Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 26

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y GAOVP onny Towm* * inhcaIMroN: $2 "XYEAR SNGLE COuIMO 5C2wr Ail oesmunkatons and contribution. insended for publi- Cati» m muebéat the name and addreu -of te.autor, -Dot a.es.arily for publication, but for Our file$., Sucb materl PiOxmt emb héuteditor byTuesday rnoon. to ho in time for thé Current ,sse. UNIFORM TRFFIC COuNTROL Automobile drivers will receive with general approval the informaiitin hat at last thcre is a possibility of the establi.shmentý of uniform traffic regulations throughout, the state. The Illtinois ,De- partment of. Public Works and'PBuildings, ihrough its Division of Highvuays, is moving in that direc- tion, Its. accomplishment will bc hailed with gighq of satisfaction fromr a con fused and be- wildered motoring public. As an aid to bringing about the düeirüd regila- tions the recently enacted state traffic code gives the H-ighWay division aluthority t(> [îrelî>tf< a manual of specÏficatiotais, wvhicfhh *,l b a guide 10 municipalities i wrîtilig and enactiflg local ordinances coveritig the installation of street traffic signs and miaximum spee<ls. Rkeguilations apy nfostt ighWays within tmunicipalitié Will be reîuîred l b conforru 10 thie adopteid state %pecifications.. This will serve to hring abot uniformnity on sutch îhoroughfare.»s as Sheridan roa(l and. the. new.cenitral highway passîig sc ccssively from onc iorth shore village to anl- *other. 'The a%'erageinotorîst has an earjîùst <esire t(, conforru to traffic regulationis. lus. trouble bas *been to klsiw what they are. If the rate of specd perritted ini one village is unlawful ini another. it is difficult for him 10 distiniguish 'wh'at is legal. especially whicn the village-, are so closely jçinedý that be does flot kniow when hbc passes froi o ne 1<> another. Uniforiîiity will clear away the uincer- taitity and niake for safer rlriving, %vith a re dur- tion in accident totals.' TwoILOBDYISTS The United States senate conimittee investigat- ests or a higher political power. The threat of a governor or president that the party machine will be turned against the legisiator in.thc next elec- tion if lie does not "vote right" on certain meas- ures is frequerltly a greater forc 'e ini corrupting bum than an outrigbt off er of moniey. Both meth- ods should be placed in the criminal ca tegory by law. Everyv organization and every individual bas and should retain the rigbt.to present unpre>u- diced, facts and arguments for >or against. pending legislation, but drastic penalties sbould .be provid-' cd for those wbo attempt to influence the action of public servants through bribery or political, pressure. HEARTS ARE ST1LL HU,,M AN Jsornetimes takes the sudden lclose of a lufe that ha5, touched countless thousands of other 1li vc5 ti brîng : us to) a realization, that. human hcart are -till *human, and.not rendemed so callous l'y the p)ursýuit (fpi.rlace, po(-wem or fortune as to'he ettteof al Itmnt t serves to open our eyes, to the fact that after aIl our lives woldle barren and rIral> without the friends who con- triite sco ntch to 'our. happiness, whether they be tho,ýe with. whorn wcv associate frequently, or the imp)ersonal one, we meet only through their contri butilons of art, Music, iterature, philosophy, çductionor rcligi'On. Nature must have donc violence to one who does not feel a lump in his throat at news of ,(-)ni great iisiortune to a rcspected neighbor, or t he tragic death of a valued friend, or an acci- (lent to a beloved ch ild. Perhaps. these victims are saicrifices offered up to bring us to ourselves and rnake us know that sentiment is something of which no one necd lie ashamed. Its beauty and worthwhileness is clearly shown in Irvin Cobb's .report of the funcral of WVill Rogers.. The lump in bis throat must have been very large, and bis eyes very wet, when lie penned parts of that re- port. It opene<l with tbis sentence; "They cafi't bury. that ,matn. Bilh, le keeps. on Then follows this bit of description whicb scecms 10 l>e of a funeral service at .wlich most of ic world was liresent : "There were flowers, tons of thern, and pray- the assemoîbed reporters wuntn te ricnest and rarest of Rogers anecdotesi wisecracks and hQmely philosophies. When he had finished this au revoir vas sent out over a special press wire- Iess: So long, Wýill! When we reach.the Other Land.. We. hope you'll corne a>nléét us at thesoe We'l caspand clasp againyour welcornintg hand.. Then *okea --- laugh--and play--forezermore. A modern Rip Van Winkle, buried in the wilds. of Alaska for 35 ýyears, mnade his first trip to town last week. "I neyer before saw such women," hé- remarked. Nor 50 mucli of theni, Rip. Hund(redls of thousands, even. mil lions. of 'law- ý-ers are to bcefemployed by WPA, and paid ýout of the. big jackpot._ Now maybe wve can get some la%y niatters taken came of which we couldn't do hefome on account of a foolish habit lawýers had of expecting-- mn(-)ey ,for their, serVices. Why, if ive askedl one of thern wv.hat time it la i e %ould demand .a $50 or S100 etainer hbefore he would awswer. and then, looking very wise, ie. woulId say; "Weil, now., it de- pends largely upon the Judge., If he..hasn't issued an injunc- tion restraining the, natura! speed of the suri, and if my watch hasn't gone on, the hlink, it niight be about 10 :34 a. mi. But.o the other band, if," and so on. Now, in case the lawyem doesi't get a hump on himnself and take came of Our legal affairs, %ve cati complain to King Midas Hlopkins and have the lawyrer fired. The fimst thing we want to attend to is the newspapers. Freedom of the press is aIl right, but we think they should be mancaiused to devote more space to, worth while things the movie actresses, do, if any, and less to how pretty their legs are. Theu, 've want to «sue the idiot who toots anautomobile, homnî at 3 o'clock in the morning just to let every-ý l)odv know what a. devil lie is, and that lie is stili up; and the neiglibor. who permnits his dog to howl as loud and long as it pleases. Yes. ive can furnish work for a lot of those relief lawý%years'. ilot clear al a certain measiire he will be deprived of patronage advantages, or that allotuients of cash for public worlcs in bis district or state will be witbheld, is any l'ess guitty of misconduct than the lobbyist, who sends a f ake telegram or off ers a cash bribe. Both liobbyists, were present ,and both 'were Msoo'pirig to tacticsb eyond the bounds of common Thinktîg that whiat it wasgoilig to do Saturday could be as welI donc withotit ýa prayer, tle bouse of rcpresetitatives omitted the devotional. Co;i- gressnian Sniell, however, stood up and bowed his head. fromn force of habit. Being. a republican le iio doubt felt greater need.fortIc prayer. TIch. denocratsý cali win -,ithout it. "You're a' damn liar." said one congressman to another during a recent session of the house. Again proving that our representatives are made of finer stuif than ordinary mortals. Now, if ever, come. perfect days. Aeld our vaca- tion only a week away., Tra--la l a la la! TEPHANTOM RepoRTrER f

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