Party Is Planned by Cathioli c roup A -dessert bridge party in the garden- of Mrsý. Percival W.. Trudeau's home, 254 Scott ave- nue,, Hubbard.Woods, is being planned for Tuesday, September Mrs. Trudeau is co-chairman. with Mrs. Francis A. Bonner of the pub- lic Welfare departuient of the Northý Shore iCatholie Woman's league. This pbilantbropy bridge is an annual event. The party will. be beld indoors sbould -tbe, weatber be unfavorable. Because of this, 'the number of, tables must be limited. Refreshments. will be served at 1:30. Trhe assisting committee follows: The Medame. George B. 'O'Cotrnell, 0. R. Huncke, H. B. Aiston, Lloyd W. Sheabien, and F. W * Alger, of Higbland Park;-Miss Julia' . Hursen' 'and the Mesdames Arthur J. Roth, John J. Donaghy, Fred G. Murbach, and E. H. Baizley, of Winnetka; Mrs. Frank M. F'olsom of Wilmette; Mrs. Martin 1. Driscoil of Glencoe; and Mrs. Francis A. Bonner of I-ubbard 6fr. Scholarship fo Highland Park Girl The North Shore and tbe Chicago, Vassar clubs announce thie awarding of a joint scholarship,, the gift of both, organizations, to Miss Lydia Hastinks, the daughter.of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland T. Hasting~s of 220 Dale- avenue, Highland Park. Miss .Hastings- graduated from Roycemore. scbool in Bvanston, and cornes from a family of college and Vassar wonn. HTTr vnth~r . the formr At Shawn" The siext senior dance at Shawnee Country club will be IIèId Saturday eve.sng, Septeniber 7. No specified program sa asnounced for Labor Day week-end at the club,- however, Open Hom s il be beld throughout the. day. Carlos Phot, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Popp, 526 Laurel avenue, announce the, engagement of their dauglzter, Shir- ley Gertrude, bo Robert J. Lechner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.' Lechner, 1445 Wilmette avenue. The' betrothal ioas revealed at a tea tast Sunday for .ifty guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Pop p, Th*e wedding will probably take place in the late, bul. Mss Thomson fo Wed ,K. M. Hindl.y Aug. 31 The mnarriage of Miss Lorraine Agnes Thomison of Evanston and Kennleth McLeod Hindley, son of the Rev. and Mrs, John G. Hindley of Wilmette, will take place this Satur- be co-hostesses at e. misceIIaiieôus s'hower at 'the Sherwin-at-the-Lake, hotel. Mary Paynter Is Fefed at Prenuptial'Parties The last of a series of parties are being given this week for Miss Mary Brandon Paynter of. Glencoe and Na- than S. Sharp of Highland Park, Who are to be married, Friday'of this week at St. Elisabetb's church -in Glencoe. Tuesday, Mrs. Wellington' Brothers- of Evanstonl entertained at a lunch- eon, at the Charm House for Miss Paynter. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett King of Highland Park were host and hostess at a.dinner party for the bride and brikegroom last Saturday and pro- vided a: very orig inal forni of amuse- ment A marionette show was, staged, with the marionette figures made in the likeness of Miss Paynter and Mr. Sharp. Friday evening of last week, Rob- Oert Mason of Glencoe, who will be best man for Mr. Sharp, and, Mrs. Mason gave a dinner party jointly for Miss Margaret DeLay of Win- netka and ber fiance, and Miss Payn- ter and Mr. Sharp. Miss DeLay will becrnarried the early part of next month. Mrs. Fred Blake, 535 Cherry street, Winnetka, gave a dinner and bridge Tuesday of last week for the bride and bridegroom. The service, !Friday, will be read at high noon, Miss Theodosia Payn- ter serving as her sister's only atten- dant. Iminediately after the cere- mony Mr. Sharp and bis bride will leave for the east to sail on tbe Franconia. They are taking a Carib- bean cruise andi then will reside at the Beldon-Stratford hotel in Chi- cago for several montbs wbile build-_ e ig a home in Highland Park e * if Rd& ~ ~ a~J Announicement cornes this week of the bel rot hal of. Misrs Ruth John ston of Kenilujorth and Wil- liam B~. )indeisen;of vanàton. Jea n Dunbar to Wed L. E. Denman in Home Ceremony Sept. 14 Miss jean Dunbar of Wheaton and Lawrence Eugene, Denman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Den- man, 21 Linden avenue,. Wil- mette, will be marricd Saturday aftern .oon, September 14, at the home of the bride's parents, Mir. ,and Mrs. David Dunbar. ýThe ceremony will be performed by the Rev. John Heuss of St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral and, the Rev. Millet, of Wheaton Trinity church. Mrs. Hugh ýGinther Bridegroom, sister of Miss Dunbar, and Mrs. Beresford Beck (Dorothy Dayton) of Evanston >will attend as inatrons of honor, and Miss Cynthia Hull is to be bridesmaid. Jackc Leslie Shurnate of Davenport, Iowa, will serve as best man, and the ushers are to be Peter ,Marlandar Hale of Cheshiae, Eng- land, Robert Lee Sinis of Berkeley, Calif., Beresford Beck of Evanston, and Dr. Hugh G. Bridegroom. The young couple will live in Cam- bridge, Mass. for the next year wvbilé Mr. Denman completes bis course at the Harvard School.*cif Business Administrat ion. Win Guesl'-Day Prizes af Sunsef Rige Club The women of Sunset Ridge Coun- try club beld their guest day. Tues- day, awarding tbe guest prize for ,first.low gropss to Miss Polly.Pietsch of Evanston an d for third low gross, to Mrs. R. T. Littie, also of Evanston. Mrs. G. D. Carter of Chicago won frst low net; Miss Babbs Burton of. Winnetka, third, -and Mrs.' Georke ÂVL1S v eugewooa,,a gracinate of Lawr- ence college, is a former resident of Chicago, and last year served as maid of honor for ber cousin, Marjorie Tugaw, who was mar ried to: Richard Westbrook. She is visiting :Mr. Tugaw for a week at present.