Charmtng brick home, 7 rmm., -3 baths . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .$ 6 GLENCOE-HKGHLA.DPARK.$6 4 bedrm., 2 bath home, choîçe loca- tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 Attr. Frenach Colonial 9 rms., 4 baths, 2-car gar. and also avallable fur- ntohed. ...... ............. . $150 FOR COMPLETZ-LIST CA,L BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 522 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf- 1855 iHllycourt 1855 5113 PARK DRIVE, kENILWORTH, Kenlworth 4185 Rogers Park 6151 34î PARKC AVENUE, GLENCOE Gleneoe 155i4 Briargate 1855 CHOICE RENTALS EVANSTON-Cen. loc. attr. home 4 bedrmns., 1%, ba. auto. hit...... ... $100 ýMod. brc. ln Lincolnwoôd-3 bedrmns., 1% bha., 2 pchs.,ou ht .... ........$1f00 WILýMETTE-EX. east loc. 6.rms. 3 bedrms., auto. ht., nice yd .........:$75 N. E. Sec. Colonial, 6 hedrms., 2 ha., auato. .ht., 2-car gar....... $115 WINNETKA-East side. Mod. Eng. brk. 4 hedrms., 2 ha., pch., oul ht. $125 Blk. fom -Lakte,1 Brk. Co]. 4 bedrms., b ~ a., brkfst rm.,, oil ht. att. gar. $135 OPEN EV ENINGS -7 TO 9 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 524 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Wilinette 3740 Greenleaf 1166 97LTN17-ltc RENTALS 6 R. Stueco, East, Sept. 1........ $ 65 7 R. Eng. Stucco, 1% baths, oh ._ 75 8 R. Framie, 3 baths, ou .. ..100 8 R. Col,, 3 baths, fine home._....100 il R. Col., 5 baths, Ige. lot .....125 X R: Eng. Brick-Riparian 300 HILL & STONE 543 Lincoln Ave. Winn. Tel. Winn. 1544 97LTN17-ltc- LOVELY MODERN STONE COLONIL hlouse. Very: cheerful. 4 mias. bed- rooflis. 2 nias. baths (col . tie>, 2 nds.. inis. and bath. Sunrm., brf. Ém., lst fi. Toil. and lav. 011 ht. 2-car att. gar. 1/ acre. Unusual value, $135 imû. Also * for rn uradfor sale 53Linceoln Av-enue Winnetka 3450 97LTN17-ltc- UNUSUAL MOEiERN BRICK HIOME, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, built-in gar. Conv. l ocaithon. $85. * 6 RM. BRICK HOME, NEARLY NEW. 6 RM. HOME, 2 GLAZED PORCH-E.S,, gar., good location. $60. .KROLL & SMITH 424,.LUnueat Avenue Wiîniette 500, 4 bedrnas, 3 batha, -Sun a] 011 heat. Att. gar. $125. W GOOD 6 RM. I*OUSE, H.W. garage. Wili decorate. . $40. Phono Wilantte 1660.,1 mette. .lk p i RFA 1619 Sherman Ave.. Greenleaf 2700 OWNERS ATTENTION Reliable tenant wishee 3 master bidrms., 2 baths, maid's ,rm. and bath, living rmi.,- and library or sun .rmn., large kitchen, reasonable rent. Give ail de- tale in first l>etter., No agents. Write A-117, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 99L417-ltp) RESPONSI]BLU., T E N A N T WANTS modern 7 room house. Must have 4 bedrms., 2 baths.. State, kinid of heat and ;ent, also date available. Will con- sider a later date. Write, À-123, Box 40, Wilmette, .111. THRBEE OUT-OF-TOWN FAMILIES have asked us to tlnd themý houses. If you have a 6 or. 6 room house for relit at not over $85 piease phoneý RALPI- M. JAEGER WINNETKA 9074 99LTN1-,-tp WANTED TO RENT, OR BUY-4 BED- room house, 2 bath.- Owner only. Wllmette to Southeast ýWinnetka. Write A-121, Box 4b, Wilmette, III.LTNî-ît WANTED 2TO LNT BY OCT. 1ST, -Houe--3 or 4 bedrooms, good loca- tion, near sehool. Âddrese A-105, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 99LT17-ltp WANTED TO RENT-FURN. HOUBR %,ERY DESIRABLE ADULT FAMILY of 3 want modern house with 4 bed- î,ooms, 3 bathis, oil heat and 2-car garage f ir 9 months to 1 year. Excellent North Shore references. Will pay $1,50 tu $200 lier mo. Miss Cook. . BAUMANN-COOK L55:' inAve. Winnetka 3ý)450 lO1LTN17-ltc FOR rSA-E-NoufS» *HOME VALUES 7 ROOIIS'rTUCCO- ON EXTRA WIDE and deeli lot, '3 bâths, -r garage, ut ow of $12,500. s t STUCC'(O COLONIAL EAST WIN- nletka, 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2-nd fi.; imaîd's rrn. and bath on 3rd'; H. W. heat, gairage, $13,500. 8 R. MOL) . RED BRICK (ON TILE> Colonial hme with slate rooMf; 5 bed-ý r0oomjs, 2iý baths, suit and Apî. »chs. -.W.(oil) heat, double garage, grounds large enough for~ another home; at price of $ i6,500., HILL & STONE 543 Iicoln -Ave., Winn. Tel. Winn. 1544 T r'XAT I T)flÎe 1725 El 4-tfct Street, ENGLISFÏ FRAME. 8 Rooms. Sleeping Porch and Sun Porch. H. W. 011 Heat. 1-Car Attached Garage. On a nicely wooded lot. ....$14,000 4 Bedrooms. 1 Bath and lavatory. 2 Glazed Porches. H. W. Oul Heat. Recreation Roomn in Baseinent Priced FRAME COLONIAL. A Bedroonis. 2 Baths. 1 Lavatory. H. W.ý Coai Heat. 1A-Car Garage. Close to Lake Priced at....... .. .......... $12,500 Our PHOTO-TOUR of Homnes includes properies ail long the North'Shore both for sale, and for rent. We invité you to inspect our properties b,.% this qulck- andt effective method. Now is* an oppiortune, time to purchase vacant bioth for investment and building purposes. R. B. WHITAK<ER Co. 140 CENTPER ST. WINNETKA 3250 OPEN WEE1k DAYS 9 TO 9 111LTN17-1tc- VACANT: Beautiful large lot facing SKOKIE GOLF COURSE, surrounded by fine homes,' private entrance, perma- nent view of the gorgeous sunsets,, 14lx243,, we.will finance building_ $12,000 2bloeks to LAkE, beautiful IrAPESTRY brick onivell wooded lot 10àx200. 8 at- tractive rooms, 3% baths, sun and sleiep- ing porches, oil heat;.2-car gai'. $22,500ý NEWLY BUILT -Kenilworth- White Brick, Colonial, CLOSE to' transporta- tion. 4 spacious bedr6ooms, large closets, 3 tiled baths; oil heat With, complete AIR CONDITIONING.' Attached 2-car garage.......................$17,500 North -East Glencoe in Senii-private street.. Red. Brick Colonial on beauti- fully landscaped, lot 62x320 ft. 6 bed- rooms, a baths, sun and sleeping, porches. Attached garageý JUST DEDUCED, TO...............1,0 1ilLTN17-1th i g- t Large.Wooded Grounds SPECIAL OFFERING NICELY SITUATED AMONO, FINE OWNER LEAVING CITY WISHES TOq Shomes, this attractive' brick house han liquidate holding~s at a price attractive seven ooms, two baths and a sun room. to buyers in today's market. Three prop- The yard le spaclous and beautlfully erties including a 6 rm. brick home, au landscaped. with many ehrubs and large brick two-apt. bîdg., 6 rmis. each, and trees. If you are interested in finding a wel loae vacant zoned for 3 apLs. nice home reasonably priced it wîîî pay Caîl 'Mr. Erickson for further details. you to eee this. Sales price $22,5()(.-THE BILLS REALTIY, Ie. RentaI $125 per month. Location 445 591AI TEASO GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE. ShoWII ila529tDAVIS740 , reNSTON 11 at any time byappointment. lii11X70 (.reLTNf116t<; 151SemnAve. Uni. 2600Q T'TTT,,IE T PLOCATION 111'.Nl7lt IlH>RN EIGHT 1101fHOM-M hed1r<oiiis, 2 1), . on. 21d floor,. suit NORTH SHORE'S BFST-B(UYS roomn. (as heut, 2-car att. garage, S. E. WINNICTKA WELL ARA(E>ieautifia1l lot 66X20() feet. , edwcell fromr .and bilt 8 rm., bric'k, 4 ern.ii, $22,50t0 to $12.500. N1 baths, screened porcli, gar. att., *il. SH-ORE- 1OWTNS $15,500. Want offer, E LT O P S.ý E. WINNETKA N[0)1,RN ~~iu$'4ofl (Jre.27u constructed tapestry brick, Slarv îiirŽNî'-1te- rms., 31/2bath s, 1oil, -car, flagstone Iter- .bî,k -.stio,6 race, recreation room. Owner niust sei. I <HENCOE -3 oc; froni,-týkin For inspection and price caîl. 1. . -bat, $6,h'tI 5carg1 E. E. STULTS REALTY C0 .... ... 1 . 46é iriétk Aveue jiUietk Noi ' $ - 350. Prî-e*'... . .....î.. .... j.... $7,004, ____________________-______ - )a~~RFEl.D -6-rooù-ibùngaýlow,, 2 5 BDROMS,3 BTHS bth,., oil ht. 1-OLC $9.200. PriCe-$11,6û4) $17,000, McGUIRE &,ORR, nc.ý Modemn Eng. brick and.1tone hse; it. mag Ove!' 40 yeaýrs oýf'Depenjdable Service new homes. «Many extra features- 125park Ae,(llenco*e Ph. GlenCoe 1;1 fireplace in living rooni andm nier bed- 1.LT 7lt îooni, butlerý'5, pantry, Ist fi. Toil. and O- lav ou t., -a brick gar. Less thai. Ž,ýN(RTlHSORE 6, 7. .D9ROl . $2,000 cash down, pay foi- balan(e hîke hbouses. Arnet e o-2 ia ent. . aetka Ave-, 7 1--, 2 bathis; 607 Wio »JX 1YiNX~.AJ.J~. Knilot'h,.9 rnis., 3 baths. Býatrga'i11s BAU AN -CO K i mlkF fferV Ph. 35001I-125 FIlm 111LTNi7-itc 00 FOR QUICK SALE, COMF. ome choice loc.,- 7 rms.,, 2-car àt- hed gar. 2 screened porches. 4 bUta. s., churches, trans., 958 FPine St., nnetka, Phone 1484. .l1LTN16-Stpý TI-I& oz: '. MODEIRN S T U N brick. 6 bedroomsa, attached gar.; fine gi transp.- $25,000. Winr( lllTN1--te urauv w nnem88' ilLT1-lc1194. 1111, Lv1~ îîTN17-ltP G' ENGLISH }IUBBARD WOODS BRICK -COLONIAL s, oil ht., 2-car 6 rmt. sun parlor, H. W. ht., 2-car gar.. s; nr. schools, Large wôoded lot, near lake, echool and 53. . transp. Owner Gleneoe,1476. IIILTN17-lte . 11LTN17-ltP