Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 43

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Johnson' Emipi. Agency 1428 Wlmette Ave, Wllmette( 414. 7lLTN17-1tt- WANT91D BY EMPLOYED CUL capable girl to cook, serve, and do genl- eral housework, stay1 nights, - launder for two. $8.50 per wk.e West of Ridge Road. Cal Wil. .1047 after 8 P. M. 71LT2I- i White nursemald for care of two ýchildren. Muùst, be experienced. References. $7.'C*al Wlnnetka 1090. !7lLl7'ltp) W141TE GIRL, PROTESTANT.. GEN- eral , hbusework, no washing. Own roomn and bath. 4 adults,. $7 a week. Must be neat. Ph.. Wilmette 742. 71LT'N17-ltp COMPETENT WHITffÉ PWAT ed with good refs. Apply ln person. ALL- EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencae 251 ____________________ 71LTN1S-tfe WANTEIl)--C-'AP-ABLE,, EXPERIENCED) v white inald. MUst lbe -able >té eook. No laundry.. Wilinette 4618. 71LTN17-Ilp WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN- peral housework., Must be able to (fo lain cooking., Ret~s. Phone Glencoe 530. 711,17-1tp CAPABLJE GENERAL MAID, COOK- ing and first floor work. lReferences recjuired. Highland Park 2259.7 71L17-ltp HELP WANTED-MALE ýWANTED - SALESMAN TO S L electric refrigeration and oil burners. Also a complete line of electrical app1i- ances for the home. See Mr. Anthes, Saturday A.M., between 9 and 12 at the Home Appliance Co., 911 Linden Ave., Winn. or phone for appt. Winnetka 902. 72Ll7-ltp HELP WTD.-MALrL AN~ FEMALZ 4 Couples .......... $85 to $100 3 Cooks........ ............_> $15 to $18 28 General maids ..... ... $8 to $12 3 Second maids .......% .... $12 to $15 1 Nursemaid for 2 children..... $15 r CENTRAL.EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Highland Park, Di. Glencoe 160 73Ll7-ltp WH ARE ALWAY'S IN.NED 0F EX- PEIIIENCED REýIABLýE DOMESTJC' 1-IELP. F'ank' ornestie Bureau 421 RIriond Road KeniIwoi'th, 522i1 73bTN17-Itc WANTED FOR SEPT. 1-EXP. WHITE couple, good cook and all-arouind man, light laundry, 5 in fàmily, best wages. Onlv thosu. witb i st-c,1ns refs. need an- il 1)151UC)N '35-f COACI1, FINISH-ED IN OPAL- escent rustic green. Buiît-in. radio Wheel shields, buniper-guards. Been tiriven, only 3,000 miles. Ofcà' car. eost new $925. For sale àt $795. -BUTLER MOTORS, Inc. 1200 dChicago Ave, Evanston Wil. 4474 77A-LTNI-ltC DUL~LAC TERMS G. M. A. C.. PA rIfT "34 Cadil1lac .5 Sedan.. '32 Cadillac 5 Sedan.. '32 Cadillac A. W. Pht:.. '31 Cadillac Twn. Sedan. '2LaSalle'Tw',n. Sedan '311LaSalle Twn. Sea '31 LaSalle Conv,,. Cpe.. '30 LaSalIe 5 Sedan '35 Packard 5 Sedan '31 Packard .5 Sedan '30 Packard Club. Sed..* 133 Olds. Tolr. Sedan.. '32 BulickTw. pe. 30 Buick Secdan. . '32 I3uickT~-.Ce '32 Nash 5 Sedan... '1 Nash 5 Sedlan... '33 Chr sler De.l. .Cp.. [J VV 1$760' 395 395. 245 295 160 120 .395. 160, 220 22Ô. 120ý 220 175 2301 CADI LLAC EV ANSTON I s i n 1 1 i 1c t 1 1,73U 77A-TNI 7-1 te. LOOK COMPARE THESE PRICES '34 i3uick 47 Sedan........$675 "33 Plymnouth Spt. Cpe. . $3,45 '32 Buick 67 Sed. Sie mt.......$465 '32 Nash 5 Pass. Sed., Side mtsý. .$345 '3i1 Packard 7 Pass. Sed, Side nite... $395 '31 Packard 5 Passq. Coupe.... .... $345 '10 Packard 5 Pass. Sedan.....$295 '30 Buick. 47 Sedan.............. .$265 '10 Ponitiac 5 Pass. Coacýh >.... $1 ~29 Buick 5. Pass. Sedan......$6 '29 Chevrolet, 5 pass. Sedan ........ $115 '2S ,Buick 5 Pass. Coupe ...... ..... $85 Five 1935 Current model, Buick and Pontiac demnonstrators ln Sëléctied body styles are offered- '32 PlprnottlSedan, Cdean .-..,$325 in '30 Studebaker Sedan, A-i . ... $250 .Winnetka Nash Sales ý 4 724 Elim Street, Winnetka 540 - 77A-LTN17-ltc New Low Tire Prices A RETREADED AND USED TIRE&SI Some 10w as $1.25. AIl, izes, std. Iîý makes. EVANSTON RUIIBER CO. 1007 Y, Davis St. Gre. 878 #7A-LTN17-Itp. 55 LA.RGE RM., PRIVATE BATH, PORCH, niahog. furn.; twin beds. Other roomas near* bath. Beautiful neighborhood, urn lake, transpor. Winnetka 2144. _______ ______ 2LTN17-4tc FtIIJTS}-EP, ROOM N FOR .1 OR-l2. 1 hi-wk t,) Elm St. sti.tion." 554 Arbor Vitae Rd. Winnetkia 82LTN17-lte ONE o1it.2 NICELY FURNISHED roonis for. .gentlemen. ,Bath and showver., East sý2de.homie, near transp. 824 Foxdale.. Ph. Winnietka 2010. 82LTN1-ltp, 2CONNýE9CTING RAIS. AND PRIVATE bath. Kitchen privileges- If desired. 1 block totransp. Winnietka 1921. 82LTN17-ltc ATTRACTIVE CORNER FRONT ROOM .or suite. Private home, smnall family. Ki tehen pirivileges. AlItransportation. Ph. Wilmiette 1954. 82LTN417-Itp ONE OR- TWO NICE, FURNISHED rooms nlear transportation. Kitcheni privîlege If desired. W innetka 689. 82LTN16-3tp WELL FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 OR .2. Twin. beds,.adjoining bath. Sleep- ing porch if desired, east side private homne. Wilmiette 858. 82É'r'N17-ltp TWO flESIIRABLE RIOOMS, 1rWLY Sdecorated. Convenient east aide lo- cation. Phone Wilmette 1940. 82LTN17-ltcý PLEASANT, WEhL FURNISIIED RM.. Near transportation. Reasonable ent, Phone Wiimnette 1530. 82LTN17-ltp WANTEO TO RENT-ROOMS REFINEDý BUSINESS GIRL WANTS jroom and cooklng privileges In private home, in Glencoe, near Park Ave. sho>p- ping district. Write A-118, Box 40, WiI- mette, 111. 83LTN17-ltp BOARD AND ROOF4 KENJLWORTH INN offers you clean, honielike roomas, suites j with bath. Excellent meals. Reason-. able. '315 Cumnor Rd. Kenilivorth 5491, 86LTN17-Itc, WANTED-~CHIL1) TO BOAKID, 117 private home. Best of care. References exchanged. Phone Wilmette 4228. 86LTN17-ltcý CARE 0F CONVALECIT GRADUATE NURSE, HîOURLY, HAL _ý-day, day ornight nursing. Reason- able charges. .Best'.riefemences. Phone Winnetka 2971. 87LTN17-1ltp FOR RENiT-APARTMENTS Bright. - Cheerful -'Airy 6 ROOMS. 2 2 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS. Plea.sant, cool. Convenlently located. Phone Wilmnette 2399 or Wilmette 2427. 92LTN15-4tp FOR RENT 1458 LAKE AVE. 5 RMS., sunporch, and bath. Rot water beat. lPhone Wllmette 573 or 1334. 93LTN17-ltp POUR RNT--FURNISHED Arn. LIBRARY PLAZA OFFE1S: 1, 2, 3-rôom apartments. Complote hotel service. Modern electric kîtchens. Cen- tral location. 1 LIBRARY L'vLPLAZA Orrington Ave. at Church St., Evanston Uni. 8000 Mrs. Etel Miller, Mgr. 93LTN49-tfc. 2 LARGE FURNSHED ROOMS. RENT very, reasonable. 518 Park Avenue, Wilrnette. 93LTN17-ltip WANTEU 'To RNT-APARTMENT* SMALL APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM, .bedroomn and kitchenette byr regpon- sible party. Write A-114, Box 40, Wil- mette, Illinois, 'LT17-1tp WANTED TO RENT-FUEN. APTS. PARTY WITH EXCELLENT REF-ý erences wiàhes.5 or 6 room cojnpletely furnlshed apartment. 1 year lease or longer. Reasonable rentaI. Address A-124, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. îît FOR RENT-HOUSES DESIRABLE ,RENTALS 9 IROOM HOME, 4 BEDRMS., 3 BATHS, heated sleeping porch, sun room, breakfast room, oil heat, 2-cargarage, large wooded lot near lake, school and Hubbard Woods station, ln S. E. Glen- eo0e. $125 month. 8 ROOM ENGLISII BRICK, 5 BED- roomas, 3 bathes, oil heat, 2-car garage att. in S. E. Highland Park, $125 nmo.. 7 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS, MODERN~ brick'honie, oil beat, att garage, Ige. corner lot, S. W. .Glenoe. 1126 mo. N. E. WINNE1'KA; COLONIAL; 6 bedronis., 4 baths, on large ianuscaped grounds in excellent location. $200 mo. SMITH AND GOJ-SS 725 Elm'et.,Winnetka Phone Winn. 3600 97LTN17-ltc 10rs,4bail 3 cg............ $17S 8 rms., 2 bË., ohl, 2 c............ ... 126, 7 rmis, 2%, b., o0,1i g..........120 8 rms.., 2 .bo., ohl, ulp. pcb.......115 6 rms., 1 b., sun pch., oll, 1 c.g...... , 7 rms., 1%~ bs.,, 11, 1 c......75 6 rms., 2 bs., 8ufl pch., 2 cg....7-à 5 rmu., 1 b., sun pch., 1 c.g............6 6 rms., 1 b., ser. pcb., ohl, 1 C-... ...55 4 rms., modern apt.,.heated.......... 50 WILMETTE-On the lake wlth private beach. 9-roomi stucco, 2 bathà, oil, heat. 2-car-garageý *McGUIRE & ORR, Inc., Ovet' 40 Years of Dependable . Service 328 Park Ave., Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 13 1JI&

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