini 1930. became general manager of the Colonial Divisicn of Aviation cor-, poration, now operated by Am-ericanl, Aviation Countfry Club' Has 2 New Members: Pal-Waukee airport's A vi at i on GOLF CLUB, TECHNY* AND SANDERS ROAD - - -s v-oug. - bacjc a new WINGS TO WICHITA âil nt edlvrd ta a customer. Richard Beeler, Beechcraft distrilb "SCOTTy" PAYS A VISIT utor in this territary, fiew froni Cur- C. W. Scott, formierly employed at tiss, airport to the fleech, factory, Curtiss airport; recently stopedhre. jWichita, -kas., Monday 6f last week to say helo to his aId.pals. I