Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 40

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ýatd crafts, and aramatics. the Snipe -International iRacing as- sociation, will compete in the inter- Mr. and Mrs., Dennis ýWood Smith, national races at Dallas, Texas, this .337 Washington avenu e,ý have return- 'Saturday and Sunday. ed from a month's vacation spent at Carrying his boat, the -Silver- Hind, Crystal Lake, Frankfort, and Tra- on, a trailer,' Park left. Evanston by -verse City, Mich. motor ;Tuesday night of this week. __________________________He was accompanied by two other evanstonian;s, riJim Faheyý and Judd ver Higginis, the latter, to serve as bis r Te n crewJ Park is past ýcommodore of the DINE AND DANCIÉ Nortb Shore, Boat club and, at pres- YuL, Th r.., Sa#., Sua. ent commodore of: the Chicago Race Wednesday we serve x4 f ried chiciken, f Drivers' association. ftnch friai ptatees and ce I$aw iri~ Eighteen boats are expectedto comn- TRURSDA'irSPECIAL., 25Cý pete at Dallas in the -event sponsored, iCklcken or steak.. ...................by the Snipe International Racing as- Friday: Pre Plh Fry sociationl,,which bas memibers in vani- Satorday, steak wlth French f rîi dousnparts of the world. waeoe.sud cos alawfpr Inthe qualifying triâl-tWi Cblkk.i«ortea, -35Ç mette harbor, Park skippered the Sil- am dy frver Hind to victonies in six of the AdoiniWes t ie Ave.liQlenFiew.I seven races. His latest tniumphs were AdoiIn Crts.ftIi ~achieved Saturday and Sunday, Attgust 24 and 25, cwer a trlaiigular * course at Wilmette harbor. The Minmette Harbor -Snipe,. fleet L L was first organized last year with a membersbip of six boats. Tbe fleet now bas sixteen boats in the harbôr and several more under construction. The pppularity of this class of boat is evidenced by the growth of the in- ternational fleet to uearly 3,000 boats - during the six vears since its incep- address, is vc-captaîn: Berglund, 2107 Thorniwocx avenue,ýl OPEN FINE ARTS'ACADEMY The faîl terni of: the Evanston Acadeniy of Fine Arts will, begin Monday, -Septemiber 16. according to, announcement made this week by Carl Scheffler, director. The acad-1 emy provides instructioni in a Day school, Evening school. and Saturday juvenile classes. It is located at 636. 1 muu- wu][" Woukesha Sprlng Water For QuliekDelilrery Phone Enterprise 1212 fox-H~ead Sales Comnpay Sunday, September 1. To commemorate the combination of the famous old Forepaugb-Sells Bros. show with the largest trained wild aiimal circus in the. world, many starfling new features h ave been added -for -the 1935 prograni.' These' include, Maria Rasputin, sensational European wild animal t ra *ier' and daughter of the famousý Russian monk, Grigori R asputin who ruled the Romanoifs witb the power of b is h pnotic eyes prior to his demise in 1916; Bert Nelson-, younigest of the wild animal 'subjugators. with more than, a score of figbting,ý jungle-bred. lions and tigers; 'John Helliot, re- nowned .German trainer of svg beasts; Maximo. comfediani of the slack wire; the famed- Christiani troupe of bareback ýriders. in somer-. saults. from horse to horse: the Fly- ing Codonas,ý the His and a great group of aerialists; Rudynoif, noted. equestria.a and his eduçated horses', the Merkels, who walk upside down on: lofty niirrors in the dome of the big tent; "Cheerf ni" Gardiner and' twenty performing élephants; scores, of clowns led by Earl Shipley, Paul'I Jerome an d the Paul Jung Clown Acrobatic Trio; dozens of pretty equestriennes, a buge oriental spec- tacle and a big contingent of Indians, Cowboys and Cowgirls f rom the Paw- uee Bill Ranch at Old Town, Okia- Iargest andi inest traveling wildc ani- mal menagerie - whieh boa sts among othier- zoological marvels a baby giraif e. The H age iibeck -Wallace and Fore- paugh-Sells Bros. Combiped Circus is' a.railroad show, movitigoni two trainis.of dotible-length steetcars. j Foreast Clifton Snow, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Snow, 1011 Greenwoodi avenue, underwent a tonsil operation at the Evanston hospital, Tuesday. 1 y of When a senatorial' candidate's son is mùurdered, .Raft pounces on tbemys-. tery and gttempts to solve it in his suave but exciting manner. He- achieves one of bis most believable characterirations. Arnold, Claire Dodd, Ray Milanid and others play 'their roles. interestihgly. Saturday brings, "Black Sheep," cleverly concocted, smartly produced picture.. Edmund Lowe, in top form as a shipboard card-sbarp, finds bis own son, Tom.Brown, caught in the fols. of, Adrienne Ames, beautiful lady thief. Lowe forms 'a.partnership with Claire Trevor in an effort to save Tom. "Paris in,Spring," tuneful and color- fut, will deligbt Valencia Patrons Sun- day, September 1. Tbhe lovely'voice of Mary 1lhis and the Latin. fretfulness of Tultio Carininati produce an entertain- ment combinat ion that wlll keep the audience fascinated every minute. Grand- mother Jessie Ralph tries to smooth out the loyers' quarrels. Next Monday and Tuesday bring a gala holiday show, "In Catiente,"' a ýmusical comedy in a Mtxican setting, witb Dolores Del Rio, Edward Everett Horton, Pat O'Brien and Glenda Far- rell. Lots of laugbs and good dancing, bigblight the grand f un. "No More Ladies," a brilliant comedy. u4lJ. i*,uit * CW liiirt U er, Charlie Ruggles and Denny cooperate to give the at leait a laughi a minute. IN- HOSPITAL-. Nancy Robb,,816 Greenleaf avenue, underwent, aa serious operation in the Children's Memorial bospital August. 20, and will not be able to return to ber home until the middle of Septem- ber., Her parents, Mr and Mrs. -o- Mn. and Mrs. Hugo T. Urban, 315 Mapfle avenue, returned Tuesday of last week f rom a ten-day motor trip. T1'ey drove througb Wisconsin, across the upper peninsiu1a to Canada, fif ty miles nonth of the Sioux, and retunned through Michigan. as ti boss, t I

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