PRO( The resuit of the Federal Housing exhibit held in Winnetka last .spHing 1 is stili evidented by the large number -of building permi.ts beingissued. There bas been a graduai trend up-, wards since the show, and the uast thirty days, with 17 permit e'rgistered, have bee nno exception. Three of, the periits issued duri 'ng the, past month were for new resi-; dences costing, $21,250 and -10 were for I remodelling Jobs representing an ex-' penditure> of $12,425. Two newv private,. garages were erected at'a cost of $700, and the other two permits were for a greenh ouse, costing $500 and. a tool house, $750.- W.. D. Harris is building one of the new résidences atI'488 Scott avenue. It is a two stor y brick and concrete structure costing $9,250. J. C. Long took out a permit for a two stàry frame and brick veneer residence at 80 Brier street, to cost $7,000, and Clarence Schafehen is building a two story.frame and brick veneer at 1210 WiIlow road, costing RAPIDLY WITH NEW WINNETKA CHURCH 4 Wilmette Reports Numerous Projeets. The btiilding department at the XVil- mette Village hall reports thiat while considerable activit y las been showu, in building permits for the period be- tween july 26 and August 27-the totall of new construction and alterations totaled $25,705, with two or, three .valuati1ons undetermined. The most pretentious project of the month so far is a brick veneer dwell- irig, with attachied garage, which Ruth Royal Miller is to build at 2029 Chest-' nut avenue at a cost of $10,000. Qther peermits were as follows: William B. Berger, 343 Oak Circle, residence alterations. Estimated cost, $7,000. John Frevn. 2111. Schiller z;treet, lire iiirbu' pitlars aurc' ucinq y'lUL e in position. 1*i* nrornezr stoie of the ea .Plae;iicd to have the chu'rch cornpleted in tirne for. dedica tion on JEaster Suidd REPORT SALE-S Baumnann-Cook Real Estate. Service, Gives List of Numerous Trans- actions on Shore Baumnnn-Cnnk Real-UEstate Serv-' brick and stone Colonial bouse of ten rooms. joh n Dickinson Schneider bas boughit a wooded haîf-acre on Brier- hill road in Deerfield from Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mannerud of Chicago and Wilmette. fice tuas laidntuda3', May 26. It iU ay, APril 12, 1936. Baird & Warner Report Unusual Summer Activity The sale of real estate by the Baird1 and Warner organization continued. . eorge Lusk, 81Q Michigan avenue, iramie garage. Cost, $20. G. schoeni, 326 Lindeti Nule C. Smith, 704 Third street, car garage, Cost, $100. residence alterations. Estimated cost, C. j. Burnat, 1501 Ce $2,50. ~garage alterations. Cost, W . Lcl;,514 Park-avenue, resi- Berna rd Reinwald, 25L dencçr alterations; Cost; $700 aeue wo-car garage. al avenue, VVinnetaCI. Cook and ). j Baumann-Cook Real Estaý' e Service are -Mrs. reenwoodl: also report thtgt contracts on Ôther Mrs. ]Rab st, $5.LIvcn piecès ând impro'ved proper- a.nd Mrs. n signed'which they wil with Miss FlIorence Elss Christine Baurnann *rt Luster of Winnetka, .Winslow of Evanston, alter Clark of wilmette.