Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 1

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)N OF LOYERS A ma te ur and Prof essional Growers to, Vi~ for Honors at Winnetka Show Aristocrats of the dahlia, fainil3- tbroughout the Ch icago area and par- ticularly the north shore. are being gnoomed 'for exhibition, at the first 'annual dahlia show to be held in. W-innetka Communitv House, Satulr- day and 'Sunday,ý September 7 and 8, und.er the auspices of the Aiericani Gardeners' association. Scores of 'en tries. have alreadyf been received ini the various classifications for the many cioveted pnizes îvhich include fiv-e large silver cups. The as- sociation expects to have the cups *on dispiay in cetitrally iocated store Windows in1 the north shore villages, hv the end of this week. Many Amateurs',Entered Entries ini the amateur clas's have already been received f rom gnowers i B arrington. Park Ridge, Lake Forest, Evanston and Chicago., Pri- vate gardeners have also assured the as sociation management tbey wiIl make extensive exhibits. and the com- mercial. growers,. iikewise. are mani- *festing much interest ini the coming 'show. The Vaughan Seed company is the latest in this classification to enter. The exhibit. it is announced, will also be featured by a number of 'new' *vanieties, not hieretofore 'seen ini this community. Outstand.ing .aàmong th-ese there wili bc one *which 'is said to be the. nearest approach to a blue dahlia that has been attained ,so far, The namie of this niew specimeni is, the Sirius, which, because of its lust- rous beauty is namned after the brigbt and simiao! star. The Sinu ii lb Business Wilmette and Winnetka Cham- bers of Commerce -Sponsor An innovation ini basebail that promnises to attract. several thousand fans, is bookëd for the Village; Green (west of the Howard ýschool) in Wil-, mette. Sunday afternoon, September 8, at 2:30 o'clock., This will be a softball game, .with mnembe rs of the Wilniette Chamber of Com merce pitted against members of the Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce to determine the Donkey, Base- bail championisbip of the north shorc -if pot of the entire universe. As Jindicated, donkeys-or burros, if v-ou pre fer - Will be employedý througbout this game. Every player participati ng ini the.conflest, exceptirig oniy the pitcher and catcher, will per- formi athwart the back of a donkev wbich bas been schooled in the intri- cacies of obstinacy and obstreperous-' ness. As may bîe inferred, the -use of these unyielding beasts make this game what it is, or isn't, thus calling for a - complete revision of basebali rules. WVe list some of the governing precepts:> The Rules 1. As mentioned, everybody. par- ticipating 'in the game, save only the pitcher and catcher, must ride a donkey .. 2. There, will be nine players. 3. The game is played by time, in- stead of the "three-out" rude. Eacb team takes the field for 10 minutes and then changes sides. 4. Iiach batter performns front stand- Termi.nate, Union Sevices Sunday at Con g'l Church The closinoe union service of the iDon key Bail Game ing position on the ground, but Must niegotiate al bases on- donikey-back..' ,5. When a bal is propelle.d to the outfield., the filder m'ust catch the bal (if a fly bail) while mounted'on his burro. If not:in position, to make the catch, he shall ride bis, burro witbin' 3'feet of the bail, dismount-, get the biail and remount before, tbrowing the bail into tbe infield. Hie can also ride the burro to the infield and make the putout by throWing or banding. the bail to the nearest player. 6. Exicept in the. case of a. forceout plav' or catugbt bail, the putout mnust be made. b- tagging the runner (not. the donikey). 7. An infielder. is perinitted to disa- Mmut from bis charger to hatidie a grounld ball, but nutist remnount before makinig a play. ~8.'Alufly halls must be caughit while the player is seated upon bis donkey, except ini the instance of the pitcher and catcher. 9. The pitcher cannôt. make any putouts on any base. lie shall be per- mittéd to catch fi3-' hall 'w-hile in bis. playinig position. e 1' The runner is allowed to take,.as many bases as hc cat il upil hc is prop- envy put out, as iii aniv ordinary bal gaine. Il. If any filder sha ' ltbrow the bal w-hile off bis burro, the runnen shail be declared safe. 12. Spurs shalltiot bec aliowed. Managers of the rival aggregations will be. A. C. Pearson, Jr., president of the Wiliette Chamber of Comn- merce, and Abe Fell, president of the Wýýinnietka Chamber of Commerce. Furtherý Details Later Further details of the game will l, 1publisbed ini next. weekc's issue. Severai othber niovelty features are planned for the initer-village frolic which will bc announced later. M/ 5E Pl@6; AWARDS Attendance .Is.,,Approxianately - 110,000; Children Given Pr'o- ficiency Emiblems. The closing day, for, the -Wilmeétte Bathing beach'thisyear is to be Fnl- da y, September . 6. Beach-'Mmaster Clyde O.* Grater requeststhat ail the owners of umbrellas and beach chairs left at the bath-bouse cail for them on, or before Tuesday, Septembeir 3. The attendance for the season on the beach bas been approximately 110,000. Tbroughout the season the 1,831ý memibers checked througb' the bath-bouse 73,496 tiMes. The laigest dav, Sunday., August 11, was marked by an attendatice of 4,669. No Patalities The corps of life-guards, Edward Howard, John Hohues, Charles Ull- rich, Haldane Wilson and Donald Patton were cailed to the rescue of 23 flounldering citizens, all'23 of whom were successfully carnied to shore. On two occasions life-guards were summnoned to Gage's Pier, 800 yards -north of the beach, to assist in recov- ering the bodies 'of two individuals wbo bad drowned off the pier. Gage's Pi'er is situated 'on private property and is beyond the boundaries 'of the Wilmnette Park district. Appr.çciate Improv.mmmts Two major improvemetits over pre- vious seasons w ere initiated by Mr. Grater. The parking area at the south end of the beach below Wash- ington park wbich b fas been., appre- ciated by the mem.bers and offers q 1uick acces s to the bathing beach and bath-bouse;', and the improl'e- ment of lighting facilities for the late bathers, offening illumination for, the eiitire 'beach and over the water. Adequate 'facilities are provided for Y.>~~M. tember 5., Superintenclent i s t e r Secretary Bird explained this week Josephis reports that 150 registrationsI that the asSociation is arranging to have already been recorded. TheI have an 'expert at the show to give schooi serves students from Chi- free information on dahlia culture. to cago, IEvanston' and ail north shore anyone desiring it. - ' villages.' Cali, WILMETW 4300 Ask for Ad-Tajker I Note:- Econorny Shôpp' 15cotiducted by the Womnan's Club, ot Wllmette.

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