two ctubi vards' cap.acity alid nvý- minutepkigrglto in the your active cooperation with us and dratiic hoist>. T'lie~ bids -aru to 1~ Therte are .20 tearni of boys plav- cuie pisrint. reua nWith hinm i anticipating and provid- ruc,,cd hy the clerk up s > ing football five nighits a w'eek at ____________district ing for the personal growth which 'olv thèda Wasinto an(l, anlid <tI)rt thI Greeage ilDayp o ...Geen Fu.da.I'nge. Dais reports. These WINS SCHOLARSHIP *rjuth ll o fi andr goiven 11cprt- teanis are divided into weigh.t classi- Berrv Berblinger, soni of Nfr.- and li yer t'th opening ui xers ini of pais ai he oardnweing F-r fic'ation,ý anîd p)lav f6 hcanpion- i Mrs. Willis. Perbliuger, 415 Teiith the fi 0preto h eha 44h ie Walt t bo r epotedg irea ship of their par ticuîlar divisions. I, str eet, is leaving Septeniber 25, for faer 40t rentl fh e wa s 6 per lie had hiad' a conmmicationî froîin abolit tlîree weeks scliool teanis \%ilth JiestofCigo hree cent representation at another mixer be 0rganizýd. ..will live at HIitchcock hall. He was liel i the spring. Nlr.. Persin~ re Willian Il. Scott, undertaker, coiiip-. . grdae inre ro-e ri ot liînenting the depar tinent on its fin(, grdureied i. yueafr's Nceolarsier tot.t lcir fthtw mxrso \v0rk ini a resuiscitation case Nvhich adrcie a' coasi ofrto h w ieso *sav' tIi f e of owe of. Mr.. S c ott's Relief Workers to Be the UniversitY.. Thursday. the .26th, the. boys from the sons . . Take OffJobsSoonCaton., Rolland Wehr, Paul Dela- Pra:ises Police Department 'l'ie NViMlge of Wilmette was no- ~ porte, GeorgeEwrsadMnrT Vilae aagr .1-. lttredtified bv .the Illinois Emergency Re A TE D Cbir;i w il attend with their fathers. a letter from Chester M. Zeif of,.h lief ad-isrii Mnhvt ~ ~ A ,.>~ ,J.u