players V iage board îeei,-a any action whiich iay residential streets." mienbers of the ýusly opposed to crease traffic on environs. AtmQost pursuits. we were wvaning. days ot su go to pot ini so fat :0 assume thiat, Nvitli the things were just left to garden, iawn and trees cre, hcwever, due for a OOST 0F SCHOOLS Particularly timely at the beginning of another achool vear, it seems to us, are some pertinent ian magazine ini res schools cost too mu Without further a time to do, ýe Most out They advise us to plant buit do it. TheY ins'ist that this isi "feed"' the trees on our lawm wçe <lote.: how to ýason to 'e us to gta lg ilU~kilCICout QI înat. Two New Dealers quarreling about a coupl. i easy money dams is somiething new. They are usual- Iy ail for anything that requires the spending. of znoney. But in this case one of P'em is interested ini some private dams. 'That niakes a difference.. In California they are going to put the dolerollers (uneniployed transients, they call- them) to digging gold for Uncle Sam, working mines tliat have been standing idie. Uncle Sam, you know, buys al the gold. e * *