s -because Good J'a largest tire . s facturer. We can pro ve-it. -by, foot print evidence Core ne ,and se. tread footprlnts we'vemadefrorn Goodyear 'G.3"' Au-Weather Tires on the cars of your. frienda and, nelghbors.. It'sa flrsat-handevldence that this great tire will give you L 43% OER NNmCIDmILAEai nextra cnst! skuIl "L Numu .iL PAIHFINI_ quality- bullt SFE E 0WAY $AM70One of the 51world's larg- $1 ding tUIr*nat- I 1 from Licn *buy a gei the. iori, tire -1 money., 0 cornes. in these green- and- whitc ealed can...also.in druins ofthe same co!or,double- sealed at the refinery. Either *way, youý can be sure you're, getting yu "extra quart of lubrication in every gallon." Quaker State's special process takes out the quart, or more of "light-end" material that's found in a gallon of ordinary ail. Quaker State provides full protection for your motor and full value for your money. -4.40-21 4.5-21 4.75-19 ýjce&- 20$IC70 $&.OS SizAS LITTLE. ýAS N At Leading Garages and Service Statlons on tlhe Northu Shore, and ai al Blroum Bros. Service Stations. f Just Mgr. WILMETTE LIFE 4.40-21 4.50-21 475-19 I: - 10L à " t as little