assortmnent of 1934 reserves and the usual complement of hopef ut sopho- myores, the' Wildcats' mentor will fashion his 1935 eleven. .Ine bis invitation, Coach Waldorf impressed. upon each payer the im- portince of reporting in. the. best phy sical condition, pointing out that the sc edule o'fered a* real challenge to every man tobe ready to. give'bis best. LOue Stelle, Talent Wheà the players assemble at D)yche stadium for the first workout, eleven lettermen from last year. will be absent. Six of, this group. were regulars whose ioss will be keenly feit., They are AI Kawal and. Ed Whalen, first string guards for. two ycars; Harry Leeper, excellent de- fetisivé end; Jim Green, 225 pound tackle, and George Potter and Freddyl Lind ewbo shared the, qurterback position. Several important* problemns con- front the new coaching staff. Firat and foremost is developing a lime with sufficient speed. The material is St band for two heavy lines but as is usuaily the case in such a situation, the big fellows are slow on foot. The principal concerfi in the backfield is the lack of a triple threat player. Among the candidates are players who can run. some who cankick and sever- the fastest mani on the team, appears as the quarterback choice. He is a luiir and had some experience calling signais ast season. Ollie Adelman, a junior, who Iooked impressive in spring practice, and Don Heap, one of the beat of the sophomore backs, will push Swisher for.the job. SNorthwestern usually turns up with a bard bitting fullback. This season should prove no exception since Hugh .Duval 200 .nound husky,. one of the £mea aa a E ic very, reserves sast yeair, and Mîke Calvano, sturdy sopho- more, head the right ýgvard aspirants. Und for Cesnter Co-captain* AI, Lind, small but ag- gressive, is the first choice for the center position. Other candidates ini- clude Leon Fuller, letterman in 1933, who was out list year as a réesit of an aippendicitis operation; Ray Arta- basy, who. won bis letter asla, sopho- more iast year and Leon Wegner,,6 foot 1 inch .sophomnore, 1who bids',fair, to .give the others a. real fight, for the position. The end positions constitute the biggest problem. Tbree lettermen, oniy one of wbom ,was a. regular last year, are returning, whiie thé sopho- more ranks did flot produce any out- standing. candidate. 'Bill Henderson, rangy six footer, who is a good pass, catcher , lu a fixture at left end. lHis best understudy is "Babe" Bender, guard on the basketball team, who played bis first football in spring practice. He is 6 foot tali and weighs 185 pounds. John Zitko and Henry Longfellow, reserve ends last year, and Glenn Evers, 6 foot 5 inch sopho- more, will fight it out for the left end position. an' extended visit in Wilmette. 'Mr.. and Mrs. James E. Tarleton, and son, James, 1125 Ashiand avenue, returned Saturday froni a montb's trp to Virginia, Minn., where they visited Mrs. Tarleton's relatives. -- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacFarland, tDorothy and Bartiett, 54 Crescent *4'akk s. ..ii. . . peop. le i O, In epemSiom onU. lng tihe adves* of faou . . .end lim nécesslfy for new SMoigs for a new season. Shoppers wilII And maumy ; back t. school" itemis for the. chiu- drea aswel as new andseago bible merchanidis. for ofimer of ,y f yin tiisweeks egs of Our .Advertisers, ADVERTISER Alrport Taveni .............. ta Alry Fairy Cake Fleur ....... m AMax Shingle & Mod.emnl.lng Co. 88 Albilgit Beauty Shop ........I Balrd £ Warner ............8Se .....h...... .. ..... illly Boy Nat Kitchen .......45é Biann Phariaacy..... ........ 9 Bioom..HaIift Dess Site>........ 8 Bonnem, The Tallr...i........41 Book !<ok...............84 Boulevard Drug Store...... 4,10. Bruaun Bros. 011 Co..,.58,Covet 1v Bryant & Stratton Coilege .2 Burns Toggery ............... & Central Y. M. C. A. Collage .. . .8* Cha ider's ................. 8 coulette Co-Op, The ........ ......... lt Cosette Slumberwear....... ai Davis Purnture Cratamen .. .0 DeXelda Beauty Salonx........ a En3rart, VanCamp £ Fou.8 Etlckson, Bon ......... ..... 41 Esther ileauty Shop.......... : Evanston ÂcademyeofPFin Evaistou Business Collem .Evelyn's Beu.uty Salon.- ne Arts388 PAGE ADVERTISER, PAGE Mount t Royal motel .......... Muin C............. $4,4 Natial cellege of Education -84 North Shere Montessori 8Sehgol.88 Northwestern University ...a 011 WeU, The.......... :...... 4 Okeau, m. e.Purriers,la...8 Oieti à Eban ..............:.4 Paao, D.....,......... Pec ci e. Creani.. .........I Petersent, E. marlou ......... 89 Pool h& ipe.................24 Publie service Ce ............ 43 Qulan A&yon .............88 Beuneckar ])rug Ce .......9, 81 80useh Warehouse ...........49 Rldge Avenue l'larjuacy ...... 8 SaIs lith Avenue........... I Sobleesseeîs........ ......I Setti Win. B ......... Cever ][Y Sharp Cerner lin............ 44 Suider-Camel Dreg Co........ 9 Shore uîne Clemuers.....8 Taber Mllllery.......... 14 Teatro del Lao. ............. 46 Termil 1Dairy ............ TInikea Sleat Automatie Co.. ,. .0 38~ Tufts, Margaret .............. 8 .44 Vulel, B. B.... ........... si battie for lef t tackle "will revolVe around three, huskies, Joe Chambers, TeMtescu fS.Jsp' a senior, 228 pounds; DeWitt Gibson, TeMtescu fS.Jsp' a junior, 225 pounds and Park Wray, church wii open the new year's ac- another, junior, 238 .pounds. Sami tivities this Friday eévening. in the, Paihthird year veteran and iiîght-' school auditoriùm. after chuùrch serv- est of ti. tacklecrop,, wetghinýg 185 ices. di8I4.. .. ... .. .. g Lord'....-....... ........... 21 LymnsPlimaty .........8,S,381 Mannerad, Ethel............. 4 .Marshall FIid à Ce ...... 18, 88 MesuLana Bron........ ........ 20 MIleu arwar............88 Wflmette State Banki ... . Cever Il Wflmette Theatre ... ........4d WILuer, Geo. B, lu..---.....24,2 Wolt's1Head Book Shep ...... 84 Wortele'. ......I..........