Serging Cail Wilmette 1200 Rugs washed on your floor by machinery. ot the new courses is instruction in the "Silk Screen Process." This process is now being used ini many types of arts and industries. These include plain Iettering, pictorial post- ers, printing of yard goods, cretonnes, velours, table cloths, napkins, scarfs, drapes, weIl hangings, wall p-aper panels, toy making and furniture dec- oration. The' class will be under the direction of John G. Wilkins. author of a comprebensive text book on design. The other course wiIl consist of a study on "Pbotograpby." The first. PREVENT EVAPORATION Scientists have discovered that cer- tain colors prevent evaporation if ap- piied to the, exterior .of oil'or gas storage. tanks. A light-painted tank loses much less in this way than a dark tank. Substantial savings are being effected by this' discoverv,. andi inany companies are taking advan- tage of it. FEATIURE LILÇ DAMITA, -iii Damita, the frecent bride of Errol Flynn whols now playingthe titte role in "Captain Bflood," bias ueu~ 33