th hosita fl5l. tIcontinue extensve charity work for the coming year. Towns of Niles Center and Morton Grove have been requesteci to co- operate in the tag day as well as the towns along thelake. The. complete ýe*ecutr1ve commûittée will bé namied tomnorrow. 1 VACAT1OeS HERE Harrington Mitchell who is etg-' ployed in the metallurgical, depiart- ment of thée Illinois Steel company in Soulth Chicago.has beeni spending bis vacation the past week witb bhis mother, Mrs. Nelly C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue. While he was .here, he and bis mother motored to, St. Louis to: visit ber other son, Lieut. C. C. Mitchell Jr. BÂCK FROM MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brevitz and. family, 707 Kent road, Kenilwortb. retuneçl Tuesdây of last week f rom a fortnight's 'visit witb i Mr. Êrevitz' sister at ber farm near Kent City. Mich. Miss Marie Alice Shaughnessv of Wilmette, fiance of Arthur Keitli Brevitz, was their guest for a week. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. M. A. 1ollaiisbee and family, 2831 Blackhawk road, returned Friday from a motor trip in the east. They spent a fortnight visiting Mr. Follansbee's family. at Chautauqua. .1', and Mrs. Follansbee's family in Pour etûrth s h otr generotions are shotew in this picture which vias takept last uweek. .1 tihe g7014>are. M,'j. Johns Laubacis, of tiA- view road, Wilmsette; h er daughter, Ms,: John, N. Barre, 2644 Lincolnwood( d r i V e; h e r granddaughter, Mr$. Joseph M. Mal- get, and h e r greal granddouýghter, Joan, of Des plaiines. 2th Century Photo (Ke year.'~ S. BETTER FILMI MO VIE GUIDEI ,-A, Aduit;Y, youth, 13 to 18 F, farnil-; , C hildren, s t<)12 HOME FROM CRUISE Mr. and Mrs. Lea J. Orr and their daughters Leanna and Mary Jane of 1002 Greenleaf avenue, spent two weeks recently cruising on the yacht Montego on Long Island Sound. They also visited relatives at Black- rock and Southport, Conn. andà delpbia to visit Mrs. Ilrown's motner. ,They came home by way of. New York, stopping for sôme time .atWildwood on the New Jersey coast. CANAD IAÉ. VIS ITOR- Miss, Mary Ospreay is returning Monday to ber home. in Toronto, Canada, followingr a visit of several, weeks with ber, aunt, Mrs. .George A.. Tbursby, 1716 Hiihland avenue.. Miss Osprçay's mother, Mrs. William Dal- las, accompanied b ler, here and also visited Mrs. Tbursby for several days. RETURN PROM'NORTH Mrs. Thomas E. Sullivan, 336 Greg- ory avenue, returned Monday fr om a week's visit, at; Green Bay, Wis., wbere she ý was the, guest of her brother and sister-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heicher, and her niece .and husband, Mvr. and Mrs. Robert Ronthiolu. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Miss Isabel Macalister, 918 Ashland, avenue, bas tbree college friends, who. arrived Wednesday, visiting her. Miss Macalister graduated in June f rom the University of Colorado at Boulder. Mary Ellen Daily, daughter of Mfr. and Mrs. Orville Daily, 618 Tenthi street. entertained eight girls Satur- Monday from a ten-day visit at E~au Claire and Hayward, Wis. Tbey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weston Davies of Kenilwortb at Rock-Rapids lodge in Hayward. 0o Mrs. Henry Cutler, 407 Central avenue, and Mrs. joseph Allen Pear- son of Evanston left on .Wednesday of last week for Mexico City. Tbey typical Wheeler and Woolsey farce for the faniily. September 1 and 2--The Virgin- ian." A delightful revival for family entertainment. September 3-4-5-'Charlie Chan in Egypt.'l Engrossing mystery story. for A and Y. Not for nervous C. Teatro delLago Mason J. Clarke; 931 nue, sailed last ThurÈ York on the Aquitan business and p1easure He will visit relatii mnouth, England, and1 go, to Paris. 0o A party of five, inch. Renscb, Mrs. C. R. Sn ter Schur and Mrs. A. 1Oakwood ave- day from, New nia for a brief trip in Europe. les, in Boumne- then expects to, ig Mrs. Paul iMrs. Wal- 1 41 A- Mrs. Victor B. Scott, 825 Forest avenue, was hostess at luncheon Sat- urday at the North Shore Golf club when she entertained the menibers of ber bridge 'Club, Mary Macalister, caughteçr of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalist er,' 918 Ash- land avenue, returned -last Week froni a summer spent at Camp Nagawicka at Delafield, Wis.- tonl,1). .- Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Stewart their three childten Peter, Bill, SHelen (Mu f) are rnoving today f 30 Ashland avenue 'to South B Inmd. mn in in luionor oiU. d, Ijarvis. of Evanston married August 31. 0 Philip Vaughan Bright, 731 'Ashland Mrs. A. T. Hansford, and avenue, returned last Monday from Wesland, and daugbter, the Presbyterian bospital where he 40 Seneca road,. returned. bad been for. three weeks followilg' >m a Tour weeks' motor trip an ooeration. He is now convalescing Mont. satisfactorily. 'p f2 i