Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1935, p. 3

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Monday, September 9, will. speli' finis for long, sumfner days which en- folded New Trier Higb school in a, kind of lullaby' languor. Thie:buildings, spick and span, will be quickened to eager life as the 1935-- 36. tern, opens that day Already -the air at New Trier is chargedil with a: kind of excitement. f)ecorationshave beencompleted in tlie.roorns of the addition, which seem alimost anxious for .tbhe return of the students. The auditorium, :thorough- ly and artistically renovated, can hardly* ,ait to greet the students at the first assemiblies and dfamatic productionis. In fact, everything" seems to be pointing to making that. irst day of school as profitable as *possible.. Dean& Invite, Interview* I iiorder -to keep ,every .student f rom having his. first day mnarred by needless "red tape" Frederjck A. Kahler, dean of boys, and Miss Elisa- beth E. Packer, dean of girls, an- noince that they will be in their re spective offices at New Trier on Tue sday, Wednesday and Thursday rnornings o f next week to take care of new registrations and other prob- lems that students may find imminent before the openitig of school. Miss Packer and Mr. Kahlen will be in their offices for consultation next -week also on Friday and Satunday miornings after 10 :30 O'clock. Opent Book Store More good news for students who *want to lose no time in getting start- ed is giv.en by David E. Johnson, head of the commerce department, Who announices that the New Trier book store will be open from 9 to 12 o'cl.ock on the monnings of Thursday, Friday and Satunday next week. He urges eveny student to take advantagie of this oppotunity. The earliest Nçw Trier puipils to *get down to business, however, will be the football candidates who have instructions from Coach W. J. Aschenbach to report for practice several davrs .before school opens. These three gentlemen are assuming a heavyv bülrden tof twsponsibility i.J connectionw ith Préparations for -the first annuttal Dahlia shoivto be held j1 .l Winiieîka Commniiv House, Septemiber 7 an-d 8, mnder the auspices.of the Amnerican Gardeners associationi of which they are* off icers. Prom lef t to ri.qht- U Watter Kieback, *hcad gardepter on the H. Bon Htoozier estate at 1801 Green BPay road, Glencoe, pýresdent; L. E. Bird >of Wiltette, head gardener on heW B.Iaiesata 900 Mounit Pleasaitt street, Winnetka, srecretary; George Brave, hrad.gardenier on the, Johut Shua.rt esta te, 99U Sheridan road, tWinn;etka; vîice-presidenit. *Détails regardinigthue show, to- be. held in co'- operation wtilh fi.nietka: Comn il3' tHouise.wil be, foiund elsew-here ii thins'issute. On the Cover The original froi hich the reproduction of a Dahlia bloom appearing on the cover of tliis issue was made, came to us throughi the courtesy of Harry L. Flentye. Jr-. of 729 Lake avenue, Wilmiette, Wvho for severat- y-ýears lias imade the culture of dahilias his hob-. by. Mr. -Flentye bas produced numerous varieties, ineluding th-e blossoin on the cover which bears the naine "Ide- ver-w,ýarner," and is çlescribed as* a fornial decorative varietv. Hindleys Return From ..Tour to Pacific Coast The Rev. and Mrs. John G. Hind- ley and their daughter, Beth, 1035 Lake avenue, Wilmette, returned on Tqcsday fromu a month'5 motor trip to the Pacific coast. They visited relatives in Spokane and Seattle, Wash., and in Vancouver, B. C. Other highlights of their trip were visits Underpass Approved asVWPA Improvement Kenilwonth Village officiaIs have been advised thîat'among the Cook county WPA projects approved by the~ federal public workfi administra- tion is the pedestnian underpass op- posite the joseph Sears school, which wiIl extend the entire distance from the east side of the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee electrie line prop- erty to the west, side of Green Bay, road. It is understood that the contractý for this improvement is to be let not laten than May 1 oi next year. Ths inroec't has 1lnnz oen utinder t he counity $6,500, seems to be assure( Public Sehool Pupils S Back at Desks Sept. 9 The grade schools of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka agd Glencoe, as well as New Trier High school, will open the 1935-'36 term Monday mornn. September 9. Glencoe, Off eri ng to 2,000 persons while reg- istered for a class in music apprecia- tion an opportunity to hear the inest musical artists of the world, the Uni- versity College of Northwestern uni- vensity this week announced a cogrne in the "History and Enj oyment of Music," for which the general Public mnay register, that is a striking inno- vation in educationaàl circles. Dr.. Sarnutel N. StevenIs, dean of 'the Univ'ersity college, which is one of the evening school divisions of the uni- versity on the downtown McKinlock, campus,-,blas completed a co--operative arrangement .wÎith the Auditorium theatre, whereby, on ten evenings during the coming fal! and winter, this huge concert. hall will 'become a University college classroom. WM IHear Stars Famed soloists, the San Canlo Opera company, the Chicago Symphoniy or- chestra, the Moscow Cathedrel choir, and the Ballet' Russe, each accomn- panied by an interpretative lecturer, will constitute a course in the enjoy- ment of music for which academic credit can be obtained by the auidi- enenembers. if desired. Individuals who register for thisý remankable course will hear Lucrezia Boni, Metropolitan Opera soprano, on October 12; two operas by the San Canlo Opera company on October. 22 the Moscow choir Charles Thomas, baritone, onù Deceni- 7;Albert Spaulding, violinist, on December 19, and Manian Anderson, contralto, on January 26. Bring Noted Lecturers Pneceding each concert,ý Prof. Feix' Borowski, noted conductor, composeër," and lecturer, and Olin Downes, music cnitic of the New York Times, wil lecture on the evening's prograîn material and will offer additional coin- - --Editorial-News-Comment 26 taled 430 pupils. TEACHERS MEET SEPT. 7 Houme and Garden ....... 38 I UHRNPLI The Wilrnette public -schools will Hxi Mdrnzg....IHNyKaHleRNberg oftCicg J. R. Harper announces that on Sat- N. S. Persoualitie....... 23 Lutheran Theological Seminary wil unaSpebr7, a meeting for aIl Real Estate News ....... 35 occupy the pulpit at the Wilmette teachers wàI be. held at the Stolp Society Page..... 283 Engtilih Lutheran church Sunday' sehol lîraryat 2o'clck.morning, September 1, at Il o'clock. The North Shorc will hold no meetini tember 2, (Labor .1 [ING 'arden center 4fonday, Sep-.

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