indicate tiiat the present. rl cu 's urvïa vers puisnc an n %-i toward good painting, .saie, iltelli- cago Tribune. Both volumes were gent clrawing, and good color,". coul- issued. by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, nuentied Eleanor jevett with pleasure. Raviniia etcher. -Ablolt 10 years f rom ni1ow, this trend It ïighit be interesting for the pub- \%ill have filtered through to America, lic to know that Eleanor Jewett is 1 suppose, and we shall sec the sigris related to sundry well known folk, n paintings here." such as Prof. Richard T. Ely, Stisan She blamies niuseUmis andi art in- Gaspell. and 'Mrs. Edith McCormick. stitlntes for the persistence of nod 'I hese connections - she mentio*ied Crul art. '11iéy tend to folôw% the casually ini the course of conversation Cçrniegie foilldation in awardingiabout bookcs, universities, and so on. priziŽs. and the\- are ,on the lookout , BabyT.unmt.s Interview for .soietiillg inew, at the expetise! An interview with an art critic te oi thec conservative:. Xoi will find be c.orplete should include a tour of