Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 23

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n ow in her 25th year of service. S.he confessed to being. scared to deatb of an intervieW but shespoke proudly of ber fibirary just the same. The record is indeed an: interesting one. The library started with 800 vol- umes, in. the spare roomr of the scbool. Most of the- 800 books, were donated. After two and a balf years the library' wvas moved to the Village hall, where a .large;- pleasant room was. pro'vided, for. public 'U'se.' And. October 6, 1929; the library was -moved for a third. In statistical termis tbe library is impressive also, for a commiunity of approximiatelly 6,500. Miss Harnond said there.w.ere now .15,000 books and perhaps 2,000. pamphlets and pictures in the library cblection;, 2,800 card- hiolders, and '60,000 circulation d,ùring' tli y ear including books, ýpamiph.lets. pictures. ýWitnesseS mamy Changes 111 ber 25 years sbe bas seen' ,uany changes in library practièe and read- ing hab its. Tbe trend is now toward "I amn àfraid 1 ramble a good deal," she said depreciatingly wben I asked her to tell me soniething of the found- ing of Glencoe by her -father, Dr. Alexander Hammond, but she 'de- scribed bis leaving Homer, N. Y.,, and locating first at Rockford, Ill., on farm. land. He soon becamne. dssatîisfied with the farmn, bowever, and proceeded to Chicago, s'he related, surveying tbe scene at Beverly His and other near- by settiements. Finally he bhit upon, Glencoe,. and witb fnine otber. men, including L].GeelaPhilo Jud- son,, Gov. John- Beveridge, who also, helped found. Evanston, camne out north and buit a bouse, for bis family.' Each of tbe ten built a b ouse, and several of the bouses,, including bis, owin stili stand. Ail this happened iti, about -1868, Miss Hammond. guessed, for the village was* incorporatetl in 1869. Knew Vllaàge as Chîld "Father c ame here in 1867," related Miss Jrammond, "wben the village ,was punctuated with a railroad. sta7 tion (Chicago and Milwaukee), a coin- fortable brick bouse nortbwest of the station built. by Walter. G. Gurnee, one of thé directors of the railroad(l and owner -oi the 575 acres >(160, of tbis land lyi'ng in tbe Skokie inarsh). Father visualized an ideal community bhere. Charles E. Browne of Evanston becamne the business promoter. I lived bere as a 'cbild, but spent sub- sequent years in otber places, return-.. ing in 1899 to teacb kindergarten ini what is now tbe Central. school build- i.ng. wbe And we the library was first started and she dispensed books three afternoons and three evenings. a *week, she; also taugbt. And sd the 25 years have conie and gône, and she bas grown old in the public service., faitbful to ber tasks ýwhicb she adorns witb a spirit of cooperation anid.cmi- *munity enterprise. Aý staffý of tbre assists ber,' including, Miss Helien Beckwitb, who bas beec» associated with Miss Hammond for ten consecu- tive years. Two years ago the library wvent on "big tirne," being open from 9 a. in. 4 A Cléeanéd -a nd, block.d t your ex- act, measurements. Trained, attendant -edà modern fittin rooms are at your disposai. SHORE LINE CLIANIRS WIInu.ft. 300 Gue. " 1300 -X210 Washhagton Av. Wimtt, 11 la. Aucumn, the-North Woods,with theirgorgeous coloring, arée t their glori- ôtas best., Everyone who has been up there one at this season mtakes ît a habit. "1NoDrth Western" is making it easyto go by extndingthe convenient Sunmmer train. ~Service Weill ato the rail AndI in 1914 another tie between the she remarked, of the. Play R~eading Woman's Library cluli and tbe fGlen- group wbicbh las annually inade rip a' C HRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES coe Public library was esta'blisbed list of current plays for' purcbase b.y "Christ Jesus" will be tbe subject at wben the club tendered a loan of its the library. "These suggestions l'ave tbe services in First Cburcb of Christ, own library books, resulted in ôur lbaving an excellent Scientist, in Wilmette, beld Sunday Tbe clubbouse-scbool lias been draina department," Miss Hamniond morning September 1, at Il o'clock in à ~apted excellentl1y to library use, and commented. . the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. the building is, otb attractive and She is a tiny person, and I1 saw lier. Sunday. scbýool convenes at 9:45 comfortable. Miss Hammond confided dressed in, a delicate blue and white o'clock. -- -- - 1- CHICAGO i NORTH WUSII-.I-INI RA 1 L-WANI 1 1

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