iRAP4NIOWAX 100 Fret in. Cutter lBox 2 bo«-35e For wrapping picnic goodies, schoo luches, prcserving foode; Each boxc with cutting edge.. 0o1d Duit 1 CNTELA UI Y. E cvaidie AMême VO. S.8,nspo.ted Order a large site, choice Beef P ot Roat for Sunday- 'ise "leçit-overs" for luncheon or sandwiches.. Good hot or coId. Armour', Star Ham t. bc - coolced te o r mdi- tidual taste or a Star Baked Ham-toasted and ready -to serve. For yen, Labor Day Outing rememtber the chil- dren like Star Frankfurters. EF 1POT KOAST, "loC». tender Lef ......... .... l ARMOUR'5 STAR HAM,33 12 te 14-lbie. Whol or &hank e LAMB PATTIES, 3 ......utit us., .... .. .. ... . 2 ARMOUR'S FRANKFURTERS,2 c pure leau meat ........ FISH FOR FRIDAY, *laibut Steak, frft 30~C Pwes Quaeed onmawkee's PotatooS 1W-lb .bq 1*3 Fancy White Micaxgali OGRANGES..-,............ Scedees......... 239 2 c. C For Your Labo r DayOuiting Real1 Maronna» Quarts 490 Pinta 290 1,000 Ilasd Dremshm ....o.. . **. . .. ..... 11.11mbSpread a Om .............11710 CHECK THESE .PICNJC NECESSITIES SNOW PUFF NAPKINS. Wht. or, color. AaOe. pkg. of OW........ an assortment Doeby Celebrated Ox Teugu, Z-o. jar .....................5 Dery Famoe Tid Bit Mme& . -aa..29c Derby P.t.t Paut Pomînut Butter, - 130 18. ..... .... ... .1726c Dby £Cldrated corusd ef, 12., 1,c ""Be PrePared for th" Unexýpeted Gusat YOU'tre sure to Lk Town. crier Euery Stick Cuarana'eed 5/b. 2524 lb. $ I.05 25c stick "W. Recommenrl Town Crier Fl. fi" A Generoua 2 CANS Sertvang for Two, for 32ce21 "A Real Treat by Our French Chef AUGUSt. 29dm, SOdhand. lUt Cena'rella Super Colossal Spabiuh Oie ieOie Aasrtc, % os.Pi nts 23c .3,for$ CENTRELLA PAS-TUR-: IZED BREAD, l freeh ev.ry dy CENTRELLA FRENCH- DRESSING, 8-oz... . . . . CENTRELLA ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS. No. 1 Picnie Si».... 8 CENTRELLA CR"N MEAT. 3%-1b. ea..27 SILVER CUP PEANUT BUTTER, -uouOo .....39e 123e A marahmallow cookle enrobed wlth a white Summer Ibing, topVeed witJi choppo4 nuts. De- liclous! TRAYMORE MILL PlI1CKLES. Reid&rý or Kooher, *.19 CENTRELLA RED MARASCIHL CHERRIES, o 3-0. Lottie ...I1fo 1'1 TRAYMORE TUNA PISH, 7-oz. eau 2 or 29e CENTREËÉLA SWEET PICKLES. 2 35 BEANS. No. M si» .....3 foru c Laud o' Lakes ~1LME2TZ 114408central Av'elui AMP MKT, IMe.) Wilnette420025, 3f., 25cl Plus boftti. 1.30. WILMETTB LIFE AUGUST c29, .1935 ORAPE JUUC~'SI Quart Botin 33o A deicious drink at any -ie.Irent Rich recom- maeldi it for' redtacîng "itu. It gets résulte. le Umm" 'l m