Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1935, p. 28

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Tolphnt IKTRAL 335 SUBSCRI ION: $2 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS Ail communications and contributions intended for publi- cation nuit heur. the name and addréss of the author, not. necessarily for publication, but for our file$.- Such mterialý must reach the editor-by Tûesday noon te be in time for the current issue. ONEIsToo MANY, Biliy Broad was anl active, healtby, normal north shore boy, 14 years oid. He enijoyed'ail the ad- vantages of this f avored Section. He was. not under-. privileged.î He. was bon into .<oe of Wilmnette's finle families, the founders of which recognized their rightful:obligations, to the community and to their cbildren.' He was not subnormai, but unusually in- teligeit, ai.so a fa mily characteristic. On ebrother had just wSon-a scholarship to Northwestern univer- sity, and another to Princeton. He bad an attactive personality and ai happy, chéleerful disposition, neyer lacking for playmates. and winning f rienids easily among aduits. In short, hie was just the sort of boy, with just the sort of backgrountd, w~hom onie would expect to grow into splendid manhood. But during the care-free vacation days BilISr, like so many other boys of bis age, without recogizj7ng the dangers' incuirred, indulged in the practice of "booking on" to trucks or automobiles while riding bis bicycle. Last Tbursday sorething bappeiied, no one knows what, Billy and bis bicycle fell in front . of a rear wheel of a truck, and bis life was sacrificed to a practice that should be probibited by iaw. 1 T is scarcelv to be wondered at that boys fail to de.ly al the iaws tiet%. i'vt> oru uiav ars u streets and higbways. 'l'be important thing niow is for Village offciels to take ,,nmediate steps to prevent a recUrrence of the regrettable accident. which cost the life of -. a: Proinising ýboy and brought sorrow to bis familyi Ordinancesshould be piassed at once niaking "hook-: ing on" to trucks and other vehicles a misdemeanor,. and then these ordinances should be'rigidly enforced. If this be doue,, and boys prevented f rom placing their lives in jeopardy, the saving of other boys may in sotne measure compeusate the bereaved parents ln the neXt fortwy yars are Iscoa I a su wit study 0of this question;, the first is, that people live longerta upetu eeations and the second là that there han been a. progressive de,ý dîne lW the excessaof. births over deatha. In. 1870, we haît but .1 million people over 65 ; lu 1900 there. were 4 million; ln 1935 the estimate is 7,200,000 and ln 1975, statistica exipits estîmate that there .willl be 20,000,000. Tweuty, years ago, the, excessa of blrths- over deathe was about. il, per hundred thousand of population. TÈhishJas dropped toi6 and ln the next 40 or 50 years, experts agaîn estimate that, it willi balance so that our population wlfl remhain more or les$ stàtlonary, when, It reache.Q 150,000.000. If and wben thîs ever happens, It will greatiy aý,ggraVate our national prob.lerflq.". SCHOOL DAYS- Next Mlonday will usher in the 19352'36 school vr.To -grade ani higb schooils %i01 trudge thon- sands of children, bocks under arms, somle reiuctantly. others with rigbt good wiil. To soine it will be tihe irst step i tbe pth of -earning, while otlier wil he sitnply taking up duties dropped witb anticipatorN pleasure at the beginning of the summer vacatiôn. *Many a niother will stand on the front porcb witb à peculiar sensation in ber heart as ber littie. one starts. braveiy for the school bouse, realizing that ber'baby. *is no longer a baby, and* that new associations and new experiences will bring a graduai thotigb per- sistent change until manbood or wonianhood is reached.. * Teachers. too, wiii return to their desks with feel- will be the usual proportion of bard-working, coin- petent students who attack tbeir studies with con- fidence and determination, destined to leàd their* classes and receive the commeudation of the superin- tendent and tbe board of education. Then there will be tbe backward ones who are slow to grasp and solve the daily problenis, and wbo will require extra attention and infinite patience on the part of instruc- tors. And then there will be another group, smaller ini nunibers but fully capable of keepiug thé f act of their presence coustantly before tbeir teachers. These ad tions that will surely be opeà to thei mdandthe world gets. back to normal. eones who are es to fil posi- when America *for home .constnlpttin, apparernîly. We get quite a kick out of the Washington syn- dicate correspoients. "Now, you may think so and so about so and so, but bere's what actually hap- pened," say these wise boys, who probàbly'doni't know a bit More about it than you do. But they get paid for, sayi g it. é Our condolences to the. Beigianis for the. s&ond recent ac'cidentai death iii the royal fatniiiy, who. whatever we may 1tbink of ro yal, families. appeàr tco hie real quality folks. Grownups will bave to look lively on their a to work* Moniday if they, keep f rom'becoming tangi&d up withthe screeching, screaming, laughing, tumbling younigsters who will .be-coming anid going in: and from ail direc- tiobe df or school.; Yes', vacation* days. are over and happy childhood, rejuvenated by a sunimer. of play in. parks and forest preserves and on the beaches, wviI1 settle down to thc bunidrumn life of the school- rooni. LuckY littie feliows, if only they know it, tu bave n( mor e, serious responsibiliti.e,,- than to study and recite.A ~ '* too 5001 will corne theedo school days and the beginning of the battie f .r success, and nione sbould begrudge them the freedonm and pleasures of playtirne. Look wbere yon step. though, Monday morning. There is sure to he ()ne or more of themn in your way. -The only chain letter we've heard of with ant ounce of sense init is. tbe one an Oklahoma' City, Oklahoma, mother instituted to keep track of ber children after they left home. It ..works;. and no money is lost. The Presidet, ii a radio talk t-o BoyScouts Iast week, said that "I Can*'ts" batk'thecosiuon On the ôther hand "You cani't," spoken by thec Spreme court, gives i free rein. California, rich in IiPIC and Dr. TÉownsend, is denying admission to persons without means of support. That's siiply i.nhuman,.nothing less. Congress, has departed, "unwept, unhonored and another week or two tiiey can change 'em to LCan' Buy Meat." So long 1 See you later. TITE PIIANTOM RiU'RTËR.

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