tics. It snould not De iiec4Qw-arV w f any iman, wolnan or child 'to siitTe indefi nitely from ailments that coulg be cured either through niedical o %41 sUrg ical treatnient when hospital arce eilipped to provide such treal mneit -under the direction of a staf ofrecognized physicialis. Need Fùiids for Ch.irity Work Here the hospital is confronte( * with the. question: -Who wilpa, for this care if the patient cannot?ý 01lwiousIy, the incorne froni thosq %-,ho (Io pav is inadequate to cove, the expenses connected Nvith carini for tiiose wvho cail pay only Ili part o, ,iothing at ail. St. Francis hospita 5 PKOU. 21> .2 ~CANU 19 CELLÔ Ob- PKO. NO. 215 CAN S STOKELY'S FINEST CliiSauce..... E 15C ROYAL PRgNCE >ALL GREEN As ..aaaPER 2 ' CATI BLUE TAG FANCY IIucIkberries. PERt 1 S